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Maybe its just me...


Where's TJ Combo?
No, it is not.

Most MK players have a very high level of attachment to MK as a whole, that generally has to do with the lore and the general nature of the game. It's a gorefest of a fighting game, with ninjas, monks, sorcerers, royalty, and 4-armed giants.

And trust me, as fucked up as MK9 is, the fundamentals required to play it now are up there. In all honesty a lot of them understand footsies better than you do.


My blades will find your heart
Ok, cool. But I hope you learned more about footsies in 2 years from playing and watching than reading shoryukenpedia :p
I see what youre saying. Putting footsies into practice is definitely going to take a while, my point is with google people can at least know what it MEANS. Granted you can certainly learn it without knowing what exactly it is, but some people never learn and dont know what it is.


Since there is a block button you cant techincally cross up, because they will just keep holding block. With back to block if you jump over and they are still blocking the same way, your attack will hit.
I got that, but we'll both agree that making the statement he made on a technicality is quite silly considering how ridiculously good cross ups were in MK. So you can just hold block? Great, I'll enjoy my endless block strings that do chip damage and build meter.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Are we playing a game of "How Many Useful Threads Can Be Trolled To Death In A Week" and I wasn't invited?

Dear god.
All I read half the time now is bitching, moaning, and derailing, and a lot less leveling up and learning.
If you're gonna compete, you best start catching up instead of wasting time with semantics.

This game has turned this place into a damn high school cafeteria.

Who knows, maybe Ed Boon at EVO will reveal MK X so we all can drop the bomb on Injustice ;)

I would faint. I would fall on my fucking face out of my seat and faint.


My blades will find your heart
I got that, but we'll both agree that making the statement he made on a technicality is quite silly considering how ridiculously good cross ups were in MK. So you can just hold block? Great, I'll enjoy my endless block strings that do chip damage and build meter.
There were no cross ups in Mk though. A cross up is when your opponent has to guess which way to block. With a block button they dont, hence there is no cross ups.

Straight up jumping over someone is not a cross up. But yes it was really good in MK to jump over into pressure.


There were no cross ups in Mk though. A cross up is when your opponent has to guess which way to block. With a block button they dont, hence there is no cross ups.

Straight up jumping over someone is not a cross up. But yes it was really good in MK to jump over into pressure.
Which is why I said it's based on a "technicality."

We can call it a cross-up, crossover, or a jump over.. Whatever it is, it was ridiculously good in MK.


No, it is not.

Most MK players have a very high level of attachment to MK as a whole, that generally has to do with the lore and the general nature of the game. It's a gorefest of a fighting game, with ninjas, monks, sorcerers, royalty, and 4-armed giants.

And trust me, as fucked up as MK9 is, the fundamentals required to play it now are up there. In all honesty a lot of them understand footsies better than you do.
This can't the real reason?

Granted I'm not the biggest fan of MK's lore, or its gore, or even its characters. Frankly, it has always given me that try-hard vibe. Especially the characters, they seem like they were made by 12 year olds for 12 year.

"Hey you know what is cool? A dude with chains and spikes and he has like a skull face and spits fire and shit!"

It's like Lobo all over again. A joke that people actually enjoyed.

I respected MK9 for the game play only. which in a fighter is the only thing that really matters in the long run. Are some of these complaints from MK fans that miss the cheesy characters and gore and lore?
2.) Combo Breakers. Theyre dumb just on the basis of being rewarded eventually for taking punishment. I cannot stand comeback factors or anything that can give one a reward in which they havent earned.
disagree, you have to spend 2 bars to activate it which means...

you give up 2 EX moves,

You have to build those 2 bars by either having good pressure(which means you are being rewarded for good offense)

Or by taking damage, which means you gotta take full damage from moves to build your meter...

Please let me combo you until you build a breaker and lets see if thats' a "Comeback mechanic"

Because RIGHT after that, your gonna need to damage me and I will also build a breaker.

when it comes to taking damage to build a breaker... it's essentially a choice of "having a larger life bar, or using EX moves"

Hardly a come-back feature >.>;

You give up a lot to breaker, it's not a bad design.


This can't the real reason?

Granted I'm not the biggest fan of MK's lore, or its gore, or even its characters. Frankly, it has always given me that try-hard vibe. Especially the characters, they seem like they were made by 12 year olds for 12 year.

"Hey you know what is cool? A dude with chains and spikes and he has like a skull face and spits fire and shit!"

It's like Lobo all over again. A joke that people actually enjoyed.

I respected MK9 for the game play only. which in a fighter is the only thing that really matters in the long run. Are some of these complaints from MK fans that miss the cheesy characters and gore and lore?
The oversimplification of the characters is so disgusting I have to use the following dumb text talk. SMH.


The oversimplification of the characters is so disgusting I have to use the following dumb text talk. SMH.
I realize my post is gonna piss off MK fans, and it is an over-simplification, but the character designs have never appealed to me at all. So this is why my take on MK9 was simply from it's game play. I have no attachment or nostalgia for the series at all. I know some people do, and that is fine, but using it as the rational over other games which much better mechanics seems silly to me.


I realize my post is gonna piss off MK fans, and it is an over-simplification, but the character designs have never appealed to me at all. So this is why my take on MK9 was simply from it's game play. I have no attachment or nostalgia for the series at all. I know some people do, and that is fine, but using it as the rational over other games which much better mechanics seems silly to me.
nah it's okay, we all have our tastes lol

but LBSH MK has some bad mothers


nah it's okay, we all have our tastes lol

but LBSH MK has some bad mothers
I can concede that Kung Lao is amazing, and not at all a cliche monk seen in other fighters. none of the Ninja's really do anything else for me though.


You're going to shoot guns at me?
I can't be the only one who laughed my ass off when the term "Soulnado" was used unironically in a videogame.

The main point people should be taking from this is play what you like. Don't like IGAU? Play something else.
Reactions: RYX

This is why people hate injustice, see above. This was 16 bit vs Dizzy, Aquaman vs KF

Yes KF is overpowered, but the stage a person is in shouldn't determine who wins a match. I apologize to Dizzy, but if there were no interactables you would have got bodied.... hard. Also keep in mind that the fucking starship enterprises on the rooftop are almost impossible to dodge even full screen when you no it's coming because of the GIGANTIC FUCKING SPLASH on it.

Ok so match 1 Aquaman hits 4 out of 5 starships, which I believe is 18% a pop. So that's 3/4 of 1 lifebar of unblockable, almost undodgable damage. KF as a tech/acrobat character cannot even get the ships to leave the screen, and seeing as how they fly randomly from one side of the screen to the next, it's literally free 18% every 10 seconds or so. You can argue that KF should be on his ass the whole match not letting him jump up to use it but why should the stage be that important. I also counted 2 times KF used the interactable and was punished for it (once trying to shoot flames full screen, Aquaman got seismo punish, and once due to a gunfire crumple that the wakeup was mistimed on... but that's on the KF player)

Match 2.... Aquaman was largely outplayed (sorry Dizzy), but manages to land all 5 starships, giving him a (almost) free unblockable 89% roughly if my maths right. To put this in perspective it is almost like giving KF a full life bar handicap.

Anyway, yes you can say not all stages are that bad, but there is no reason that characters should have a significant advantage because of the stage and not b/c of matchups.

You've all seen Aris play... Early injustice he literally built his entire gameplan around camping in the corner to get free, unlimited rockets.

I would almost love to see interactables banned at tournaments. Why they haven't been I have no idea, but I really feel like it ruins some of the matches. Never in a game have I seen characters push themselves into corner, usually the most disadvantageous position in fighting games, just to get interactable stage bull shit!!!


I think the thread started with a fair point (someone enjoying MK more than Injustice and just feeling more excited about practicing it), but turned into discussing which game is better, each game's mechanics, and/or flat out shitting on each game.

I think Injustice is incredibly fun. I have my issues with it, namely interactables being too strong, iffy AA for some characters, and the game on the whole being a touch more forgiving than Mortal Kombat. However, it's still a very good game, and more importantly, a DIFFERENT game, which was the point all along.

However, I prefer the MK mechanics. That doesn't make me an MK lover who plays no other fighting game. And that doesn't mean I enjoy Injustice less because it's not Mortal Kombat. It's just that I enjoy Mortal Kombat more because I like the way it plays more. Simple as that. I like the anti air system in Mortal Kombat better. I like the importance of being extremely on point down to the last frame better. And most importantly, I like what I feel was the most fundamental aspect of how the game functioned: counter-poking. To me, as the game evolved, it became all about counter-poking, and I really enjoyed that aspect.

In the past 9 months or so, there has been a near universal leveling up in the community, and it really started to show more and more this year. It first became evident (at least to me) when Dizzy won Season's Beatings with some otherworldly counter-poking and the ability to be extremely on point with every single punish. Then REO showed ridiculous spacing with Kabal at MLG Dallas. This year, all you have to do is watch Tyrant's run at SCR (or NCR, can't recall which one), or watch DJT's fight with Wound Cowboy in the same tournament to see how much the community's improved in terms of spacing and footsies. Then Wafflez shows up at Final Round with some insane footsies (yes, even as a Smoke player!) anti airs, etc... And just when the game was reaching another level, Injustice got released and players understandably played MK far less. It was obvious watching UFGT just how rusty many of them were (Wafflez in particular was a standout example). While I can't blame any of them, I do hope they practice hardcore for EVO and show the kind of high level gameplay we were seeing from them before Injustice got released.

And before anyone points it out, yes, I'm aware of the number of glitches and bugs in MK. I was just talking about the game's mechanics.

Again, I think Injustice is a great game. It has so many layers, it's a ton of fun, and there is still lots of stuff to be discovered. No reason why we can't just enjoy both games (albeit one more than the other, depending on your preferences).


You're going to shoot guns at me?
Btt Ownge Mble most people agree that that stage is absolutely terrible, as is the watchtower stage even though it's more "balanced" since every jackass can throw those respawning robots.


The oversimplification of the characters is so disgusting I have to use the following dumb text talk. SMH.
Are you really arguing MK wasnt created for 12 year olds? Its one of the biggest exploitations of youth ever at least gta3 was a good game. What did mk9 sell 3 millions copies 2 million of fhose were played by people not or barely old enough to drive. MK has low tournament turnoits cause its a trash game it sell millions cause it caters to adolescents.