Cool story bro.i swear i was hype to get injustice after 2 3 days i was bored of that game
now i play it 1 time per week maybe
i think i'll sell it later
Cool story bro.i swear i was hype to get injustice after 2 3 days i was bored of that game
now i play it 1 time per week maybe
i think i'll sell it later
thanksCool story bro.
I didn't say it was like marvel.Mannnnnnnnn.............
This post is retarded. Injustice is nothing like Marvel at all. Let's compare Marvel to Injustice shall we?
Marvel is 3v3, Injustice is 1v1. In Marvel almost every single character has a 100% combo, that is not the case in Injustice. The stages don't matter in Marvel at all, stage selection plays a SIGNIFICANT role in Injustice. Marvel is super fast gameplay, Injustice is rather slow. I can go on and on and on with the list, but I won't because you get the point. Don't ever compare this awesome game to something like Marvel again.. Injustice is WAY more similar to MK9. If Injustice was more like Marvel than MK9, than why are MK9 players dominating the scene and you barely ever see Marvel players ever break top 16?!? (Chris g doesn't count, he is an everything player.)
And to respond to the your text that I highlighted red, you will NEVER see that happen because every major is being won by predominately MK players. AE players and Marvel players are trying to pick the game up, but they won't beat us and never will. Eventually after a while they will probably drop the game and call it trash just because it isn't Capcom, and I am fine with that
But how many years will it take for NRS to get it right? I feel like they threw elements into this game they didnt need to, in order to make it as completely different from MK as possible, they need to really sit back and take a good look at their competitors and aknowledge what it means to make a real enjoyable fighter, with great mechanics, and less scrubby ones, they were as close to making a perfect fighting game with MK then they were with any other previous titles they have released, if they would have taken what they did right and wrong MK, and built upon it for injustice it would have been that much more close to epic, but injustice is a pure example of when trying to be too "different" doesnt really work in your favor, i think NRS feared this game being compared too much MK "which it ended up being compared to it anyway" but truth is it is not, although it does take some elements from it, but even if it did play like MK, and kept the abilites for good AA options, unbreakable combos, godlike footsies, spacing, and dash cancelling, can you really say that it would be a bad thing? i think not, it would still be a different game in its own since, of still having traits, and back to block, and the use of interactables to me is not needed, that game would still have been amazing with just background combo interactables, and stage transitions....NRS needs to step outside of its boundaries/fears and try to really make a legitimate fighter in the future, it doesnt hurt to make a well polished fighter that will require true skill to be competitive in, you already proved that u can appeal to both competitive, and casual player, youve proved that with sales of MK9 and injustice, now try catering to your competitive community more next time around, if you do this i guarantee you casual players will still buy your product because of the success of your previous just saying step up your balance when making these games...tired of seeing you jam pack your fighters full of armor and other simple "unneeded" crap just because your too lazy to find other ways around including these things your accustom to including in your games, instead of building on what made your previous title so enjoyable for 2 years, and made it appealing on an international level, which had players coming in from around the world to the U.S. to compete, with the release of injustice i dont see it getting the same amount of longevity or love, instead of making a step foward, i feel they took a step back.It is because Injustice is not MK10. Injustice is a new take in the 2D fighting game genre, with a combination of old and proven elements from other mainstream series and new elements not seen before.
Capcom has over 20 years of experience under they belt making fighting games, yet they "graced" us with Capcom Fighting Jam/Evolution and Vanilla SFxT. So yeah, even the most experimented can make mistakes when tackling something new.
Im sorry but i really like to have to think when im playing fighting games, and MK was the title that actually made me think and push myself when facing a great opponent...the heart stopping moments, the godlike AA's, spacings, punishes and reads, its just not there with injustice for me, these things are what kept me interested for so long, not just it being a mortal kombat title...injustice fails to deliver that same rush, i can just chunk shit at you and win, release bats and do whatever the fk i want, or f 2 3 breath you all day until u let go of block, or just slide you all day without giving 2 fks of the consequences it may bring...i basically won a tournament with superman down here recently by just playing superman and zoning all day with use of f 2 3 breathe, and this was on an xbox controller and i dont even own an xbox, and i wasnt playing scrubs, top players from my scene was present as well, theres waay more bs in injustice that requires no skill, then there ever was in MK, tell me they are 2 different games all you want, but that fact still remains. I also dont want anyone telling me to "play another game then" cause truth is i love NRS fighters, all im saying is i wanted NRS to improve on what made MK so fun, and i feel like i will have to wait till MK10 to recieve the feeling MK9 bought, which is bummer because i wanted to experience that same love i had with an NRS fighter as i did with MK, and injustice is not awakening the same level of dedication i had for MK9.I seriously have zero fucks to give, OP. I am sorry that your enjoyment of this game has dwindled? Play Bioshock?
I'm still loving this game. Sure, I'm not getting on every single day and playing thirty ranked matches like the week of release, but thats with any game that isn't an MMO/lengthy RPG. When you've been waiting for a game to come out its hype as shit, then you slowly lose interest. If you REALLY like the game or play it competitively then eventually you'll still be playing it once or twice every couple weeks. Otherwise you'll sell it for the next COD because fuck it all your friends are getting it. I personally will probably be playing it for a long time.
Circle of life, Bro.
Injustice is not MK and I never said it was. It was made by NRS and it uses a similar combo system, but the similarities end there. Maybe this game isn't for you, man. Maybe you ought to just play MK. That's what it seems.Im sorry but i really like to have to think when im playing fighting games, and MK was the title that actually made me think and push myself when facing a great opponent...the heart stopping moments, the godlike AA's, spacings, punishes and reads, its just not there with injustice for me, these things are what kept me interested for so long, not just it being a mortal kombat title...injustice fails to deliver that same rush, i can just chunk shit at you and win, release bats and do whatever the fk i want, or f 2 3 breath you all day until u let go of block, or just slide you all day without giving 2 fks of the consequences it may bring...i basically won a tournament with superman down here recently by just playing superman and zoning all day with use of f 2 3 breathe, and this was on an xbox controller and i dont even own an xbox, and i wasnt playing scrubs, top players from my scene was present as well, theres waay more bs in injustice that requires no skill, then there ever was in MK, tell me they are 2 different games all you want, but that fact still remains.
Exactly, a good point there. Also not to point out the obvious but a lot of the disdain I hear from the high-level tourney players could be addressed if you:To play devil's advocate here, I do want to point out that nothing will compare to your all's first love.
There's a reason why old school Street Fighter players preach ST was the best Street Fighter
Why old school Marvel players say MvC2 was the best Marvel game.
Why old school Tekken players say TTT1 was the best Tekken.
Why old school anime and arc system players say Guilty Gear was the best.
And it goes on.
A lot of MK9 players broke their cherry into the fighting game world with that game. You learn so much about not only the game, but yourselves as well. What you are capable of. What your strengths and weaknesses not only as players, but as a person too. It'll be hard to compare what is more 'fun' when you went through so many growing pains and experiences in MK9 that helped you develop as a fighting game player that you won't in Injustice since you've already been through it.
MK9 is drastically different from Injustice. So different that there is enough room for both and I agree we should not let it die. But we should all keep an open mind and not get 'old man syndrome' like I get accused of so often.
Yeah. Whenever someone states that they got a loss that they feel they didn't deserve... I assume it has to do with interactables. I mean I know they are a fundamental part of Injustice's meta and people want to play the game as it was intended... but at the same time I think it might solve a lot of problems if they were just turned off.Exactly, a good point there. Also not to point out the obvious but a lot of the disdain I hear from the high-level tourney players could be addressed if you:
A. Decide on a different way to determine stage select in tournaments.
B. Consider the possibility of uniformly playing without interactables AT ALL. Remember, that's an option in the game.
Once you guys sort out more standard tourney practice you might find yourself with less "random unearned wins".
Really? The day it came out? That is intense. I was only feeling the regret after 2 weeks.I regretted buying this game the moment i forked 60$ for it lmao. I blame all of you for getting me hype for this game.
Yeah but im going the complete opposite way of people here, the game has been getting more fun day by day. Im wandering out, and not just picking Black Adam and picking up other characters , it's been fun messing around with Aquaman and Doomsday.Really? The day it came out? That is intense. I was only feeling the regret after 2 weeks.
To play devil's advocate here, I do want to point out that nothing will compare to your all's first love.
Agreed with this part.Top players making comments like "MK rewards FGS IQ while injustice is gimmicky" is just epic fail. Game's out for month. Yes, this game has more than 5 moves and its basic mechanics are harder and different from MK. And you'll have to learn them for a little longer. Deal with it or GTFO.
I mean, I wasn't counting Slips originally, but now I'm curious as to why he doesn't count. Didn't he play Tekken for 10 years before he picked up MK? Technically that's a Tekken guy converting. I'm just curious because I see a lot of people say that and I wanna know the reasoning behind it is all.This is true. Slips doesn't count though, he is basically an MK player too
Before i get into this, let me just say that i am by all means NOT bashing this game, and i applaud NRS for their effort in making this title, but im just asking the community, is anyone already kind of bored of this game as i am??? I mean i still play it at casuals wit my kh crew, but as far as having the anticipation of coming home and playing like i did on its initial drop? I don't have that passion anymore, maybe its the game mechanics, the fact that im not able to space someone out and whiff punish as i did in mk, or the face that i have to respect jump ins because certain characters lack a proper anti air, or maybe its because " in some ways" armor is even a bigger issue in this game then it was in mk lol, again im not bashing the game, it has its own ways of being fun, but im just asking you guys, whos in the same boat as how i feel?, whats your reason for slowly losinng interest in this title, or do you only keep playing it because their is tournaments and money involved, and not because its fun.
Sweeps are a footsie tool.I'm really glad you posted this. =) This game could actually be really good if we could use D3 as a footsie tool and not a sweep. I also think that the community should get rid of interactables to avoid counter picking stages all together. Bigger stages would cater to zoners, and smaller stages would cater to rushdown.