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Maximilian - Understand how to get better at fighting games, Levels 1-3


Whether it's comments read through a Test Your Might status update, twitter or anything else... when players have lost hope in their character, it might either be time to change their characters or simply better your knowledge. In one of Maximilain's newest videos he discusses the Levels of which you need to know and realize in order to get better. In short, if you're losing constantly but you also play 3 hrs a week, you're only going to get better if you devote yourself more. Maximilian starts you from the ground up and walks you through the three levels of 'how to get better' at fighting games.

Source: Miles923



Est In Harvey 1989
Good video. I agree with him 100% Without the match up knowledge you're going to fall short a lot. You could know every combo there is, but get destroyed from your lack of knowledge of the other aspects of the game lol.


Average at Best
It's not only how much time but what you devote that time to. Regarless of how much I would love to play/practice endless amounts, I have other priorities that only allow me roughly 4 to 5 hours of gaming a week. That time would go to waste if I don't spend it working on the aspects Max spoke about in the video. But then how much time do I actually spend playing the game (Vs a human opponent)?

Everyone's situation and priorities are different but it doesn't change my desire to perform well and to see myself progress. I've never been part of a "scene" so I'm limited to online play. Though it's not the ULTIMATE TRUTH this video has made me realize that I pretty much am and always will be unable to level up to where I would like because of my circumstances.


UPR DanableLector
It's not only how much time but what you devote that time to. Regarless of how much I would love to play/practice endless amounts, I have other priorities that only allow me roughly 4 to 5 hours of gaming a week. That time would go to waste if I don't spend it working on the aspects Max spoke about in the video. But then how much time do I actually spend playing the game (Vs a human opponent)?

Everyone's situation and priorities are different but it doesn't change my desire to perform well and to see myself progress. I've never been part of a "scene" so I'm limited to online play. Though it's not the ULTIMATE TRUTH this video has made me realize that I pretty much am and always will be unable to level up to where I would like because of my circumstances.
I understand your situation so much its insane. I work and am in school. My biggest obstacle is that I have NO scene, what-so-ever. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma and dont know a soul i can train with. So i play online, pick up bad habits, and cannot effectively execute basic fundamentals due to Lag. My schedule prevent me from traveling to places where i could train with other tym members. Its rough man.


UPR DanableLector
BUT! with NRS having a better netcode and online training, guys like us have a chance to at least level up more than we have been in the past. If you are on psn and ever want to get some games in, or hit up the lab get at me. PSN ID is the same as my TYM user name. ProudDisciple


Average at Best
I understand your situation so much its insane. I work and am in school. My biggest obstacle is that I have NO scene, what-so-ever. I live in Tulsa Oklahoma and dont know a soul i can train with. So i play online, pick up bad habits, and cannot effectively execute basic fundamentals due to Lag. My schedule prevent me from traveling to places where i could train with other tym members. Its rough man.
I only hit "like" because I feel your pain not because I enjoy that you are in pain..LOL

Well at least we have each other to vent with. I end up finding a few strays here and there that say that play but they end up losing interest once they see I can actually perform the specail moves and have basic fundamental understanding of the fighting game genre.


It's exciting when new people really get into fighting games. Just remember, you can get bodied and still have fun. It takes a lot of dedication to get very good, but it's rewarding and the community can be fun. Don't worry about the shit talk and drama if that's not your thing. Some games have decent netcode, and hopefully injustice will too. Playing a shitload of online is pretty necessary if you don't have a scene. Even if you do, you should still play online and know when to take the lag with a grain of salt. People who get really good really fast are prodigies, it's not really that common.