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Maximilian Talks About Visiting the Galloping Ghost Arcade [GGA] in Chicago, Illinois


Administrator and Community Engineer
It always warms my heart when someone puts so much passion and energy into something they love. It has been said a million times, but there aren't many places like this left, and it's awesome that someone like Doc, who loves the games and players so much, is the one keeping a place like this in business.

Arcades in general were special places, and there's a feeling to them that you just can't replicate behind a console. Just the energy you feel when you walk through the door..

P.S. GGA is still the only team I've ever sent a pizza to -- so that means I love you guys :D


Galloping Ghost Arcade
It always warms my heart when someone puts so much passion and energy into something they love. It has been said a million times, but there aren't many places like this left, and it's awesome that someone like Doc, who loves the games and players so much, is the one keeping a place like this in business.

Arcades in general were special places, and there's a feeling to them that you just can't replicate behind a console. Just the energy you feel when you walk through the door..

P.S. GGA is still the only team I've ever sent a pizza to -- so that means I love you guys :D
I remember (I ate the breadsticks!)


I write too much.
I'm still in love with the Killer Instinct 3 cabinet they had there. That thing felt amazing, and if Arcade Legacy had one I would play the shit out of that game.

But yeah, GGA is the only arcade I've seen that beats Arcade Legacy (Only downside is that GGA is kind of cramped, but that's hopefully changing soon from what I've heard).


aka - RM_AtK !
One of my fondest memories of Street Fighter actually happened when I was in University. CBU had a mini arcade room just inside the campus and one of the machines was Street Fighter 3.

I used to spend all my spare change on it just jumping around with shotos and doing fireballs...I used to think I was pretty badass.

Then one day a dude came up and slapped his quarter in the machine...It fucking blew my mind...like that feeling when someone directly challenges you, and you can't do shit about it because your money is in the machine...it's so godlike.

I am in the middle of whipping some ai and then BOOOM screen goes back to character select and that shit was on.

Fuck I am getting a rush just thinking about it...

I miss that machine too. I actually started building a custom cab a while back...I haven't finished it yet but my cutouts are all done in my basement...I should really get back to building that :)

Honestly, I would go to Chicago just for this and just to get that rush again. I couldn't imagine dicking around in MK or Injustice and having someone come up out of the blue and play. It's just a great competitive rush.
Well... Did he cum or what?!