so if someone holds block thinking f13 hat spin is coming it doesn't its impossible to fuzzy that huge ass gap into a crouch and let go of block? It's not really a fuzzy but more of a reaction I suppose. Hat spit ex starts far away. Anyway I don't get what your arguing... I like lao a lot but lots not act like using the other variation f13 isn't entering dangerous ground. You assume yourself to be way better than foxy? Why I never see the man use the string...
Lol i dont know what your problem is dude calm the fuck down. Dont put words in my mouth i never said. All i said is you can hitconfirm from f13.
Where the hell am i saying that f13 is a godlike string? Or you should always use it?
The string is really unsafe but doesnt mean you can never use it. Its really risky and each option has a counter whatever u cancel it in. I mean your a lao main why are we even discussing this.
Ive seen alot of top players do use that string i even saw foxy use that string!blasphemy!
And like wtf is up with telling me i think im better then foxy? Chill out