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l SuGaR l said:
Because you can't back it up. Same with DarXyd3 and Go Go xV3GAx. You're all awful and you talk shit because your game is weak.
Really? My game is weak?

That's funny because I can recall beating alot of top names. Will not name anyone cause I'm not like that

just like I said before, Sugar is always the one to start talking shit. Big internet tough guy. :lol:


Beating top names 1 in 10 matches isn't beating top names, that's being 1/10 the player they are! :wink:


K, Darxyd3 keep thinking you're better than you are. I've beaten lots of top players but does that mean I'm on their level? No. Shock is countless times better than I am but because I beat him a match or so that are casual fun matches doesn't mean that we're on the same skill plane. Darxyd3 I didn't even shit talk you in the post. I stated my opinion. You're not as good as you think, you talk shit to cover up your lack of skill. It's annoying how you think you're so much better than people when you're not. You run your mouth and that's it. How many times are you going to do this? Until you have something worthwhile to post, hop off my fucking nuts.


A good number of you are about as good as I can be on XBL now, I'm having a harder and harder time keeping up. So with that, it's time for you guys to start coming out to tournaments and play for real! :twisted:


Probably next year I'll be out on the east coast if my funds are good. ILP and I are working out our info for my stick. So I'll be 100 percent ready.
Yes DarXyde is retarded. He's acting like Mikebossy towards me. Sayin that I dropped on him. I did drop on you once... BUT I WAS WINNING! I had one round to 0 and I had to leave. Ive played him lots of times on my other GT's and raped him.

But anyway, I would like to come out to the real tournies as well. But I'm gonna wait until alot more people get involved, so that the prize money becomes greater. Also you (Shock, or whoever) need to start hosting tournies outside of NJ. :D
l SuGaR l said:
Because you can't back it up. Same with DarXyd3 and Go Go xV3GAx. You're all awful and you talk shit because your game is weak.
wow. please god.

EVER compare or even put my name in the SAME SENTENCE as those two EMBARASSMENTS.

I may talk shit, but those guys are flat out, hands down, absolutely pathetic.

You cannot compare me to them and be serious, for the love of GOD that is the most HORRIFIC thing you could EVER do and I won't stand for it :evil:

But oh well, you're obviously mistaken me for someone else then if you think I'm that bad. :?:
And further moreso.

I gotta tell you guys, I'm really not that bad. And I'm actually, quite the contrary. I'm very nice, and I'm always appreciative of a good match/advice. Just plug in your mics and say "Hi" and I guarantee you I won't say really mean stuff. Majority of the time, I don't talk shit at all if you just talk period.

It's amazing how just acknowledging someones presence can change how much shit they talk to you lol. :oops:


Shock said:
A good number of you are about as good as I can be on XBL now, I'm having a harder and harder time keeping up. So with that, it's time for you guys to start coming out to tournaments and play for real! :twisted:
I agree with this, get the fuck off the couch and come out and really play imo.
Frankiebonez said:
Shock said:
A good number of you are about as good as I can be on XBL now, I'm having a harder and harder time keeping up. So with that, it's time for you guys to start coming out to tournaments and play for real! :twisted:
I agree with this, get the fuck off the couch and come out and really play imo.
You get me a valid drivers license.. Hell, I'll drive illegally, give me a CAR, and I'll drive anywhere anytime. I'm DYING to play UMK3 on a cabinet again.. It's been a VERY LONG TIME. So, get me a vehicle, and I have 400 bucks for gas money. I'll have a UMK3 nationwide roadtrip lol.