Rabid Justice
Your Soul Is Mine
Now I get to play with all setting turned off in windowed mode with a screen half the size of my monitor. Thanks hvs. I just don't get how I could play before for at 1080p most settings max at solid 60 fps.
What i7 is that? Coz normal i7-2600K i clocked at 3,4 (3,8 with turbo) GHz not 2,4 GHz. I'm pretty sure you have to lower the resolution and overclock your processor .I've been having a lot of problems on PC from day 1 really. Nothing really changed with any of the patches.
i7 2600K at 2.4GHz per core
AMD Radeon HD6970x2
Everything rock bottom, 1080p
Basically any stage with water or big things happening in the background has mild to massive slowdown.
E.g. The Emperor's stage chugs heavily when the statue of Shao Kahn falls down and the Sky Temple is pretty much unplayable, dropping down to sub 20fps.
Then there are the random crashes, sometimes the game freezes when loading or exiting the Krypt. Sometimes it just crashes to desktop randomly.
Before the patches the game froze my entire PC twice while I was playing the tutorial.
For the most part online play has been mediocre to bad. A lot of "this session is no longer available" and general laggy conditions when playing ranked matches. I've played around 250 online matches so far and I'd say 20-30% of them have been smooth. (Sadly sometimes an opponent chooses one of the bad stages which makes matters worse of course.)
Probably with Jason patch which is scheduled for 5th May on all platforms.When are we getting the balance patches?
Whoops, meant 4.2GHz not 2.4What i7 is that? Coz normal i7-2600K i clocked at 3,4 (3,8 with turbo) GHz not 2,4 GHz. I'm pretty sure you have to lower the resolution and overclock your processor .
Edit: It this a laptop? That would explain everything.
Also people like you SHOULD NOT go online. You're destroying experience for people who actually can maintain rock steady 60 fps cozing lag, skipping frames or even desync for them.
Once again, what have been said in this topic several times already. IF YOU DON'T HAVE CONSTANT 60 FPS - DON'T GO ONLINE.
Probably with Jason patch which is scheduled for 5th May on all platforms.
I would think it's better to tax the CPU more since it's quite powerful and the GPUs are relatively old.That's the amd drivers , they are stupidly bad.
You have to force turn off the Vsync in the catalyst software shit along with the triple buffering.
Turning your settings down isn't that a good idea idea.
You kinda want the game to work on your GPU and not on your CPU.
This been known for 2 weeks now, since this is not the first response like that players got from HVS and it was posted like day 3 on Steam forums by someone else.So anyone who still gives a shit about the PC version.
i found this on steam discussions. Some one got a reply from HVS and from WB games. Here is what was said.
im beging you..Pls do someting and fix that problem. I played more than 300 ranked online games but my stats says win:0 lose 0
Platform: Pc
Steam id: droledian27
Countery: Turkey
Full name: Volkan Duskun
Thanks for helping.
And their answer: From ( High Voltage Software)
Thank you for your enthusiasm for MKX! We are sorry for any issues you are encountering.
We are the work-for-hire developers for Mortal Kombat X on PC, 360, and PS3.
For any questions or support requests regarding Mortal Kombat X, please contact our client, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Any further info you can provide will be extremely helpful.
Email: [email protected]
All the best,
HVS Community Manager
And i sent same message to [email protected]
Their Answer: from (WB GAMES)
Greetings Volkan,
Thank you for contacting us. We are sorry that you have experienced problems. Please restart Steam and we hope this will help. If the problem persists, please submit a bug report as follows:
Please open a bug report on http://support.wbgames.com (Click on 'Ask for Help'. Then, under 'Question Type' select 'Bug Report' from the dropdown menu). This bug report will be transferred to the developers.
Please note that bug reports do not receive responses, however they are always investigated by the game team.
Thank you,
WB Games Support
This is an outrage in my eyes. WB shouldn't know shit when it comes to bugs/optimizations. HVS should have some sort of answers. HVS should not be redirecting emails to WB games and WB games should not be giving "i hope this helps " type of advice. There should be NEW POSTINGS from HVS on their twitter or facebook daily explaining what steps are being taken to resolve any of these issues. And with the console versions being multiple versions ahead of the PC version we should also get an ETA on when we will be receiving 1.02 and when the next optimization/bug fix patch should be ready.
/ end rant
Ps: I know there are a lot of stupid people complaining about these problems out there making the rest of us look even more dumb. Maybe this is why HVS and WB games think they can get away with this type of "blame the user" customer support.
I remember hearing them confirming may 5th as jason patch before NRS even did. So i know we will get that patch on may 5th.This been know for 2 weeks now, since this is not the first response like that players got from HVS and it was posted like day 3 on Steam forums by someone else.
In all honesty im assuming that we will get up to date with patches from consoles when the Jason patch hits (5th May) on PC (which is confirmed). So for now lets say im holding my breath.
Yeah they did seem similar but knowing myself I will just take whichever is on the top of the discussion boards on steam and rant about it.Not really.
Take a deeper look at Steam MK X forums. All these answers are exactly the same as their were day 3. It seems like they got 3-4 "copy / paste" answers ready to respond to people complaints.
Add meAnyone feel free to add me, im tired of playing people online who dont know wtf they are doing...
My steam ID: Sharpyu (it's also under my account avatar)
YeapAre u Nikola Zvezdara?
I think I actually played you for a bit when I tried out F/T yesterday or 2 days ago. Nick is same as here: GreatOldOne. Feel free to add me.Anyone feel free to add me, im tired of playing people online who dont know wtf they are doing...
My steam ID: Sharpyu (it's also under my account avatar)
agreed. everyone in my rooms have a 0/3 connections no matter how long they load. challenge someone and pray that the connection is good.. awesome. this is something that should have been there from the get go.They need to fix the ping indicators. The low quality netcode is amplified by the inability to cherry pick good connections.
I know this happened in Mortal Kombat: Komplete Edition (PC) and I don't think it was ever fixed. Haven't tried recording anything in Mortal Kombat X yet.Is anyone else having a problem with recordings in training mode? Every time I record a clip and go to watch it I get this message
and no matter what I do I can't watch my recording
Happens to me too.Is anyone else having a problem with recordings in training mode? Every time I record a clip and go to watch it I get this message
and no matter what I do I can't watch my recording