Slips enjoys neutral game he loves to play footsies i can understand exactly how he feels, he loves to play patient and whiff punish normals on a space he dominates. He is a Fundamentalist type of player.
MITDJT is the variety type of player, its kind off cool to have a brother who can play on the same level with a lot of character too, matchup isn't a problem for them so they can get a lot of character knowledge at some rate speed better than those who solely depends of casuals, online or tournament scenes, dem brother genes.
, We know DJT is like a Robot and he can keep his cool in the most extremes levels, MIT is no different even though he says his brother is better at this than him, it makes him the chilled type of player, dificult to disturb or frustrate on a match, can lead most matches down to the wire, but if you lose your cool before he does you're done.
Pig is "You pick the right character for YOU" type of player, honestly these are often the most dangerous ones, if a player is able to bond deeply with his character it doesn't matter who he faces, if he knows his shit there is no stopping him, pure player Skill.
Forever King is the Mixups and setups type of player, he enjoys big combos and he mostly learn about tools as he plays other peoples, and then he finds means to counter it. Fundamentals its not his top priority but he doesn't complete ignore it, since he has the ability to adjust as the match goes, i would say he is the "Analyst".
Sonic Fox is out of my reading Scan, and i've said before many times in the MK9 life span, among all players in the NRS community i fear those who can't read properly, and the one who chills my blood when i think about fighting him is this kid, a lot of people just see him as a scrub, but in fact his talent is beyond compreension, he flawed REO on a tournament, took out 16Bit and won lots of majors with Mileena when people were doubting his Skill.
If i had to tell in which category among all of the interviewed players i place on, i would say that its a tiny bit of each one of them.
Great interview, it helped me to get to know more of each one of you, and how you guys think when picking a game and aproaching a match.