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Latest IGAU comic => Raven obviously playable?

Raven is playable?

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Well-Known Member
The speculation should end here.

1) The meeting in the Watch Tower is with all confirmed playable characters besides Raven.

2) The way her hood goes down to her nose is the same as in the achievement award which is in the game itself. Again here she's surrounded by playable characters (except the unknown female).

EDIT: Damn it, should have included an option in the poll for "not sure."


I still hold my reserve that she'll be playable. No telling what will happen in the comic between now and launch of the game. I think it's possible but NRS only ones who can confirm it, to me.

Edit: I also think it's more than a coincidence that the week we see Raven in the comic, after tons of speculation on the one photo we have of her, that they also announced a special interview with the Teen Titans cast.
I still hold my reserve that she'll be playable. No telling what will happen in the comic between now and launch of the game. I think it's possible but NRS only ones who can confirm it, to me.

Edit: I also think it's more than a coincidence that the week we see Raven in the comic, after tons of speculation on the one photo we have of her, that they also announced a special interview with the Teen Titans cast.
Yes. My only hang-up is that in the comic she's shown with red skin, while in both the achievement and the screenshot she's shown with pale skin. But it could just be something they did in the comic. Sure made her scary "Imma eat ya bitch" moment to Mirror Master work better than if she'd been pale.


Yes. My only hang-up is that in the comic she's shown with red skin, while in both the achievement and the screenshot she's shown with pale skin. But it could just be something they did in the comic. Sure made her scary "Imma eat ya bitch" moment to Mirror Master work better than if she'd been pale.
This is true but I figured it may of been more of a foreshadow to represent her emotions coming through. I haven't gotten to read it yet as won't be home for a few more hours so really can't wait to get to it later.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
I'm going with a BIG EMPHATIC wait 'til the game comes out and we will see.

Edit: That wasn't on the poll. I will just go with not sure.

Double edit: Dafuq man? Ok PROBABLY!


Neutral Skipper
Funny thing is that I was thinking that she could have red skin the other day like in Ame-Comi Girls.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
No question she is playable.

But saying that she is the character on the top right of the achievements villain image I still see as a good guess, but not 100%.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
she's playable, but that in the top right might not be her, not because of the skin tone i could get past that but she isnt a villain so it wouldnt make sense to have her there


Yes. My only hang-up is that in the comic she's shown with red skin, while in both the achievement and the screenshot she's shown with pale skin. But it could just be something they did in the comic. Sure made her scary "Imma eat ya bitch" moment to Mirror Master work better than if she'd been pale.

lol... I effing love how she 10-0's Mirror Master

Yes, Raven is playable.

The Injustice pic also showed her in the presence of only playable characters. Additionally, she seemed to be using some kind of power while Lex used his shield. They took the time to give her a unique look and to give her some powers. More time and effort spent on a character model has got to be a factor that weighs in favor of her inclusion as a playable character.


I'm innocent, I mean..not guilty.
I find it ridiculous that people still doubt her playability. the question here is: Who the fuck is playable from those.. Killer Frost, Captain Cold, Mirror Master & Ares.


I LOVE that design, man. Dat ass too.
oh yea... <3

Side note if for the game itself they give her the New 52 look, people are going to go ape shit... She will be one of the most played chars most likely (litterally based off looks of her char)

I mean look at this BADASS-ness!

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