So i will say this.No Kung Lao should not be banned from combo breaker here why.
1:it not one variation your talking about banning we are talking about a whole character who been out for since launch.
2:it to close to the tournament date.Ill be pissed because i already paid money for this trip and hotel for you to tell me nah you can't play him.
3:Yes he does gain a bar of meter but at what cost?
3.a:there no invincible in wake moves so if you try to raw teleport 23 start up frame move you are getting hit with a combo.
3.b:even if you mange to pull off teleport a 23 start up frame move if the opponents reads it you get combed

nlike Ermac Kung Lao doesn't gain anything for doing such a risky move but a 1 bar of meter.He doesn't get a combo,he doesn't get an advantage,he can't loop it because it only work on wake up.the only thing he gains is 1 bar of meter for doing a hella risky move that if i say saw you do Ill make you regret it so bad you will be at Gamestop the next day trying to sell your game
4.The bar of meter gain only work on regular teleport he doesn't gain it on ex teleport which then i could see an issue.
In all honestly I don't want to patch it because it honesty not a very good tool maybe trolling online but that about it.But hey let not go by logic.