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Kung Lao? Where dose he really Rank Now in the Tier List?.. Top players?


How is it theory exactly? I rarely lose to Sonya/Jax/Sektor players as Lao, so, so far I'm proving my 'theory' correct.

Any time you think they're gonna block anticipating a spin just do 2 1

That would mean your hitcomfirming the spin not just random spining. No matter what way you look at it spining inbetween strings without hitcomfirming is 50/50 and only worth the risk if you have a breaker as back up dude..


How is it theory exactly? I rarely lose to Sonya/Jax/Sektor players as Lao, so, so far I'm proving my 'theory' correct.

Any time you think they're gonna block anticipating a spin just do 2 1
Its theory cuz its not proven offline. You cant punish anything KL does online. Its tough judging MUs off of online play. If im wrong and your beating high level sonyas, cages and jaxs offline than I apologize. Sektor was never a bad MU for KL.


As much as I am the patriot.. I would love to see mustard ketchup foxy and glue tear up EVO.. I think it will be more of a awakening off how good players in the US and at EVO are. Truth be told I don't think any will make last 8 no offence.


Zoning Master
If the Sonya player does nothing but D4MSf1 theyre never gonna beat a Lao player, he can just jump all over the place or spin like an idiot if he keeps getting D4'd, besides players should know the max distance of d4 by now anyway, stop getting tagged by it so much.

Theres no real reason for KL to lose to Sonya, thats me saying that from both characters perspectives.
I'm pretty sure you're a good player because you tend to make some good points, but there are times where you simply make idiotic assertions.

When used correctly, Sonya's d+4 xx MS f+1 is one of the best offensive tools in the game. It's not difficult to apply at all against any character. If the Kung Lao player "jumps all over the place and spins like an idiot", he will lose. d+4 has a 12F start up. You cannot jump or spin the poke on reaction. Besides, Sonya gets more damage and mix ups from punishing a spin than Kung Lao does landing a spin.


I agree with Kizzle. Most of the KLs out there arent playing him right and still playing pre-patch KL. The Sektor MU isnt too difficult. I cant see it being in Sektors favor. Only if KL plays reckless he will lose to Sektor.


KL is strong and compare to some other top tier char he is pretty easy to play (I always take this in consideration). Top 5 aswell here and at casual level he is top 2 imho (the tier list can change depending of the level of the players).


Easy to play hard to master. As like people said he has to really work for win and have good footsys. All this Spining pokes on reaction is just balls imo. I don't think u will ever see kung lao win a major now. I hope I'm proved wrong.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
Why doesn't Kitana beat Kung Lao? She's got good answers for his mobility. Hella good damage when he's wrong. He doesn't really have the typical things that bother her like a godlike d+4 or wakeup pressure. What's the case for this being 5/5(besides "play REO")? This is weird, usually I'm downplaying Kit yet in this MU the other side is doing it for me. :cool:


Joker waiting room
And tom Brady? Master D..? PL?
PL will tell you lao's a god simply because he thinks we're still playing vanilla mk9.

not sure but i think it was said brady doesn't have a good lao by vsm folk,read it in a topic but not entirely sure.
doesn't master d play kabal?


Joker waiting room
Why doesn't Kitana beat Kung Lao? She's got good answers for his mobility. Hella good damage when he's wrong. He doesn't really have the typical things that bother her like a godlike d+4 or wakeup pressure. What's the case for this being 5/5(besides "play REO")? This is weird, usually I'm downplaying Kit yet in this MU the other side is doing it for me. :cool:
no dick if she beats up liu kangs BFF.
PL should probably think about getting his Xbox patched before giving his 2 4 low hat cents on KL's matchups by today's standards.

whut, where did he say that? and that joke is corny man. people judging pl's and other kl's gameplay just because they saw reo getting hit by it. I mean come on, what different is it from any other low attack, just block low. are you guys really saying you were getting hit by it all the time?


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
whut, where did he say that? and that joke is corny man. people judging pl's and other kl's gameplay just because they saw reo getting hit by it. I mean come on, what different is it from any other low attack, just block low. are you guys really saying you were getting hit by it all the time?
Well, Reo said he said that, don't shoot the messenger, I didn't care for the string personally, I just find it hilarious how many players have felt the need to flock to other characters because of the low hat nerf. But meh, many people have already reiterated how out of the loop PL is by now.