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Kryptonite Council Episode 5 Feat: GGA 16 Bit + Claude Von Stroke + Perfect Legend

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
The Kryptonite Council returns this week, with new special guests. Follow along with Pig of the Hut and friends as they cover topics ranging from EVO to the future of Injustice and Mortal Kombat. At almost 4 hours, this episode is packed with info and some interesting discussion.

Kryptonite Council Injustice Podcast Episode 5 Feat: GGA 16 Bit + Claude Von Stroke + Perfect Legend
Sponsored and approved by Brent Rambo

Running Time: 3 hours 43 mins

In this Episode we cover everything Evo related plus more. A lot of controversial topics are discussed.

We start out MK9 Heavy but fear not we get into Injustice talk big time.

***Tom Brady could not do the show because of Comic Con weekend***
***Reo could not do the show because his laptop/cpu is completely broken***
***Sorry Guys I cannot give specific time stamps, thats a lot of work***


  • Topics Covered:
  • MK9 Evo Performance recap
  • MyGod, Dizzy, Showtime
  • Djt's Cyrax vs Kabal - Performance of a Lifetime
  • Reo
  • So everyone says they're quitting MK9..........?
  • Congrats to KDZ
  • Superman
  • Why was MK9 so exciting to watch vs Injustice?
  • Injustice - Pig's Way of attempting to completely balance the Game without taking away or buffing any character's tools (I want people's opinions on this please, give it thought)
  • Kenya?
  • Wonder Chef vs 16 Bit (Killer frost vs black adam)
  • Slides/d2 vs DKs/Lightning
  • Pig's Hype challenge to KDZ and the Injustice competitive community
  • Big and Hype News from 16 Bit
  • Ricky ortiz and PR Balrog
  • Hotel Shenanigans ( The Legend of @ak Glass Sword and GamerBlake90, Atlanta MK9 BNB, Bidet Shenanigans)
  • Awkward Work Story
  • DJT vs OBS Rattlehead
  • Evo Standouts in Injustice ( AK Harold EMPEROR_THEO KDZ Blind_Man Nightmare SF
  • Ak Harold (Flash) vs Slips (DS) MU conversation
  • USER QUESTIONS!!! Tons, Tons, Tons covered here
  • Perfect Legend Joins us for some special Topics including his thoughts on Evo, His problem with TOs today, Nightmare SF situation,Karma, Reo, Has anyone outplayed him, etc.
  • Freddy Player Blow up
  • MB B3 usage - You should start out w a bar of meter like MK9
  • Why MK9 patch probably wont happen (Logic)
  • The Return of the Ragnorak Award and the award goes to.............
  • Who Would Win in a 3V3 in Basketball (Pig, Pl, Tom vs Dab, Mit, Djt)
  • M2Dave Low Gun Shots lead to emergency house flood
  • @Wafflez has NOT been given his VXG flight info at all for winning FR
  • @curbolicous lol Drinking and his 2400 baud modem
  • Gross' Vaccums, Trinidad Raidens and The Legend of Ella
  • Infiltration vs PR Balrog Evo Top 8
  • Relaxed State vs Supermans
  • Huge Shoutout to NRS AND EVERYONE OF THEIR STAFF for their support of Injustice and its scene and putting up with us day in and day out! We <3 you guys!!! Carl wants to work for NRS for free

*CrimsonShadow was here



Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
If characters had match-up specific health bars (or S-tier characters only having 140% health), our community would release a shit-storm of requests for health buffs/nerfs on NRS. If I worked for NeatherRealm, I sure wouldn't want to deal with that.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
If characters had match-up specific health bars (or S-tier characters only having 140% health), our community would release a shit-storm of requests for health buffs/nerfs on NRS. If I worked for NeatherRealm, I sure wouldn't want to deal with that.

I'd want not MU specific but like capcom does

See chart above


All of it could wait for later, except the Ragnarok Award.
Good-bye 3 hours of sleep, however I was already marathoning Young Justice. But I will still keep on this.

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
yes the health bar thing has been an issue for me for so long. I can completely agree with you there Pig


Play Monster Hunter!
Character specific health like Marvel and Street Fighter?

I asked paulo about that before, when Injustice was in development, he said he doesn't like it as a concept.


I feel like Pig was building up to some high overarching point, then, Kenyans. I don't see the conversation(mid podcast) steering back to that.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Plain and simple: Don't nerf healthbars. That's not going to do anything but make Superman v Superman go down to who can land his/her combo first. Buff healthbars. If you give Bladam a 70% bar, Bane can literally wipe that out completely with j.d.3 b.23 123 super at level 3 venom. As much as I would love (and I mean I'd cream a bit for it) to one shot Bladams and Supermen, at the same time I don't feel like it would resolve anything.

Buffing Health bars would be a much better thing imo, you give people like Bane and Grundy and Lex A.K.A. the big bodies a bigger healthbar like they do in SF for Gief and T-hawk and things become more manageable without becoming a huge problem for MUs outside of the few. I get 150% health per bar? That means I can take a bit more while getting in, which is awesome. Supermen can still have their even ground, but theres a reason why Ryu has 100%, Gief has some 130%, and people can still manage their way in.

Also, and its just me, but I want Bane's venom to act like Luthor's armor where he gets armor but no benefit at level 1, 25% reduction to damage taken at level 2, and immunity to damage at level 3. Lex gets it and has no drawback aside from being an amazing but poorly performed character design. That and a useful f.1... And maybe some other stuff, I mean I have what should be in the area of 2-3 more buffs coming up eventually, sooooooo...

Actually fuck grundy, he can already do it with 30% damage to boot. Just Bane and Lex and maybe Lobo.


Ice Queen
Pig, your health idea could work really well with Injustice I feel. I can understand with some of the folks who say Superman shouldn't have low health because he's Superman, but your way of doing things is through strict game play. Perhaps add a mode that goes into tournament mode and readjusts character health for balance purposes? That way everyone else who bought the game for comic purposes can enjoy their Superman with high health. It's unfortunate but I assume Killer Frost would be one of the characters to have low health? Boo if so. :)

Ok. I'm not one who feels REO needs to be defended because his accomplishments speak volumes, but wasn't REO a consistent top 3 placer before he picked up Kabal? I don't agree with PL saying REO was just all Kabal. Correct me if I'm wrong.

To boot. I found it humorous that the generally conscious is REO didn't outplay PL in the top 8 now due to PL being mentality exhausted or sick prior to the match :p REO had to climb the biggest ladder from losers but you didn't see him throwing a fuss.