I was testing the first setup and the latest setup against flash and it seems like flash has some good options.
In the first setup, it's techrollable so if I techroll and jump forward I can completely get out and punish zod if he does a MB laser. I could also techroll and jump back which makes the OH ball whiff and then I can just block low. I can also use a couple different WU options to get out.
Against the latest setup, I could not for the life of me block it. That's way too hard. The fact that it's a HKD means my only option is to WU or I'm getting hit. The good news for flash is that every single one of his WUs get him out of the setup. My LK, SP, and Speed dodge make me stay in relatively the same spot so you can't punish me even if the WU is baited. The thing is, the timing to WU is a little tricky. It took me a few attempts to find out what the WU timing window is so if I never tested it, I would be getting nailed by it otherwise.