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Kombat Tomb Podcast - Ep. 33 with SonicFox5000

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
All kidding aside, I really enjoyed the episode, Fox seems like a genuinely nice kid.


Best part of this episode....

Sonicfox is playing with pin art.

K7: "What is that rattle?"
Sonicfox: "That's me playing with this little thing with a million pins in it."
K7: "I thought it was nerds."
16-Bit: "I thought it was a bottle of pills."

Talk about a study on human psychology. Happy K7 hears candy. Suicidal 16-Bit hears a bottle of pills. Should turn that into a game.


This mean you don't like me?
GGA Slips : "You're on your death bed-"
SonicFox5000 : "I know..."
GGA Slips:................this is a question for everybody....
K7: *laughs historically*

Also can you guys stop picking on..who was it Dizzy? About the dinosaur thing.

Every wise person knows dinosaurs never existed. They were just a fabrication of the government to prevent time travel.

NB Semi Evil Ryu

Former Sub-Zero of the Midwest (2011 - 2015)
I'm disappointed that no one said that they would give Chris G the entire first season of "Arrow" on blu-ray for his secret Santa gift.
Reactions: gdf


The knockout videos fox is talking about are random videosof stupid peopke fucking around. The knockout game is a serious problem now. These teenagers tried to knockout a 60 yr old woman.. they failed and tried again but she dodged it and then pulled out a gun and killed 2 of them.. its like the new thing but lawmakers are trying to make a law that if you get caught playing the game, you can get sent to jail for 25 years, juvenile or not