Grrr, no fair. I suck at online play but my Sindel deserves to have her immense puppies spilling out as much as the next guy's.
Can't for the life of me work out what the theme is for those ones with the glowing eyes and armoured sleeves though, Johnny's got a Black Dragon logo on his shirt yet that doesn't seem to indicate anything I can think of either.
The Reptile skin for Scorpion is fantastic, I wouldn't use it personally though since he's not Reptile (I'm stupidly pedantic about such things). Same goes for the Kytinn skins; they're beautifully done but I wouldn't use them for the simple fact that they're not Kytinn characters.
Sindel however, with glowing eyes and less collar straps so her tits are just ready to fall out? Well that should be in the base game!