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Kitana General Discussion

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5032
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I'm super behind on playing this game. So there's no invincibility of any kind in mk1 right? No backdash/ aa invincibility, ect.?

Also I'm getting mk11 barebones vibes from this kitana too. Nrs sthappp.


Dojo Trainee
I been messing around with Lao kameo and it is annoying af for opponents. I main sub kameo, but I think in certain matchups Lao is superior IE. Reptile, Baraka.. basically anyone who has a move that can go under fans.. Only problem is I'm sacrificing alot of damage in doing so


Anyone have good Sonya tech?

I really want to make her work, but can’t find anything that can compete with the stuff I’ve found for Cyrax, Lao, or Scorpion.


The main thing I like about Lao is you can use his Spin assist as a reversal, which is particularly handy during gaps in combo strings (if you’re blocking) as it’s invincible and launches the opponent for a full combo.

of course, his spin is a good combo extender, and his other assists are good as well, but that reversal really makes him a standout to me


Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
I don't see the harm in letting her combo J21 & 112 herself.

112 in particular I'd let her combo to with herself & other kameos like Kung Lao's spin, Sektor's teleport punch, Sub's freeze, etc. Don't see why she's not able to. Either or is fine, too but that's 2 things that I can be vocal about. Granted I prefer her to be able to combo into it alone because it gives her more of her own individuality. I'm not sure on other changes yet & I'm not the type to overreact or over project, but those 2 I most definitely think should be considered.

She is fun to play. I've used her with Sub-Zero, Cyrax, Scorpion, Goro, & Sektor, but Cyrax is strong in general. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, & Sektor gives her either damage, zoning, or cool setups.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Tired of having no mix so trying out Stryker.
  • He has some fun combo potential with the grenades that double as safety if they block.
  • B3 and B33 become actually useful tools with him as she now gets easy mix (and B33 with close grenades can combo in the corner with tight timing)
  • Chip damage is good with grenades
  • Grenades are ambush moves so they can complement your zoning a little under full screen
  • You can end combos early into +35 restands if desired
  • On demand, plus on block 50/50s that recharge at honestly too fast a speed
  • Grenades protect jump-ins
  • Grenades can help trap setups eat armor
He's not insane by any means compared to the likes of Cyrax Copter or Kung Lao Hat, but his full kit is valuable. Only negative is that -50 health.


Your circumstances are dire!
My biggest gripes with Kitana right now is how slow of a recovery (possibly startup too) her booty move has. It's a HIGH, and can't be used as a reversal. Unless, I haven't practiced it enough.

Other than that, I would also like to be able to convert after 112 without a kameo.

Oh, I also wish her F1 had better range.

Her MKX design, when it comes to mids, and range was perfect.


D'Vorah for KP2 copium
Anything of note with the patch? PC is behind so curious if anyone's found any changes to Kitana. I assume not considering how wildly unpopular she is, but still.


Anything of note with the patch? PC is behind so curious if anyone's found any changes to Kitana. I assume not considering how wildly unpopular she is, but still.
I don't know if it's kitana specific or cyrax specific, but her 112-Cyrax combo is now dealing 285 damage instead of 305. I don't know what exactly they nerfed though.

I also can't connect some of the buttons that I could previously. I am not sure if it's a frame data or something.


I Play Raiden
Im thinking about playing kitana, but I need to know something. does her DF2 actually leave her negative on hit or is that just a bug with the frame data in practice?


Is there any synergy or way to make Jax a viable kameo for Kitana? I know it's not a big deal, but I'd love to find a way to make it work because I really like the health boost.