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Guide - Cutthroat Kano Hype Train Video by Pig of the Hut & Machinima

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Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Ok not really sure what just happened the last few post. @Pig Of The Hut just showed a video on how good Kano is that I didn't even know about. In no shape of form did I see him posting "Stealth Nerf this Character." I think some of you are over reacting here. Chill..

Paul the Octopus

Slow Starter
You know people are really grasping at straws when they defend their character by saying you can "punish them on a read."

You could also punish Aquaman strings into trident rush on a read by randomly jumping in neutral, doesn't make it fair. It's about risk reward for said read.

To be clear - I don't think Kano is broke, he's merely good/annoying. The downplaying is inane though.
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Stay focused or get Caged
Guys, just relax.
Pig made an informative video about Kano, explaining why so many people are picking him now.
I saw no lies in that vid, all the info there is true. He didn't ask for nerfs.
Nrs will finally decide if he is too good as he is now.
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Lt. Boxy Angelman

1. Awesome video, Pig.
2. Definitely gonna be playing more Kano. I've had a pocket Cybernetic forever, but this CT stuff is too nuts not to tap.
3. All of you quit your damn bitching and be glad there's still exciting shit to be had in this game, especially for a character who last time around was literally the worst of the worst.
4. #BuffBalanced.


Official Master of Salt
Great video as usual @Pig Of The Hut, don't let the bottom feeders discourage your content production.

Slightest bit of constructive criticism: When you're explaining something for the casual viewers, who don't know the numerical translation for button inputs, you say "so for xbox users it's down back 1 x, and for ps4 users it's down back 1 square" that might still cause confusion for them as they're probably still wondering what the "1" is and don't get that it translates to the x/square.

So instead you might want to just say "so down back 1 for xbox users is down back x, and for PS4 is down back square".


Well #1 this video nor I screams nerf.

#2 the video is meant to explain and encourage people to use Kano

#3. Db1 on hit grants a 50/50 not pressure

#4. I posted this video on this site for those who are interested in quality videos, unlike 99.9% of top player who have all together stopped posting on this site because your downplaying rivals Johnny cage forums right now

#5. I want to let Kano ride - again never encouraged nerfs

#6. Punishable specials? Wtf are these random ass kanos throwing out randoms ass balls and ex db1s?????? You should lose if you do

#7. Everything I showed in the corner works mid screen

#8. Here's a negative I left out : worst jump in the game. FML guys lets buff it

Peace, sorry you think Kano isn't a top character
# 1&2 . Your body language and sarcastic tone and attitude towards the character's tools says otherwise.

#3. Db1 in the "corner" grants a 50/50 on hit, my earlier argument was trying to establish that he can't do that midscreen. Db1 midscreen grants pressure because there are multiple ways you opponent can get out of the scenario. (Backdash, armor, quick pokes, etc...)

#4. No that video was not quality, you can't just brand yourself and give info from a tunnel vision perspective. Like some have stated beforehand, the video "appeared" agenda driven (in a negative way), and how you delivered that information (your body language and sarcastic explainations) kinda screamed out that maybe this is more than "just an informative video"

#5. We will see I guess

#6. You're the one who brought up he has a "2f OH and it's the fastest move in the game" I was just explaining the pros and cons of using that particular special and the others like it (kano' balls :p) and yes knife toss is punishable as well since it flies over crouch blocking hit boxes sometimes (same with ex)

#7. Everything in the corner does work midscreen, except slice on hit granting a 50/50. You have to run cancel immediately afterwards and in that time the recover and can poke you out of any 50/50 follow up. The only true guaranteed thing you get is to f2 or f4 check them forcing them to block, hence I said "pressure"

#8. You didn't leave out that his jump was floaty and ass. How do you forget what content is in your own video?!?

I never said he wasn't a top character, in fact I do think he's on the cusp of top 5 (definitely top 10). My only issue with this is you made it "seem" like he was straight up broken tier now and didn't point out the downsides (as little as they may be) that came with certain aspects of the character himself.

Excuse me how is db1 a risk on block or hit?
That post you quoted me on was in regard to ex upball and ex Kano ball. Re read the convo up to that point.


Official Loop Kang Main
Not much changed, you block itwhile standing, it does not lead to bid dmg and is super publishable.

Kano is very good, top 10 for sure, but don't make a S++++ tier out of him people when there are characters like Cage, Sonya, Alien, Mileena, etc. :)
Cut that nonsense. Air ball is really freaking good now. Its basically a 50 50 everytime kano jumps and it can be used as an insta air. An insta air 50 50 that you cannot react do if done properly.


Cut that nonsense. Air ball is really freaking good now. Its basically a 50 50 everytime kano jumps and it can be used as an insta air. An insta air 50 50 that you cannot react do if done properly.
You have to be relatively close for it to work effectively as a 50/50. It still does small damage and eats a full combo when it is blocked (or ex whiffed). Do you guys remember DR Tanya's insta overhead?!? That was a problematic OH, it lead to full combo's, hence it was nerfed. Kano's airball is no where near that kind of level and really shouldn't even be a factor here.


Special Forces Sonya Up-player
b121 ex buff 112 ex df2 d4 is all a true block string btw. the b121 ex buff leaves the space perfect that the gap in 112 is gone.


Official Loop Kang Main
You have to be relatively close for it to work effectively as a 50/50. It still does small damage and eats a full combo when it is blocked (or ex whiffed). Do you guys remember DR Tanya's insta overhead?!? That was a problematic OH, it lead to full combo's, hence it was nerfed. Kano's airball is no where near that kind of level and really shouldn't even be a factor here.
Just because it doesnt lead to a full combo and its not safe, doesnt mean its not very good..ive played gametime who imo is the best ct kano free. Kano has no problem getting in and when he does, the threat of an insta air 50 50 in addition to all his other tools because very real. Idc if they nerf or buff him but lets not downplay what he has.


Just because it doesnt lead to a full combo and its not safe, doesnt mean its not very good..ive played gametime who imo is the best ct kano free. Kano has no problem getting in and when he does, the threat of an insta air 50 50 in addition to all his other tools because very real. Idc if they nerf or buff him but lets not downplay what he has.
Not downplaying but given the scenario of "he's in" using an insta air airball over his b1 OH is just reckless. Having it as another tool is good and fine yes bc it compliments his Arsenal and momentum, but it can't be thrown out willy nilly. It's not as reliable as you're making it out to be is all I'm getting at. The cons outweigh the pros on this one.


Official Loop Kang Main
Not downplaying but given the scenario of "he's in" using an insta air airball over his b1 OH is just reckless. Having it as another tool is good and fine yes bc it compliments his Arsenal and momentum, but it can't be thrown out willy nilly. It's not as reliable as you're making it out to be is all I'm getting at.
Its not reliable, its a guess for both players. It definitely cant just be tossed out lol. I see where you are getting at.


Jesus, a lot of kano mains dont even know what the hell their character is capable of. Tym for you.
I'm guilty of abusing Air ball, so I know it has great mobility and all, but I also know that it can't be used mindlessly. Anyway, I won't be downplaying CT Kano, he is top 10, maybe higher, no doubt. Besides, the word is used too often, I just explained that he has some issues and have been called a downplayer, for no reason at all. :)

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
I'm glad Kano is getting this attention. CT is great and the vid shows it. So good for him. For kano CT and the community. But no. That's not what this is about. No. It's about some who would rather piss shit on a man then welcome in anorther pro to stay through the long haul like he did and is doing well with his long time main.

It doesn't matter if it was @Pig Of The Hut or REO or anyone else that made it. The vid is good and it basically shows CT Kano. BASICALLY!!! So I think he did a really good job of doing that appealing to everyone & anyone who is interested in CT kano.

He promoted the variation.
He explained it so others who are skilled and not so much can look, listen, learn & observe while really casting a lot good light on kano.
Looked good to me. So what's the problem?

So why some of you go & lose your shit? Honestly? As I've read almost every single post and thread in the kano community some of you made yourselves look stupid and absolutely childish while making your points. Points that are aslo dated but not needed in a vid that's getting more people to pay attention. Good attention. For new & old to play Kano. What? Yall afraid?

I main cyber. Who is not a top whatever but I know he can be because I don't need someone or something to say different. My skills do that & I look. Listen. Learn & observe then rinse n repeat so I get better with or without buffs, nerfs or anything else. Me. Though I do want a buff here or there.

It was NOT NEEDED!!! Make your points, critiques or criticisms in a respectful and mature way and move on. Yall talk in the community which I say is ALWAYS civil and this one very stupid time of back n forth about a character that can be mained by anyone! Anytime! Rightfully so I might add can benifet us day 1 mains so we can continue to learn and level up 1. While STILL at the said same time teach others and grow the variation as it should. Aslo Fuck this downplaying and upplaying. That's such a stupid term anyways. He's great period.

Seriously. Some of you looked really stupid. Yall made your points which I and some do maybe agree with but the guy is a pro. Listen. He could say a thing or 2 or even further help those of us who wouldn't believe a "nobody" or whomever else. I welcome that. No doubt.

TYM can really be ridiculous at times but it's the people that makes it so. Shit got a little emotional so let's let it die and get back to some Kano technical shit.


Halfway opened zipper and professional language like "stupid" and "blow up" is quality content for sure :DOGE. You need to step up your presentation game sir.
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