I'd definitely like to play, not neccessarily as a money match, but at least some exhibitions/casuals in MKX:
@Pig Of The Hut
@General M2Dave
@Perfect Legend
GGA crew, who I assume I wouldnt have had much xp against up to that point
@GGA 16 Bit,
@GGA Dizzy,
@GGA Max,
@GGA pimpimjim.
@Tom Brady
@CD jr / SR
As these are all guys that even though I may have played in the past, havent had as much time to play against.
Although I hope PS4 isnt region locked and by that time I would have at least had some online xp with you lot, since I hope to have a broad base of players to play against, not just for experience, but to reconnect with the community, that in all honesty, I owe, and must hold alot of 'dats' for.