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Johnny Shujinko


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
Dumping ground for my Johnny Shujinko notes. Categorized by spoilers. Hopefully I will get through the list! Feel free to contribute with your own mix of Johnny Shujinko combos/tech, as there is a whole cast of characters to go through. Shujinko's major re-work is perfect for Johnny. Essentially as far as I can tell he grants him a free launcher off of f32. This being a safe forward advancing normal, makes it very easy to hit confirm into these abilities.

General Rules:

Shujinko can be charged during any bnb with a simple press of Kameo, if its not listed, it should be inherent that you should just tap Kameo when you can in the combo to start charging Shujinko. Usually right after you use him in the middle of a string is best.

any grounded string that combos into fwd or back kameo (shujinko punch/kick) can be 2-in-1'd like a string into special. so "back kameo, down back kameo" and these notes use this link frequently.

DownBack: Lift
DownBack Up: “Swamp Hands” (DB UP+KAM)
DownBack Down: Death’s Embrace (DB D+KAM)
DownFwd: bf1 blast - can charge / Cancel with block for 1 bar

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) DB Kam grants free lift/swamp hands (the general rule)

Deaths Embrace: Ermac and you both cannot have it. If one player has it, and the other activates, it effectively swaps between the players. Ermac can "steal" Deaths Embrace, and so can you. However it is much easier for Ermac as it not tied to the Kameo cooldown

Single Shujinko:
starter* B+Kam, DB KAM+UP, taunt+charge shujinko jip 212, xxf3, 212, xx4 sk = 417

212, f3, 212,xx 4 db KAM, taunt+charge shujinko, xx4 sk

double shujinko:

starter* b+kam, db kam+up, taunt+charge shujinko , ji2 212, f3, 212, 4 db+kam, taunt+charge shujinko , xx 4np = 384

starter* B+Kam, DB KAM+UP, taunt+charge shujinko jip 212, xxf3, 212, 4 Lift, taunt+charge shujinko 4 sk= 441


Real Match example:
DownBack: Sento
DownBack Up: Sword Upper (DB KAM+UP)
DownFwd: Sword Charge (Hold to Run)
DownFwd Down: Tele Push (Hold to Charge)

Sento goes away with one hit

Sword upper whiffs in corner when not grounded

F KAM is plus enough on hit when you summon Sento into Sento 2 alongside Johnny f1 or b3, you will break armor attempts from Kenshi.

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) B Kam grants free – Sword Upper

Mid screen:
starter* B+Kam, DB KAM+UP, j2, 212, xx4 sk = 390

starter* B+Kam, DB KAM+UP, f4, 212, 214 sk = 400.89

starter* B+Kam, DB KAM+UP, f4, 212, 4exUpper, j4, 4sk = 458


real match example:

DownBack: Spear
DownBack Down: ex Hellfire (unblockable)
FwdDown: Spear Spin
FwdDown Up: Teleport

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) B KAM, grants free SPEAR, SPEAR SPIN, TELEPORT, EX HellFire

Mid Screen:
starter* B KAM, SPEAR, 212, xxf3, 212, xx 4 SK = 399

starter* B KAM, SPEAR, 214 exUpper 2, 212, xx4 SK = 422

starter* B KAM, SPEAR, 212, 4, 212, 214 sk = 420

212, 4, 212, 4 B KAM, SPEAR, 212, 4 SK = 438

1 bar

starter* B KAM, SPEAR, 212, 4, 4exUpper 2, 214 sk = 451


real match example:

DownBack: Invis
DownFwd: Air Knife
DownFwd Down: overhead smokebomb

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) F KAM, grants free INVIS, SMOKE BOMB

Mid Screen:
starter* F KAM, DB KAM, xx212, xxf3, 212, 4sk = 412

1 bar
starter* F KAM, DB KAM,xx 214 ex Upper 2, ji2 244, xx 4SK = 423

starter* B KAM, DB KAM, 212, 4, 212, 214 SK = 441

starter* B KAM, DB KAM, 212, 4, 4 ex Upper 4, 214, SK = 477


real match example:
DownFwd: Projectile
DownBack: Cannon Drill
DownBack Up: UpTele (DB KAM+UP)

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) B KAM, grants ALL abilities

you can combo off of the projectile in the corner (starter- F KAM, DF KAM, (late) d1 or 11 exupper)


starter* F KAM, DB KAM, 4, xx212, xx4 = 405

No Bar
starter* B KAM, DB KAM+UP, 4, 212, 214 SK = 410

1 Bar
starter* B KAM, DB KAM+UP, 4, 4ex Upper 2, 214 SK = 450

No Bar Hype Double Shujinko
starter* B KAM, DB KAM+UP, 4 hype, np+shujinko charge np upper, j4, 214 np np dash, 214, np np DB KAM, SK = 529

real match example:
DownFwd: Gunshot
DownBack: Activate Sonic boom!
DownBack UP: Activate Anti Gravity!
DownBack Down: Activate Torpedo!

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) F KAM, grants ALL abilities

Torpedo will absorb a hit

Sonic Boom ignores gravity

Anti Gravity pops up

starter* F KAM DB KAM+UP, xxf3, 212, 4sk

starter* F KAM DB KAM+UP, 4, 212, 214 sk

starter* F KAM DB KAM+UP, 4, 212, 4 exupper 4, 4 sk
1 bar hype double shujinko
starter* F KAM DB KAM+UP, 4hype, np(charge shujinko) np Upper 2, 4, np np dash, 212, 4 np, np, exDash, f34, f3np DB KAM, 4 SK = 603
real match example:
DownBack: CMD Grab
DownBack Up: Parry
DownFwd: Knee Slide
DownFwd Down: Ninja Stars

Reiko is unique. While you can do the “starter into shujinko kick/punch into shujinko special” they don’t really offer much to Johnny’s F32. You can end Johnny’s normal BnBs with 4’cmd grab” and youll be able to do something like 4sk to follow up, but they don’t inherently change his combo routes.

However, Johnny does get some tick grabs from this

The following buttons cant be d1 reversed by Reiko (therefore eating the cmd grab if they hold block/mash d1, they HAVE to crouch/jump/armor as this is Reiko’s normal cmd grab)

1, 11, 2, 21, 214, F3, F32, d4

You can ALSO command grab tick grab off of the hype sequence, so “np, np, downback kam” would also tick grab

F3,4, b2 DB KAM, 4 sk = 325

212, xx212, xx4 DB KAM, 4 SK = 378

tick grabb3, 212, 4 SK = 296


212, 4, 212, 4 F+KAM, DB KAM, 4 SK = 445

tick grabb3, 212, 214 sk = 309

1 Bar
tick grab212, 4 ex Upper 2, 4 Sk = 369

real match example:
DownFwd: Spit
DownFwd UP: Spit Ball
DownBack: Forceball (can hold BACK/FWD for distance change)
DownBack Down: ex Elbow Dash (pops up)

any starter string (f1, f12, 1, 11, f3, f32*, 21, 214) F KAM, grants ALL abilities

If you end any of Johnny’s BnBs with B KAM, DB KAM, you can use the forceball on Oki. The Shujinko Kick will whiff, but it will 2-in-1 to the forceball regardless. You can either follow up with b3, or you can block.

starter* F KAM, DB D+KAM, F1, 212, 4 sk = 373

starter* F KAM DB D+KAM, (backdash) f1, 212, 214 sk = 386

1 bar
starter* F KAM, DB D+KAM, (backdash) f1, 212, 4ex upper 4, 4sk = 447
real match example:
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Elder God
i haven't played as JC for a single second in this game, yet this thread single handedly makes me want to main him now.

That and Shang fucking sucks


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
First debut at MKNJ did not go well. I lost to Ashrah twice in bracket. I will lab her some more next.

I think the key thing for success to shujinko is MU experience... I was able to land the Sento starting combo off of MARI a couple of times in casuals, but I was unable to do anything with it after because im not any good with the sento pressure. Ultimately got bodied but I still believe in this vision. You have to play super patient, and use your stolen moves full screen. You want people to come to you to stop you from charging shujinko/hype meter. Neutral is still developing...been doing shadow kick + stryker nades for 6 months


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
This was one of my EVO matches... again I did lose but I truly think a better player will be able to make this shell WORK: