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Tech - Kung Lao J2~teleport 3 Jails on Block


Hello friend,

This is good tech, and definitely a strong option for Lao.

That said the title saying "jails" is disingenuous as it implies the opponent has no options after j2 is blocked. The term "jailed" means they cannot armor or backdash. Since they can, this block string has a gap, which by definition means it does not jail.

Furthermore, I believe any character can backdash this by doing a delayed backdash. You will know a delayed backdash is performed because the "Reversal" text will not appear at the bottom of the screen. However, doing a delayed backdash will lose to tele1, so Lao will still have options against opponents who employ this.


Yes the title was meant for shock value. Apologies.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Hmm. This is one hell of a guess for the opponent.
He could back dash. But if i do decide to combo regularly hell release block and fuck himself.
And he blocks said string i can overhead ir grab.
Haaaaaa. This shit is nice :REO