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ive got an imposter.


lol i rember my imposters back in the uk psn mk2 days 'vvaz56' notcie the 2 v used has a w. also 'wazz55' and 'wazz57' and the most reconized name on the uk mk2 psn score boards 'wazz56_sucks_mk2'

the gd old days lol

lol all thnx 2 my buddy richbru27

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
dookiebrain said:
FYI, jesse informed me last night that there are 2 more regarding myself (good god)

"d00kiebrain" (2 zero's instead of O's)

"MK2WiseGuy" (no underscore, i have underscore)

just fyi, this isn't me because both names could in fact look like my screen names. lovin the fan club, thanks to whoever created them.
Same with my TimStatic fan.

(i have an underscore in my ONLY PSN tag!)


fusion117 said:
LOL yah i read your ggs post bro, well i dont mind if theres imposters as long as thier not making me look bad. It could be scorpangel getting revenge on me since i made my BD-FUSION117 account but i already told him i was just messin around.Thanks for da info GEM ,btw i got a new number bro ...it seems my ex decided to turn my phone off finally.Hit me up on PSN and ill just give you my land line aight.
got it. It sure as hell feels like scorpangel.


he then said i was the imposter. lmao the way he stated it was ( DA REAL FRZNSLDR GOT DA UNDERSCORE)..... scorpangel uses da instead of the.