100% correct. And it’s unbelievably frustrating because it’s not just the mass casuals, it’s also the competitive/tournament players that’ll do this. Because they know that with enough complaining, NRS is way more likely to respond to it than if they were to say nothing. I remember awhile back, so many people were saying that NRS doesn’t listen to all the complaints. I was always saying that they do and will sometimes make changes based on them. A lot of the NRS shills would tell me that that isn’t the case, that they don’t take it into consideration. Which is such a wild (and weird) claim to make, especially when so often you’d see nerfs made that directly correlate with what people were complaining about. Did they concede? Nope, they would just say that it was a coincidence and had nothing to do with the complaints, lmao.
This is why it sucks that I typically main characters like Scorpion. Since he gets played by so many people, naturally you’ll see far more complaints. Happened in MKX and MK11 (and even in Injustice lol). He was gutted (imo) in MKX when they removed his fb cancels, which absolutely didn’t deserve to be nerfed. The nerfs he received in MK11 were annoying, and they did bring him down a lot, but at least wasn’t as bad as the MKX nerfs. And it wouldn’t have been an issue if he actually deserved these nerfs, but he didn’t. He wasn’t dominating the meta, hell, he wasn’t even a top 5 character. But so many people complained, for instance about his teleport in MK11. That it basically forced NRS’ hand. It’s wild to me that in almost all of the NRS games; Injustice, MKX, Injustice 2 and MK11, my characters were unjustly nerfed in everyone of them. I say “unjustly” because they never gave it enough time. Sure, maybe Ares’ unblockable reset in Injustice deserved to be nerfed, but it was nerfed month 1 iirc. Just because a certain move or strategy a character has is REALLY good, that doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be nerfed.
Anyway, I could write an essay or a book about this topic, and I’ve already typed too much as it is. I just wish they’d do the 95:5 of buffing to nerf ratio instead. But don’t get me started on that either, lol.