What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
dude my GF is the best, she not only doesn't try to talk to me mid match, she understand what i do, and she plays mk her self. she is also 9 months behind, but i will be training her and then having her tryout for the KHAOTIC clan yay! she would be happy to know th clan leader is a girl, my GF is kinda sexist, she only plays female characters (sonya/kitana) and pretty much thinks females are superior...........don't know if thats good or bad lolI've been playing this a month after it came out, I still suck in my opinion; I'm nowhere near as dedicated as the top players are however. Also, it's cool that your GF actually supports you in that department, mine enjoys bantering me with conversation when I play and gets mad at me for being irritated when I'm not listening to her while I'm playing (DUH!)