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is it too late too be good at mk?


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
I've been playing this a month after it came out, I still suck in my opinion; I'm nowhere near as dedicated as the top players are however. Also, it's cool that your GF actually supports you in that department, mine enjoys bantering me with conversation when I play and gets mad at me for being irritated when I'm not listening to her while I'm playing (DUH!) :rolleyes:
dude my GF is the best, she not only doesn't try to talk to me mid match, she understand what i do, and she plays mk her self. she is also 9 months behind, but i will be training her and then having her tryout for the KHAOTIC clan yay! she would be happy to know th clan leader is a girl, my GF is kinda sexist, she only plays female characters (sonya/kitana) and pretty much thinks females are superior...........don't know if thats good or bad lol :cool:


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
They're vastly different, I don't play online anymore since I feel (for the most part anyways) that I have a grasp on most of the cast and it's really gotten to the point where I feel it's worthless. Online is just this mongoloid ridden jumping fest, it's dumb. Nobody can AA, nobody can crossup. Nobody bothers with spacing, pokes, etc. Just jumps. Unless, you play KL and SZ, you still respect their ability to negate JIPs.
hey get on, ill show you that no one thats has played me since i moved to a no lag display tv can jump wth out eating an AA. online i am AA off reaction to everyones jump ins and cross ups, for the last two days i been on a tear tbh, since i switched tvs i been an entirely different player.


It depends, I mean do you like/play fighting games anyway?

If you do, you probably got decent fundamentals at worst. Yeah the average person will know more than you, but this game doesn't have as high a learning curve as something like SSF IV or KoF.

That said, I gave SSF IV something like a 2 year break. I was decent at that, when I tried playing it again recently I felt like a damn scrub again and if anything I really dont feel like devoting time to get myself back up to scratch.

Get yourself a couple of good sparring partners, offline or online, whatever is more convenient.


Good is all relative. I like to think im a good player but obviously there are guys in NY, AZ, NV, and cali that are better. Also there are many angles to look at. Execution, spacing, counter pokes, match up knowledge, mind games, meter management are all factors to how good someone can be. So ask yourself do you want to be good enough for high level play(being the best) or good enough to understand high level and play compotently against the majority.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Good is all relative. I like to think im a good player but obviously there are guys in NY, AZ, NV, and cali that are better. Also there are many angles to look at. Execution, spacing, counter pokes, match up knowledge, mind games, meter management are all factors to how good someone can be. So ask yourself do you want to be good enough for high level play(being the best) or good enough to understand high level and play compotently against the majority.
i strive to win and be the best at everything i do, so playing at the highest level is were i want to be, i feel held back by where i currently live, lack of experience and technical things. i watch so much gameplay, study habits, spacing, strategies ect always have since my halo days imo the best way to improve is to play people better than you, you can only get so much from watching and disecting gameplay. i would really like to see what a top player right now would say are the qualities to being a top player beside the obvious like skill and reactions and experience. to me decision making is really important. in my halo days making the wrong decision to push by yourself or to take another player head on instead of being conservative could cost you the game. positioning is key in halo, which i translate to spacing/footsies/zoning. i think the basic things from halo that i bring like these will def help me catch up, but fighting games are different than shooting games, less execution for shooters, i mean i think my halo 2 days double shotting and bxr definetly help me pull of these combos. thanks for the feedback