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Is all "hype" good for the community?

Is all hype "good hype"?

  • Yes. All hype is "good hype".

    Votes: 13 68.4%
  • No. Some can hype be damaging, but we haven't seen that yet.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. Some hype can be damaging, and we've already seen this several times.

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
There has been a lot of "hype" in the last week with two separate live stream arguments, the details of which do not need to be shared here. Long story short, it looks like some situations have been more-or-less resolved, while others there may still some hurt feelings involved.

However, the assertion of some people is that "all hype is good hype". So I guess the question is, IS IT POSSIBLE for someone to go on stream and actually say something that is damaging to the community or the status of the game?

(Poll attached)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
We have a very dysfunctional community at times, largely it's because this game drives us crazy. At the end of the day after all the screaming and fighting; we're still having a good time and being buddies again. Lots of things get taken out of context, lots of things get escalated, lots of things get misunderstood.

We lash out at each other due to many things. The input bug, online being abominable, 3D hitboxes for a 2D game, block infinites (Kabal still has one), dash blocking, the new wakeup system, EX armor being awarded like candy, subsequent buffs, nerfs, yellow robot resets which can't be addressed, etc etc. Unless you're a part of this community, you won't understand that though.

Take a moment to think about how crazy this shit causes you to act at times, now think about Tom, who's been involved in this game since beta. No, I don't think Tom is a bad guy, I think despite all of Tom's best intentions that he has the same affliction that we all do; he's just had it far longer than we've had.

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
Premium Supporter
NetherRealm Studios
The drama can't hurt the community or scene. It's either positive or neutral. No one is going to stop watching streams or attending tournaments over it. We all know Tom is going to be back to his antics soon. It's good to have personalities and rivalries.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Positive or negative, the hype is part of what keeps this community alive. There can be points when the drama gets out of hand, but there is always an outcome to each confrontation, whether it be these people don't associate with one another ever again or they remain friends till the end.

I've been through quite the bit of drama since joining the community and it's only made me stronger and more resilient.
I have no idea what specific event this thread is alluding to but hype owns and I love to yell real loud at exciting things that are happening on the big screen.


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Hype and drama is good, as long as the players aren't pussies.

You call someone out...man up and play.

Someone calls you out...man up and play.

Even if you lose, your helping the community with hype and drama. Tom Brady does this well. :)


TYM White Knight
If anything, Last night brought a lot of hype to NEC as well as to both PL's and Art's streams. While some of (or most of) the things I said did cross a personal line, I think we both know that this situation got completely blown up. The result? An extreme influx of viewers on both channels....we had over 400 people at one point between the two streams...before Tom and I's fit they were both hanging around 100 with most likely a few simultaneous viewers. Ultimately I think Tom and I both know that this kind of attention is good for hyping the game up...I mean honestly, if Tom and I were to have a match now, who wouldn't want to see the outcome? These kind of rivalries are fun and just make the game more storied.

As far as antics go, there is a point where they cross the line and I was guilty of that last night. Things went too far, and got too personal. Tom is a smart guy, and he knows what is good for business. If I gave the impression that he does not do work for the community then I am sorry. Tom is one guy who is constantly at tournaments, and constantly repping this game. I can't do that all of the time so I try to do what I can from home with Mortal Monday. Last night's argument was the summation of both of our passions for this game colliding. Honestly, in retrospect it was retarded, but at the time the emotions were real. Not so much now.
Personally I feel all hype is good hype as long as it doesn't get to the point of personal attacks. This community needs stuff like rivalries to keep people interested in the game and it also gets us new MK players acquainted with the different faces of the community. It also makes us more interested in watching streams of MK9. I don't think a passion filled argument between two people who support MK will hurt the game's reputation in the least.
Hype? MK? Those words just don't go together. This is drama, not hype. This game is not hype, only pathetic drama and crybabies.
People are people. You will even see fights break out in church in certain situations. All this stuff is being overblown cause some people want the mk9 community to be unrealistically tight knit because its the underdog in the general fighting game community. When you have a group of men, mostly that are in their younger years in life, competing, there will be "fights" or arguments. Have to just try to diffuse it and keep it moving.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Hype? MK? Those words just don't go together. This is drama, not hype. This game is not hype, only pathetic drama and crybabies.
In the 2 years or so BEFORE MK9, people like [MENTION=255]Shock[/MENTION], [MENTION=58]9.95[/MENTION], myself & some others were driving the UMK3 hype train all around the Northeast/Midwest. So for you to say that not only makes you look kinda dumb, but very salty. u mad?

MK and hype go hand and hand, kid. It may have been pretty dull over the last decade (and rightfully so) but in the 1990's, MK was the hype. And thats just the way it is.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
In my view, the fact that people get so worked up over the game and engage in intense debate is a good thing. The boards aren't quite as active as they once were but there is still daily discussion of the game. If nobody did this, that would probably mean that the game is dead. There are only two problems as far as I can see:
1) Sometimes people decide to be offensive towards another member in order to try and prove a point. This includes both well known players and those who play casually.
2) Well known high level players don't like to debate enough. Instead of analyzing what other players are saying, they instead like to take the critiques as being offensive and they usually leave the discussion. Don't get me wrong; I realize that people sometimes say ignorant things. But I think the better response would be to expound on your point and keep a level head.

This game is a living and evolving thing. There should be arguments amongst all players, so in that respect, I think the hype is always a good thing.
It's people like you guys that make me glad I quit this game and left this community. This game is all fucked up because of the community, and its the most boring game at tournaments. Almost worse than Tekken. Thank god I returned this shitty game and hopefully I'll be banned to prevent me from wanting to troll this website.

You can say what you want to say without calling people slanderous names - Dark_Rob


Come On Die Young
It's people like you guys that make me glad I quit this game and left this community. This game is all fucked up because of the community, and its the most boring game at tournaments. Almost worse than Tekken. Thank god I returned this shitty game and hopefully I'll be banned to prevent me from wanting to troll this website. Have fun with your dying game [ban incoming]s.
K bye.


It's people like you guys that make me glad I quit this game and left this community. This game is all fucked up because of the community, and its the most boring game at tournaments. Almost worse than Tekken. Thank god I returned this shitty game and hopefully I'll be banned to prevent me from wanting to troll this website. Have fun with your dying game [ban incoming]s.
This is the dumbest thing I ever read. You left the communtity but come back here to troll? You must have NOTHING going on for you.


My blades will find your heart
If someone says something that is damaging to the community, then that is not hype.
I agree with this, although no one argument can do this, the amount of salt in the general community is slowly increasing. I also agree that this can be attributed to the game mostly, but still, dont necessarily think its helping the community.


Attention whore say.......

It's people like you guys that make me glad I quit this game and left this community. This game is all fucked up because of the community, and its the most boring game at tournaments. Almost worse than Tekken. Thank god I returned this shitty game and hopefully I'll be banned to prevent me from wanting to troll this website. Have fun with your dying game [ban incoming]s.
To paraphrase the great Joey Styles:

We know you already bought Mortal Kombat the game!
We know you are still playing Mortal Kombat at home!
We know you bought the Mortal Kombat tee-shirts!
We know you pre-orderd tickets to the Mortal Kombat movie!
And we know that you're loving every minute of it. So there! :stupid:

:focus: I don't like responding when I have no clue what prompted the discussion, but I will say that as a wrestling and entertainment industry connaiseur, "there's no press like bad press" only goes so far. A large part of why MK isn't given the respect it deserves is because of "hype". People see the blood, Fatalities, etc. and think "all style, no substance".

While a tight-knit kommunity would be awesome, let's face facts. People are people. Some are douche-bags, some are ass-clowns, some are trolls, some are (insert whatever name you can think of). As far as the MK Kommunity being the underdogs? I'd have to say there are a few die-hard Virtua Fighter, BlazBlue, Dead or Alive, and Tekken Tag fans that might wanna have a word with you out back behind McDonalds....


Dojo Trainee
Hype? MK? Those words just don't go together. This is drama, not hype. This game is not hype, only pathetic drama and crybabies.
You quit because of the drama but you are trolling to cause more of it?


And yes, hype is good for the game, just not when it crosses the line.
Lol you guys should take note of my homies in Transit and just relax.

Look at you guys all coming together to flame me. This community is so strong trololol. Nothing like a little goodbye trolling to piss overly serious people off. Have fun guys.


Online Punching Bag
If nothing else it's good to see people being passionate about the game. If it was a shitty ass game people would mostly say who cares and not want to watch streams, tactics, balance opinions and tournaments with it. You never see anyone get worked up defending their opinions over crappy games.
It's people like you guys that make me glad I quit this game and left this community. This game is all fucked up because of the community, and its the most boring game at tournaments. Almost worse than Tekken. Thank god I returned this shitty game and hopefully I'll be banned to prevent me from wanting to troll this website.
Nothing like a little goodbye trolling to piss overly serious people off.
uh okay


Come On Die Young
Look at you guys all coming together to flame me. This community is so strong trololol. Nothing like a little goodbye trolling to piss overly serious people off. Have fun guys.
You were never an important member of this community. No one here cares about you or your opinion on the game. Have fun playing whatever else you're playing.