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At least he's a competitive player ;)

But, there are a lot of people that would make him take his words back, I'm sure..


kingpdoubleR said:
I'm the best nobody can make me quit hhaaa haaa haaaa haaa I did bomb on you though mudd you were all complaining bout how you're not used to pads you only play on arcade lol so don't front hah you problably thought I wouldn't see you talking shh yeah we fought cuz I was looking for a psn match in the shoutbox homie

;D :D :D ;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D ;D :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

kingpdoubleR said:
I'm the best nobody can make me quit hhaaa haaa haaaa haaa I did bomb on you though mudd you were all complaining bout how you're not used to pads you only play on arcade lol so don't front hah you problably thought I wouldn't see you talking shh yeah we fought cuz I was looking for a psn match in the shoutbox homie
This dude is a clown, he doesn't get one win and leaves like a Be-itch every time. Quit posing rookie.
mud said:
I'm assuming this is why we fought and I don't remember our matches at all. I might smoke a lot, but if I got owned, I'd remember it. Sorry to burst your bubble, but there's PLENTY of players on here that will make you want to quit playing mk2. Not the best idea to come into a game's forum and tell everyone right off the bat that you'd "merc" em. This isn't a vertical shoot em up ya know :laugh:
Mud i played u once awhile back and distinctly remember your skill, and i can say this to u in full confidence that kingPoserDoubleRookie did not get the best of u. NO doubt man.
Drewicide said:
Mud i played u once awhile back and distinctly remember your skill, and i can say this to u in full confidence that kingPoserDoubleRookie did not get the best of u. NO doubt man.
Lol well maybe he did if you were blitzed outta your mind :)


Drewicide said:
Mud i played u once awhile back and distinctly remember your skill, and i can say this to u in full confidence that kingPoserDoubleRookie did not get the best of u.
Drew, the last time we payed was the same night I fought him. I DO remember those matches clearly, because it was the last time I used psn (I rarely use that shit). In fact, we've fought twice. Once when I was brand new to psn, and you owned me sideways, then the last time I held my grounds a little better since I'm becoming a little more used to that gamepad.

kingpdoubleR said:
I'm the best nobody can make me quit hhaaa haaa haaaa haaa I did bomb on you though mudd you were all complaining bout how you're not used to pads you only play on arcade lol so don't front hah you problably thought I wouldn't see you talking shh yeah we fought cuz I was looking for a psn match in the shoutbox homie
This is why Drew has made you quit...

I never said you didn't get the best of me, I said I don't remember our matches, as in you didn't stand out to me. As I said up there^, I remember Drew's matches because he stood out as a quality player. I remember all good players. It's the average and scrub players who don't stand out.

As for me bitching about controls, I didn't bitch, I only stated. Lets see you go well over a decade with out using a certain type of controller, then play at your full skill in the first month of using it. The last time I used a gamepad on a regular basis was when MK:T was brand new for the N64. Even back then I had a real arcade controller for snes and genesis to play mk. From the looks of things, you were likely 8 back then, so I don't expect you to understand.

Finally, I WASN'T talking shit, or trying to hide shit with that first post. I WANTED you to see it, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it lol. I was trying to give you a word of advice, and that advice is that that ego will get you NOWHERE on here, except for labeled as a douche. Even if you did have the game to back it up.
Wow..no wonder they don't want you in the MKII tourney king...why not show some respect for your fellow CMK members. Why come on here to start drama like you are the "top" player here...not very cool bro.


Hello, ClassicMk.com.

I am a good friend of Krayzie Bone and Tim Static, among others and wanted to stop in and finally register.

My PSN ID is: DM_VLAD (main) & S_T_O_R_M_S.



I'm david_GEM i play MK2 on the psn, I don't think i've ever posted on this thread.

I'm 21 and i live in Brooklyn N.Y
I go to Brooklyn College majoring in screenwriting
I've been playing since August 2008
I just lost 25 pounds.
I've played in four tourneys and won three
Dciguy and realtalk718 are the two players I've played for the longest time.
About 33 percent of my matches lag.
I hang out with foozer1 in real life.
And I'm currently working on the girlfriend situation.

THAT'S ME for the most part.
Nice to introduce yourself David :)

Screenwriting huh - that's cool, I graduated last year from the Colorado Film School with my BFA in Cinematography.


People call me Dust, I mainly play MK2 and UMK3 XBL i dont care about rank, however it would be cool to get out of the 50 spot on MK2, i cant ever beat noob. I'm a fairly casual player, I may have rage quit once or twice, prolly on my bad days... working in Fast Food does that to a person, but it wouldnt have been anything personal, more or less me beating myself up for knowing i could do better, lol. I can't stand when ppl rage mail me but it is a nice laugh. The most frequent occuring message would be "Man you lag and block too much".

My psn id's are- Rengeki07 and yugimonz(yeah i play yugioh so what?)lol.
My XBLGT is Rengeki07 as well, If anyone is ever up for any casuals or practice send me a friend request.


My name is Matt my PSN tag is Seshomaru666 or MDKURFACE i can hold my but prolly been smashed by 1 or 2 of ya but its cool i dont do the hate mail thing but get my fair share lol love letters heh lol anyone for a game ...
yeah kinda new here if someone could please explain the mame/emulator online thing please also if u want to play a friendly game my xbox live GT is mr poulisse (hopefully wanting to get it changed to plinko chip bc plinko is beast) yeah if uve played me b4 ive changed my ways of playing online i dont leave or talk shit when i loose im like "good game" and "holy shit you good with ____) just send me a message online if u wanna play or something i dont really care :-\


My name is st-BiOZ on PSN.
29/M/Florida - real name Jeremy
Full Sail University - Digital Arts

Avg. player at best, sometimes can
be overly critical. ??? I'm a hater but
typically don't send or reply.

Cuko is on my friend's list, and RYDA.
* connection is 10mbps, lags often.
Married (8yrs), skateboarding, Hawaii & Japan


yo, my names Frank aka MKman, thanks to X820 for showing me this site. I also use to hang out at ultimatemk.com, but now here this place feels like home. ;D