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Injustice: Your 2014 New Years Resolutions


xbl-OBS trustinme
Maybe try and actually learn the game rather than pissing about with 15 characters and learning fuck all.


I write too much.
This year, I am going to put Joker on the map and show he actually can do something.

My other goal is to help my community keep leveling up so we don't get bodied free by GGA next time we see them like last time.

Joker's Shoes

Now Simply Extraordinaire
Going to take the game a little more seriously and put more effort into improving. Spent too much time floating from one character to another or not working hard enough to fix my mistakes.

Also going to get Netflix back.


To become a better player.
Make it to at least 2 majors this year EVO being one of them and obviously do well at them and all locals i attend.
Win a match vs Pig of the Hut. lol.
Probable the main thing is to help grow our NorCal scene. I want us to be close like some of the other scenes out there.(AK ect..) I would like as much Exposure for our scene as others. Obviously i will need the support of the guys in my scene which i believe want it too. I even i want to start a NorCal Convo so we can try to brainstorm ideas for our scene and build offline relationships and get a lot more events for us.


Face it, you're done.

1) Prove Wonder Wonder has her own tier of demigod goodness.

2) Make the annoying transition from pad to stick by playing nonstop on my new one.


Mr Aquaman

Armored Launcher
Premium Supporter
Get placed in a pool at a major that is without the best superman players in the world so the god of war may enter top 16 once more


Make it out of my pool >_< then go from there. :) Be less nervous when people watch me play or in tournament.
Become an Ollie Expert.
Get myself a new stick and customize it.
Would like to make it to EVO for once.
Cosplay as Lady Lao, Classic KI Orchid, MK Deception ALT Jade all by the summer-fall ish. Maybe as KF in the winter! :]


my new years resolution is to break the Bat.
I don't break easy

lol but my New's Years Resolution gaming-wise is to continue placing top 8 every single Injustice and MK9 major I go to and do one of those tournaments solely with Wonder Woman.

Also I want to win 1st place in at least one more major and I want MK9 to make it back at Evo again so I can place top 8 in two games at Evo :D


1. Get rid of all my stress problems so I can play Ranked or highly competitive matches without almost having a anxiety attack
2. Solidify Ares as my main and Bane and Raven as my secondaries
3. When I get through 1, sign-up for Shadowloo Showdown 2014 and try make top 16 with my home-boy

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
Stop wasting my time sitting around trying to find people to play. Our community is too closed off imo. Maybe when people actually start playing each other I can get to learning all the match ups thuroughly.


I only work in black,sometimes in very dark grey.
Getting out of this forsaken country and attend some major tournament overseas. Hell, maybe even going to EVO.