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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2

ah so they threw some things in there for the adults well that makes sense. also yeah i dont mean to insult it at all hell i still watch ppg i was just wondering :)
Yeah, they tried making it enjoyable for the whole family. Turns out they made it good enough to cause a following.

Yo, the wife of the guy who made the Power Puff Girls was a lead developer for Friendship is Magic.

TJ Casters

Manhunter and Zatanna are arguably much better than Superman. Nobody can complain about Superman.
To those people (you know the type), I say this:
Don't let Superman get you in a corner... and level up.


"Cheap Grubber"
You guys still play this game?

Yeah I haven't touched it in a while, and I'm not going to until they release a decent patch.

I do enjoy these discussions though.

So who all were banned?

You said Red Lantern

Some guy named Black hand.

And RYX? That guy seemed like he had his head on straight, how odd.

Why did they even do what they did?

This stuff is perplexing.
1. Giggs, Black Hand, RYX.

Red Lantern isn't banned, but he's probably the same guy who posted the other porn and who was banned, Black Hand.

RYX does have his head on straight, he said a sexist (or racist, I can't remember) comment and was banned for it, he should be back soon though.
Oh, that reminds me, I forgot to tag you and RYX.

Iron Angel

dat Angemon avy :eek:
I know right! I've not seen or heard or thought of Digimon in years, then I find it on Netflix, my 3 year old gets addicted and find the perfect picture to add for my name "Iron Angel". Angemon was always my favorite, I think honestly that he may have been the reason I became obsessed with the angel imagery for anime and comics...him and Angel from X-men.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I know right! I've not seen or heard or thought of Digimon in years, then I find it on Netflix, my 3 year old gets addicted and find the perfect picture to add for my name "Iron Angel". Angemon was always my favorite, I think honestly that he may have been the reason I became obsessed with the angel imagery for anime and comics...him and Angel from X-men.
haha thats awesome i remember watching digimon every day as a kid i still play the old video games from time to time for nostalgia sake


One of many Bat-Breakers.
So, anyone up for a bit of sparring, assuming you're not stuck in update hell of course.