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Injustice Pals Random Discussion Thread V2


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Godzilla was focused on the people not the monster, Godzilla was evil, Godzilla was a big dinosaur it didn't even had powahs. Godzilla sucked.

Batman was still Batman just toned down.
I think liking a character and liking a movie should be independant of one another. This Godzilla might suck, but the movie could still be good. I don't think one makes the other.

If they made a Batman movie with a Harley that acted differently that I hated, I could still like the movie as a whole.

However, I didn't realize the movie wasn't focused on Godzilla mainly, which I could see as a hit. You went for the monster after all.

Living Corpse


So I see you weren't here for my little Infamous example?

At what point did we say we don't want change with Godzilla? We welcome change, one of the biggest complaints is Toho plays it safe now instead of trying new things like they did back in the 70's. Hell were excited that the upcoming movie is getting a new monsters for him to fight instead of a classic.

Thing is there is a right way to update a character and a wrong way. If you change everything to the point where it's not even recognizable then it should be called something else cause it's something else entirely.

Removing Godzilla's immunity to conventional weapons and his atomic breath complete misses the point the first movie was making about "nuclear weapons are bad, Mkay?". Even in his childish super hero faze in the 70's he still kept that about him. Making him lean forward removes his iconic image as mutant and he just becomes another dinosaur. If I just want a dinosaur I'll watch Jurassic Park. It's part of the character.

Still not getting it?

You don't remove Spider-Man's wall climbing and put him in a bear suit.

Still not getting it?

Hey here's an idea, let's make Superman be a science experiment instead of an alien and have him not have eye lasers or any super power, not able to fly (insert someone saying he jumped in the old days here) not be immune to bullets, and get his ass kicked by the army.

With pistols.

Or make Bruce Banner die of tradition poisoning or cancer instead of turning into a big green monster when he's angry.

Cause that's what would realistically happen to him.

Am I getting through yet?


You can update a character and make some change without having to change everything. In fact that's the whole point of updating a character, to change enough that they are new again while still keeping enough of the old traits, characteristics and personality and powers that people can take one look at it and know immediately know it's Superman or Hulk but with a new look instead of looking at them and going "who is that? Wait that's the new Hulk?"

Good example of updating an old icon:

Bad example of updating an old icon:

Still not getting it? Look at all the incarnations of the past 50 years.

Yes they all look different but they all share some common traits. Except for one, take a good look. Someone sticks out like a sore fucking thumb.

Now can we drop it? This is the random topic, not the Godzilla topic.

I'm sorry if I'm coming off as hostile but I've had this conversation a million fucking times over for god knows how many years and I am sick and fucking tired of it. My patience has worn thin on talking about the same Godzilla (1998) crap over and over and over and over.

Mulder God this fucking movie can't get here fast enough and make people forget about that fucking abortion we (G-Fans) don't want to even acknowledge exists.

Now can we drop it? This is the random topic, not the Godzilla topic.



King of Heroes
Weren't you the one saying America is hypocritical in their movie tastes because they demand new, unique types of movies (Pacific Rim) but typically just go see generic movies with tropes that are done to death (Grown Ups 2)? Isn't this stance on movies with established characters sucking if they aren't entirely accurate to the character kind of hypocritical of you to say with that view? The conclusion I'm drawing from your recent posts about Godzilla (1998) is that you don't actually want anything new or unique, you do in fact want the same thing again.

I mean, if the movie sucked sure. But thinking it sucked because the character wasn't the same as he always is seems like a horrible excuse to hate a movie in my opinion. Same with the guys in here saying the Nolan Batman movies sucked because it didn't accurately depict Batman, even if that wasn't the point of this "realistic" version of the Batman universe. Did the Jack Nicholson Batman movie suck because he kills the Joker?

And maybe I am misunderstanding you (your inFamous example drew me to this conclusion) so correct me if I did. Though my point isn't directed just towards you so anyone who wants to discuss the subject please do.

I think different interpretations of characters are a good thing, personally. I think the Nolan Batman was done well as a character. He isn't the same as comic Batman, but he and the villains of the movie are believable in the setting they're in and actually gave room for awesome situations that you couldn't see in the DC comic universe. Automatically thinking they're bad because it is an interpretation of the character instead of a 100% accurate depiction (impossible for a character that has been written by so many different people might I add) suggests that such a person could never have even given the movie a chance in the first place.
TOTALLY different. Besides Bane everyone was just like how they were in the comics with some changes. Zilla was nothing like the old Godzilla AT ALL.


The one guy hoping for Kai
This whole topic reminds me that my dad while still loving Star Trek Into Darkness was a tad(very) annoyed Khan wasnt didnt look Indian.


Slaughter is the Best Medicine
Sorry dude. If you didn't want to reply for whatever reason you didn't have to. I disagree with some of the things you said, and you seem to have missed some of the things I said, but I'll leave it at that. My intention was to have a friendly discussion, I debate with my friends all the time. I hope you realize that I myself was not in any way angry or intentionally hostile. My intention was NOT to make you angry or upset. You guys talked about Godzilla for a few pages so I don't see why I couldn't chime in, I didn't know you would become agitated from my post.


Living Corpse

i'm just starting watching the anime brah. Episode 4.
Jo Jo?

Perfectly fine, still buried neck deep in ASB.

TOTALLY different. Besides Bane everyone was just like how they were in the comics with some changes. Zilla was nothing like the old Godzilla AT ALL.
Except for spines and roar.

I actually liked the spines. PLZ don't kill me.

This whole topic reminds me that my dad while still loving Star Trek Into Darkness was a tad(very) annoyed Khan wasnt didnt look Indian.



Slaughter is the Best Medicine
TOTALLY different. Besides Bane everyone was just like how they were in the comics with some changes. Zilla was nothing like the old Godzilla AT ALL.
But that's my whole point. The character of Bane was cool even if entirely different from the norm. He was totally different as well, much more so than Nolan's Batman. Godzilla COULD be too, couldn't he? The movie doesn't totally rely on accurate character depictions to be good. I understand that the movie blows, but I think it's totally possible to have a good Godzilla movie with a Godzilla that isn't necessarily good, has plasma breath, is of a certain size, shape, colour, etc.

I think changes vast or small are good for the industry. Remember movie characters can always return to their roots!


King of Heroes
But that's my whole point. The character of Bane was cool even if entirely different from the norm. He was totally different as well, much more so than Nolan's Batman. Godzilla COULD be too, couldn't he? The movie doesn't totally rely on accurate character depictions to be good. I understand that the movie blows, but I think it's totally possible to have a good Godzilla movie with a Godzilla that isn't necessarily good, has plasma breath, is of a certain size, shape, colour, etc.

I think changes vast or small are good for the industry. Remember movie characters can always return to their roots!
Even Bane had similarities and wasn't a pansy.


King of Heroes
So your problem with the movie is not so much that Godzilla was different at all, but that he was a pansy?
Well it contributes. Bane had similarities. He was smart and cunning like Bane. He broke the Bat. He was strong. He even had the mexican accent in some scenes.

Living Corpse

So your problem with the movie is not so much that Godzilla was different at all, but that he was a pansy?
Having your monster killed by everyday missiles kinda defeats the purpose of how a monster is like a nuclear bomb going off. Nothing can stop it.

And in that case it also defeats the purpose of it even being a monster since being able to survive and do things no other creature can is what makes them monstrous, they're fantastical creatures who can only be killed by an equally or more fantastical weapon or another creature.