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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
They can't reveal Doomsday or Hawkgirl; WE ALREADY SAW THEM. Shazam was different because he was leaked, that's not official. But those two characters already appeared in trailers, and pretty well designed, so there's no point in "confirmation" if they are already confirmed, shown in action; and they are not new characters!

They better confirm Raven once and for all.

If the 'reveal' is Doomsday or Hawkgirl, I'm gonna fucking sent Trigon to them.
Well, hopefully they put as much effort in their choice of words as you did interpreting it.
They can't reveal Doomsday or Hawkgirl; WE ALREADY SAW THEM. Shazam was different because he was leaked, that's not official. But those two characters already appeared in trailers, and pretty well designed, so there's no point in "confirmation" if they are already confirmed, shown in action; and they are not new characters!

They better confirm Raven once and for all.

If the 'reveal' is Doomsday or Hawkgirl, I'm gonna fucking sent Trigon to them.
By that logic, then Raven's not a new character either.


Thrill Kill
Well, we still don't know it and there is no official word from NRS. However, they put Doomsday and Hawkgirl in their trailers, and both seems to be playable!
Well, we still don't know it and there is no official word from NRS. However, they put Doomsday and Hawkgirl in their trailers, and both seems to be playable!
No official word that they're playable either. Go on, ask Ed Boon. He'll be a cheeky little bastard about it.
Is it two or one character if one character it most likly Doomsday since they need someone to match superman if two character maybe Raven because of the teen titan cast.

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Is it two or one character if one character it most likly Doomsday since they need someone to match superman if two character maybe Raven because of the teen titan cast.
The thing says character(s), plural, so we can assume it's more than one. Which is kinda weird. I mean, Superman's GOTTA be in it. So his opponent could be someone new; however, we've seen the Deathstroke vs. Catwoman thing already, so if they're in, then there is no second new character. Either Cat/Stroke isn't right, or there's only one new reveal.


Neutral Skipper
Pleeaasee Doomsday! Since I know Darkseid won't be in, Doomsday is the last power character that I really want to see in Injustice. Plus Doomsday vs Supes would be a classy and awesome fight.
You don't know Darkseid won't be in, I'd be surprised if he doesn't turn up.


Neutral Skipper
I have lost hope for Martian Manhunter. Makes me sad that they wouldn't have one of the best DC characters in a game dedicated to DC.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing new characters.
I bet both of my testicles that he's in this thing, on the disc. Don't let Boon get to you...


I'm innocent, I mean..not guilty.
I really hope it's not fuckin' Doomsday, i don't understand why people want him so much..