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Injustice: Gods Among Us "Wiki" Presented by TestYourMight.com


It's the one main thing that we have lacked for a long time... since our birth, but we finally have a legitimate "Wiki" and right now it is filled with tons of Injustice: Gods Among Us love and info. This Wiki will be constantly updated with any patches that are released as well as strategy including possible videos from top players, etc.

By going to this link, Injustice Wiki, (of the "Wiki" tab at the top of the site) you no longer have to dig through threads to get those combos you're looking for.

NOTE: Some frame data may be incorrect right now due to the "day 1 patch", but it will be updated shortly.

Lastly, HUGE shout-outs to our site admin, ZAQ for doing all of this on his own! Show this man some love.



This is the data that was given to me. Take it at face value for the time being, it was mainly just used so that I could build the wiki and templates. I am going to go through all of it myself later today so that I know all of it is legit.

I would appreciate it if you would look through it after I am done. I'll write up Wonder Woman first today if you want.
OK. I just looked through and it's exactly as in the demo. But I don't have the game to check it yet. It'd be nice if you finished WW's page, I can look through it after.


PSN: Skkra
Btw Prinz, the in-game frame data is wrong in many areas, it'll be up to us to find the corrections and put those in the wiki/character forums

Game overall seems pretty fun. I wish all of the walkspeeds were a bit faster so you could play footsies better, but I'm enjoying it. Huge thumbs up on the wiki.


Cock Master!!
This is so freaking awesome!!! This is just what I just came to look for like just now. How funny is that, happy birthday to me :D thank you ZAQ and STORMS and who ever else!!!

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
Reactions: ZAQ


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
This is great, especially if you're like me and you're playing on a standard definition Tube TV. I can't read any frame data and other moves specific stuff. This Wiki will prevent me from having to research shit that's already in the game! Plus, I was gonna write all the frame data down, now I won't have to!


Character Power
NameCommandDamagePropertiesStart UpRecoveryBlock AdvHit Adv
Cat Scratch Mid 23.21 17 28 -51 -61

Just switch the mid to properties and damage damage the over way...
