Hey guys, so since EVO I've been pondering whether to do a long pod cast with a couple people or maybe just make a long post. Long story short I have some time at work and decided just to to write a long post to summarize a few things I want to discuss.
First off I want to thank the following members for truly providing me support, help on their own time but really all in all just supporting me to no end and I feel bad already because I know im going to be leaving some names off
AK L0rdoftheFLY
GGA 16 Bit
GGA Saucy Jack
Tm_whiteboi[/USEth@[USER=23]General M2Dave
AK Smarrgasm
AK TylerLantern
AK Reno_Racks
AK rtd
AK Stormthegates
AK Ace Universe
@Basically Most of AK except like 2 people lol
@gga slips (said something to me in txt that really helped me, he probably had no idea but it meant a lot)
These guys when I was at my worst mentally and in my play always suported me and believed in me, took time out of their days to constantly help me get to the level I needed to get to to compete well in Injustice. One guy in particular I wanna talk to the community about is our 2014 Evo Champion @
It's odd to say this but ive learned so much about competitive maturity from a 16 year old that its slightly embarassing to admit and you know what many others should and can do the same. Let me explain, From day 1 Sonic fox has consistently supported Injustice, He got blown up in the game for the first 4-6 months and maybe even more but not once did Dom ever for one second blame someone, blame the game, blame nrs, make excuses, cry, whine, etc. NO, In fact he kept his jubilant attitude and remain confident and focused and never onced deviated from that.
Many older top injustice players and top mk players trying to find their way in Injustice (myself included) didn't have half the maturity Sonicfox did when times were tough. So people have asked me many times, "Pig how mad are you that you lost to Batgirl/Sonic Fox and was reset 6-0 after you won 3-2" I'm not mad one bit, honest truth I'm relieved. I know this makes no sense, but honestly i stood there on the stage watching how happy Sonic Fox was and i sat there and thought about where he was day 1 of injustice, how he handled himself and what he's become in the past 4-5 months and i thought to myself that it's perfect that he won, the kid deserved it.
What better way for this evo season to end than someone who actually supported, loved, and promoted the game to win the World Championship in Injustice. In fact I felt very fortunate to be up there with him and everyone else on that stage that made top 8. I looked around also on stage and noticed Sonic fox wasn't the only one up there with this attitude, in fact I was the only one up there that possible had a questionable Injustice path in terms of being positive, always supporting the game, etc etc. You had gga 16 bit, MIT, Noobe, PimPimJim, DJT and one of the most talented players ive ever trained with in any fighting game, Emperor Theo. Every one of these guys since day 1 have never made an excuse, always been positive about the game and never took the early route I did when success wasn't given to me right off the bat.Also these guys on the forums never got involved in
- Community Drama
- Ban Scorpion
- Ban MMH
- Ban Zod
- Game is imbalanced (because they're not winning)
- Im the best w my character because I created an obscene amount of tech so Im entitled to be best (not me, just saying) etc etc
This EVO champ is one to behold, we dont need anymore EVO champs (who don't show up the next year) ever making claims "Superman players won't beat Jupiter MMH in tourney because I can't" and we definitely don't need more excuses from another EVO Champ. What we need are more EVO Champs representing our community like Sonicfox. This is why im 100% proud of my friend Dom winning EVO, even if it was over me, because if anyone deserved it Sonic fox and theo were 1-2 on my list to do so.
Anyway the players I listed above are guys that were the quietest (except bit.....he regulated and hates Bane but thats ok lol), they kept to themselves and just focused on the game. I took a far far far more positive approach to myself in Injustice and actually stopped all the negativity (other than private aquaman and sinestro rants on skype) and tried my hardest to become more like the players mentioned here and it paid off instantly for KIT. I then soon after ran into more bumps in the road but then looked up to Woundcowboy, Theo, Bit, WhiteBoi, Sonic fox, Homelee, Fly, and many others who honestly put me in my place kept me in line and helped me get back to mental form so I could perform like I know I can. This was one of the reasons why I decided to leave TYM and stop posting during May-Current because nothing good ever came out of it.
One thing I noticed is when i provide my opinion whether correct or not every troll in the world jumped on it. No good ever occured other than me entertaining others with my persistant rage on trolls. So Posting continuously like I use to on TYM has ended and honestly won't come back. I see no reason in posting on TYM, id rather post my thoughts, tech, gameplay, discussions on youtube and skype with my friends in the community. Posting on tym these types of thoughts and discussions added nothing and only bit me in the end.
So going forward what do we need to do?
First off this game and future titles need more players like gga 16 bit and @
Digit . Ill use gga 16 bit for example, why? Because he's using a shitter and consistently outplaying everyone in pools and top 8 alike. Yes guys Catwoman is a shitter. I recently saw a post that asked this question/made a proclamation and it made me puke. It said: "Catwoman is a shitter huh? So either gga 16 bit downplays or we all just suck" Well the truth is, YES, in fact 95% of the community does suck against CW. There is a couple reasons for this:
1. Not many catwomen players to train and learn the MU with online/offline.
2. Laziness among the community to take CW in training mode and learn how to defeat her.
I'm sorry but CW is a shitter and what BIT has done w her is something to behold. We need more gga 16 bits out there. Ok possibly even a better example. @gga slips picks NW, plays against 16 bit catwoman, 16 bit cant win a f ing game against Slips NW yet no other NW player out there can win a game against 16 bit w their NW. Issue here lies with the reasoning written above yet NW mains make MUs charts saying NW is 5-5 or barely wins. Its embarrassing and sucks. What this injustice community needs is more dedicated players who main one character and flesh him/her out 100%. We don't need more players in the community, playing every character in the game, thinking they understand those characters inside and out telling people like 16 bit how good his or her character is. It's truly insulting, especially when those players don't play in tourneys and when they do can't back it up.
Now on to some MK EVO Side tourney business.
I want to personally give a major shout out to @
G4S Claude VonStroke
This guy man was a huge reason why MK9 side tourney even happened. His dedicated energy towards it, determination during the event and overall passion was inspiring. Claude is a huge reason 1300 people, 250,000 viewers (this is the current # of views on IGN YouTube page of people who watched the tourney top 4 video) enjoyed their time, and he's a huge reason the tourney was even able to happen successfully.
Example: We didn't have machines w DLC, what did claude do .......TWICE......? Called a cab, went to las vegas gamestop on two separate trips and bought 3-4 copies of Ultimate edition. Claude is a leader and imo should be one of those guys we look up to in NY area to get that area back in shape. LBSH NY is a f ing mess with injustice, but guys like Claude, Rev0lver and Sonic fox can get that area the leadership it needs as well as when reo comes back. We need competent leaders and non complainers and these guys imo at their best fit the description. We don't need Trifore, or any whiners, or anyone associated with tri force, emp or YoDisIzYoBoiRolandooooooooo.....because if you fool with shit, you get it all over your hands.
I just want to say Im very proud of what was accomplished with the MK9 tournament. Fully dedicated stream, no ads, no drop outs, consistently worked, 80 entrants in 10 days, $3000 pot raised, bad ass merch donated by NRS for top 8/top 16 for both games, support from IGN, support from tons of media publications online (seriously google this, I never knew how many sites covered what we were doing) and a HUGE/STRONG support from the mk_online guys who were so generous in their time helping MK9 Side tourney. Thank you guys so much for making this happen so smoothly.
Also thanks to @
Perfect Legend for stepping in and getting top 4 streamed on @
Sabin channel at the mad catz booth. More actions like this from Carl and less of whats been posted on his twitter on last 24 hours (not to mention gut wrenching awful blogs) would serve him far better in the long run.
Ok now I want to talk just a little about evo and what that medal meant to me. I discussed above a little about where I started out in Injustice, my transition in NOv/Dec and then I really stepped it up in May (around then). All I want to say really is that medal meant more to me than any victory in MK9, HANDS DOWN, NO questions asked because the medal in my eyes represents 380 days of failure and having every reason to quit, pack it up, but I never did thanks to friends Ive mentioned above. That medal was the journey and it feels amazing, thats really all i wanna say on a forum.
Going forward Im excited to see what the new blood that MK9 in the end and Injustice has produced will do for MKX. I know DAB is in NO WAY new but every game he's gotten consistently better and imo next year MKX is his game and year. He's incredibly smart, and at MLG for mk9 he won the BreakOut player award, and at evo this year had a huge 150% health come back vs Jupiter (w Superman, un-winnable mu lol) sooner or later my friend Dab is going to put it all together in one tourney and blow everyone out of the water. That time is very soon
Honeybee (Best flash hands down) and his brother Biohazard are by miles and miles and miles the most interesting tandem to watch out for, these two guys are so f ing smart and only getting better. Honeybee has shook me so many times on how quickly he's getting better and better and how many people reading this can say at their first EVO they got 9th and beat many top players? Biohazard can say that, truly impressive. I have the utmost respect for these guys and I wouldn't be surprised if MKX both of them make top 8 at evo or win a major, I cant even begin to describe the level Honeybee has gotten w Flash and is privately talked among many that no other compares. (I wish Harold still played

) Also these guys aren't dicks lol if anything they are the two nicest people ive ever met and its impossible not to want to see them win every match they play.
Also I want to point out other talent i see really taking a huge stride to success in MKX and are getting better weekly as FG players. @
MrSoloLobo @
Digit @
Hysteria @
Syknis @
BiPolarExxpress These guys have all come miles and miles and actually its weird having digit on this list because he's already had a couple top 8s, a texas showdown win but its just that I see his success in injustice pale in comparison to what is coming for him.
General M2Dave might not want to hear it but i share every bit of my success w him, he's consistently helped better my game, and he's probably received more rage txts and voicemails w me looking for ways around my problems and handled them w the class and persistence. He's an absolute key factor of why I got better and I really appreciate his time helping me. Dave is pure awesome and DS community can hold that (although ds is upper mid and Hippo/MIT are 100% right)
Also Major sad face to all on the WEST COAST that don't support their boy Theo, could you ask for a nicer guy to represent your scene? Do you know how what i'd do to get Theo, the #1 undisputed Aquaman and undeniable top 5 player in Injustice, to move to Atlanta to hang out with in general and be able to train with a ridiculous amount offline? You guys have publicly and privately bashed him and all he does is work his ass and if you think he's only good in Injustice then call me in 12 months or whenever MKX comes out, and if you think he's only good with Aquaman for f*** sakes play his other characters. Why is his Flash #2 in the Zod mu when everyone else is a cakewalk (To be fair Snake is awesome as hell as a player but just doesnt have MU exp, i believe in this guy a lot and harold was #1 but doesnt play anymore sadly

) I'm just saying maybe he has extreme amount of success and beats all of you on Wc because ......wait for it............You guys arent on his level, and thats personally coming from me and no one else. Im sorry you guys have a top 1-5 player in your community winning all the time, In fact Im not sorry, Im insanely jealous while you guys have a top training partner and you remain insanely jealous yourselves in a different way and bitter. For god sakes respect what you have and train w a champ not bash him because hes excellent.
FTR FRQ is true wc team
Also Please Wc remove the mindset and option select of "I don't even play this game anymore" either play or GTFO here
This goes for the break as well, You guys seriously think @
EMPEROR_JUPITER is only good because of MMH? Wrong, and you'll remain wrong in MKX. Jupiter won 2-3 majors or however many he won because again he's better than you guys. Hell look at @
Decay II , dude looks like Optimus Prime.............but thats not the point........He has gone to the break and insanely leveled up and to my knowledge never complained but every week showed immense progress. How about you guys bitching at the break and jealous of Jupiter's success do what I've told the WC crew to do.....respect and be hella thankful what you have because many scenes would love to have a guy like Jupiter to train with constantly or be around and learn from. I play a 4-6 MU and have progressively gotten better in the MU and now no MMH scares me and I think Jupiter would admit every tourney we play i feel stronger in the mu.
Don't deny you guys don't give him shit, be happy he still comes after all of it and treat him and his abilities w respect.
So why is everyone quitting? Ive been hearing this asinine philosophy that states:
"So like if I learn Ultra, it'll like help me like get like way better in MKX because like it'll make me smarter............"
This is absolute crap, How about learning in general to be a better FG player not trying to catch up w a 15 year legacy curve, sure Learning ultra can help in a couple ways but the real way you get better at becoming a better FG player is playing at a high level in game you can play at a high level.
Me playing theo = makes me better
me picking up ultra thinking playing randoms, because pros wont, will make me better FG player for MKX = waste
If you played Wong in ultra then yes it'll make you better but only if you're playing also at a high level, this may be hard for some to fathom but have it your way, good luck.
Playing Ultra for fun is different and I know myself and others are doing that but GTFO here with the notion of playing ultra now will make u godlike in MKX, lol. Focusing on becoming a better FG player in general is the way to go.
So again going forward support your local scene, help develop and build it, I myself will continue to play online and locals but Wont be at a major until KIT. The only reason is I need a mental break, I work college football/other sports (every weekend) and again I just need time w family and friends here. The break is needed. Not once did i ever take a break in mk9 and should have between mk9 to Inj. That hurt me, but like I said I will continue playing but no plans to travel for a tourney till KIT. I do wish I could attend West Coast Warzone and i highly recommend any who can to attend it as it seems like the best tourney upcoming for a while.
Hope you guys enjoyed reading and provide your thoughts on this, be sure to follow me on youtube twitter and if I decide to do any more video series, pod casts, or anything of the like Ill be sure to let you guys know. Im not interested though in any community drama, arguing w trolls, etc etc. Im only interested in being positive about Injustice and supporting NRS in everything they do and look forward to Bodying, i mean playing all of you in MKX
Shout outs to Tony Cannon being awesome at evo as well as @
MrWizard for allowing us to make the mk9 side tourney happen
Shout outs to a Passive Aggressive Cry Baby blaming why they lost all their matches at MLG because of arguing with GGa 16 Bit and Myself Which means we beat someone at MLG 3-0 3-0 we never played there twice.
- Shout outs to IGN dudes
- Shout outs to my dog Simon
- also props to @deg222 cause he's cool
- and sorry for @Cal-EL for almost putting you in the bath tub at mlg also never bet against me (EVO)
- shout out to @MITDJT @DJT/MIT shutting everyone up who doubted them and being the two coolest brothers around and collectively have .......5 evo medals in three years? Damn
- Shout Outs to 90% online training/Offline sessions w Homelee, Storm the gates, Dream Sword, AK Ace, fly, Tylerlantern, Saltface, Xenomorph bad ass GL help, food at Dennys a 4am and tourney casuals = 2nd at Evo (But Online doesnt count) Awesome times.
- Shout outs to The Talented Mr Ripley ( @WoundCowboy )
- Shout out to my Son @gross going from #1 I dont wanna hang out with, to #1 If i dont hang out with Him my weekend sucks. Gross is too awesome
- Sorry @rev0lver My zod is 5-5 w you because my IAZB is lacking
- Shout outs to @GGA pimpimjim being a "fraud" but now having a piece of bling "fraud sayer" doesnt have *Insert EvoMedal2014.JPEG*
- Shout outs to @ThaShiveGeek for being awesome
- Congrats one last time to @SonicFox5000 and Look forward to our next tourney set

- Shout outs to Zod, my favorite character since age 4
- Shout out to @EMPEROR_JUPITER being a top 5 player and boss but him and his brother are Bill and Ted's excellent adventure from 1986. @daddydab32ho
- Shout outs to @Relaxedstate being the nicest guy on the planet and coolest guy to talk to. Also great zod
- Shout outs to people who never QUIT, and define odds against them to meet their own goals and success.