Overall great post @
AK Pig Of The Hut you've clearly grown as a person. Glad to see you're out of your mental funk. One point I question is whether or not you are self referencing in this part of your post:
"What this injustice community needs is more dedicated players who main one character and flesh him/her out 100%. We don't need more players in the community, playing every character in the game, thinking they understand those characters inside and out telling people like 16 bit how good his or her character is."
I feel like both you and M2Dave jumped ship on Sinestro and Deathstroke well before the characters were fleshed out. But perhaps you're admitting this and looking to change that attitude moving forward. If so kudos, I think you are one of the best at character mastery when you dedicate yourself to taking the time to flesh a character out.
Also in regards to the wonder chef debacle here. I think you're just being difficult, you know as well as anyone the amount of sacrifice that's required to travel and attend tournaments, and it's more than just financial. I don't think you'd argue against that. It's pretty logical you stop showing up you stop being relevant, pretty much a universal truth in any sport or activity. That said it would seem to me Chef was just elaborating on this point to emphasize that his tweets were not in reference to Theo where your debate with him initially started. I think if his tweet read "I'm not talking about Theo" instead, there wouldn't have been such a long derailing of the discussion.