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Injustice: Early Suggestions Thread


Play Monster Hunter!
I REALLY hope there is a meter and x-ray equivalent...
Superman did a x-ray attack at the end of the trailer, well cinamatic ultra anyway.

-Back to block
-No combo breakers
-Tag mode more fleshed out
-No finishers
-2D hit box
-Trading, not fireballs though
-Unique air normals
-Everyone has a different jump animation(jesus christ)


My blades will find your heart
Superman did a x-ray attack at the end of the trailer, well cinamatic ultra anyway.

-Back to block
-No combo breakers
-Tag mode more fleshed out
-No finishers
-2D hit box
-Trading, not fireballs though
-Unique air normals
-Everyone has a different jump animation(jesus christ)
So basically take away everything NRS is known for? And no combo breakers, do you have any idea what will happen when someone finds some 80% combo with someone? Can you imagine Cyrax in a game with no breakers? To every man his own but IMO Breakers, a block button, and meter management should all be left in the game.

Please playtest the hell out of this so it can be played competitively, please.


Loses to uppercuts
Superman did a x-ray attack at the end of the trailer, well cinamatic ultra anyway.

-Back to block
-No combo breakers
-Tag mode more fleshed out
-No finishers
-2D hit box
-Trading, not fireballs though
-Unique air normals
-Everyone has a different jump animation(jesus christ)
If I wanted Street Fighter or Skull Girls, I will play Street Fighter or Skull Girls.


Play Monster Hunter!
If I wanted Street Fighter or Skull Girls, I will play Street Fighter or Skull Girls.
I can understand wanting to keep the other ones, but unique air normals? You really don't want that?

Anyway, despite using the engine, this is NOT MK, NRS should branch out a bit and try new things.
Its a T rated game so all the finishers would suck anyway, just like MK vs DC, no need to slow the game down with them.
I would like to see how MK9s engine would be with back to block, would be an interesting experiment to see if the block button really does hinder peoples opinion on the game.

Combo breakers make watching the game on the stream annoying for spectators, it slows the game down to much, and its not like Breakers were always a huge part of the series anyway, first 4 games didn't have them. Just have better balance, more hitstun degradation, and stricter damage scaling(with out being overbearing). Like it or not, but fighting games are now a spectator sport for a lot of people, and right now MK is a chore to watch for a good majority of them, due largely in part of breakers, that and the general wonkiness of the game.
Or at the very least make breakers more in line with anime game bursts, make them harder to get, and make them punishable.

I'm a crazy person though, so you don't have to take any of my opinions seriously.


I just want to be able to have draws, if you and your opponent read each other well and hit each other at the exact same time(with exact same speed moves), it shouldn't favor one or the other.

Draws make the games more interesting IMO.

And even if the block button is an MK thing, it wouldn't be so bad to see back to block in Injustice(ala Street Fighter and Tekken). This isn't MK, so it doesn't have to be another MK.