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Injustice Complete Character Tier List + With Rumored Patch Updated 6-17-13


Best Doomsday in the world
I don't understand why Scorpion and Catwoman are so low, more specifically Catwoman. And I don't get why Aquaman and Bladam are so high. But that's just me. Carry on.


What is going on guys, Ya Boi Zyphox here.
Yeah, that's the good part. What about the bad stuffs ? I mean, saying like that I can make Shazam look like a top 8 as well.
pig played my flash and saw the light.... maybe i should stop playing against top players, now they are starting to put him higher on the tier lists and we get no buffs :( :joker:


AK Pig Of The Hut.

Only reason I have bat girl in my top3 is her vortex. I play with jer. His batgirl is really solid. I agree people play her wrong but if she touches you what's the difference between her and frost?

Is your placing of her and frost based on frost being able to get that one hit in easier then it is for batgirl?

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
No way GL is that good. How many bad MUs does he have?

And damn, did mine and M2Dave's downplaying get to you pig? Putting DS under Flash and Grundy? I must be in a parallel universe again.


AK Pig Of The Hut

paulo told me that they are nerfing trait cancels with Frost next patch so she's definitely getting some nerf

also here everyone, this is my tier list

Scorp isn't in the program + undecided on him.
I like this list. Catwomen is really good and underrated, good to see her up there. Lobo is really good in the right hands too, dont know how people can rate him so low(pig an reo's lists). Superman is #1 in the game IMO. Bane is better than whats present on this list. I feel Lex will be a force soon due to setup possibilitys. Deathstroke is a beast but not #1 beastly. Other than that this is the best list thus far.


Haha it wasn't enough that tier lists were made hours after a patch came out without any time to test anything. Now we have to make tier lists based on rumors of what a patch contain. Hilarious. I'm sticking to character forums from now on.


Zoning Master
What are the rumored fixes for KF and BA?
Black Adam
- dive kick has a couple of more recovery frames
- more damage scaling after MB lightning cage

Killer Frost
- significantly less advantage on trait cancels
- more damage scaling after slide

So Pig lists Deathstroke in mid tier and no one minds. I list Deathstroke in mid tier and I get harassed. I know there are some fools out there who believe Deathstroke is top tier. Show yourselves so I can ridicule you.

Also, Zod will be no higher than high mid tier. I was told that E3 presented the beta version of Zod. He will be less powerful when he is released.


Eternal student
Bane worst character in the game?

Actually, this is a good thing. Everyone keep sleeping on Bane and spreading the word that he's really bad. The more buffs for Bane, the better for me. He "needs" it.


She NEEEEEEEDS the slide hahaha, her normals are so pants! She relies so heavily on that slide.
I think that the trait cancels are such a great find by the community that nerfing that just s**ts on the idea of creativity and game evolution.