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I am Arkham
How do you draw in the HUGE crowd who bought Arkham City into Injustice? PUT GRUNDY IN FOR THEM.
You are entitled to your opinion, and i'm glad to hear you have friends that like Grundy, and you have knowledge of his history.

My issue with what your saying, relies solely on this statement I quoted. You make it seem like Grundy is the big Arkham City draw. That, to me, in my opinion, is a ludicrous statement.

When we are getting:
-Batman (even your grandma knows him, he's one of the most iconic heroes)
-Joker (ludicrously popular)
-Catwoman (extremely popular)
-Harley (extremely popular)
-Nightwing (less iconic to casuals, but still is well known as Robin)
-Bane (well known, especially coming off TDKR)

All of these were in Arkham City, had bigger parts, more memorable and well known amongst the more casual of fans who would actually be wanting to play Arkham City...

So to tell me:

"How do you draw in the HUGE crowd who bought Arkham City into Injustice? PUT GRUNDY IN FOR THEM."

Really? You think Grundy is the ace, the top #1 seller, that is all of a sudden Mr. Popular that Arkham City MUST HAVE in order to have interest in this game...over all the other characters already mentioned?! Seriously?! If we're going off % of fans drawn in, from Grundy, and limiting it to the Arkham City fans...Grundy is pulling in at most, 2%.

I like Grundy. He's great. Loved him in The Long Halloween. Loved him in the animated series. Enjoyed fighting him in Arkham City. But to say he's the sole REASON Arkham City fans drop $60 for this game is outrageous. That's a gross overstatement imo. If I go up to Arkham fans and say all their names, in order, and they haven't gotten excited for the game enough to pay for it, I highly doubt I get to Grundy's name at the end, and they throw their money at me with glee. lol

But alright, we all have our opinions I guess.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
What Im getting at is Grundy is the only guy who Batman wouldn't see outside of an Arkham game. If he is in and Alan Scott is not he is IN for Arkham guys. Catwoman, Joker, Harley...all those can be chocked up to comic popularity or television/movie popularity. However, Grundy has no reason to be so prominent as to be part of the original 6 revealed than to cash in immediately on attention that could be pulled from the Arkham City crowd of gamers.

He IS a direct attempt to tap into them. The rest appeal to that crowd as well, but Grundy only has enough notoriety to make original 6 EVO announcement because of Arkham City. Zombies and casual gamers go hand in hand. Casual gamers are the big numbers. Batman Arkham City did big numbers. Get the zombie fight from Arkham City of Batman vs Grundy in Injustice.

Why is the point I'm making about the logic behind Grundy being included so tough? ITS OBVIOUS. The rest of the Batman crew that also appeared in Arkham are also gonna draw but Grundy is a VERY direct nod just to that crowd where as the others could have made it on their own. Batman is the only reason for Grundy to be in so early. Hell what does Grundy even do for story potentially? Yeah...just a diversionary filler moment. He progresses nothing as a character. He just destroys. He can only have one purpose and I named it.


I am Arkham
What Im getting at is Grundy is the only guy who Batman wouldn't see outside of an Arkham game. If he is in and Alan Scott is not he is IN for Arkham guys. Catwoman, Joker, Harley...all those can be chocked up to comic popularity or television/movie popularity. However, Grundy has no reason to be so prominent as to be part of the original 6 revealed than to cash in immediately on attention that could be pulled from the Arkham City crowd of gamers.

He IS a direct attempt to tap into them. The rest appeal to that crowd as well, but Grundy only has enough notoriety to make original 6 EVO announcement because of Arkham City. Zombies and casual gamers go hand in hand. Casual gamers are the big numbers. Batman Arkham City did big numbers. Get the zombie fight from Arkham City of Batman vs Grundy in Injustice.

Why is the point I'm making about the logic behind Grundy being included so tough? ITS OBVIOUS.
Well, the order they reveal doesn't really matter that much. They likely just wanted a good variety to show off different gameplay. Grundy is unique in that it looks like he's the only grappler in the game. So it makes sense to show him off, especially to the fighting game audience. Who doesn't love a good Zangief?

Also, Grundy has been in plenty of prominent things. He's been in Flashpoint, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, Suicide Squad etc., Earth 2...it's not as if Grundy isn't used anymore.

At this point, we're definitely reached full circle in our argument, so it's really not worth pursuing anymore, but i'll re-iterate one last time.

Batman, Joker, Harley, Catwoman, Nightwing, and Bane. That's MORE than enough to get the Arkham City fans, Batman fans in general, wanting to play/buy the game. Grundy doesn't need to be included. Grundy is included because he offers a unique playstyle, has been around for 70 years, has been in many popular stories and forms of media, represents variety in the franchises the characters come from, and is a little more obscure than your usual main villains. Does his Arkham City appearance play a part? As I already said, i'm sure it helps, but it's not as if Arkham City is the sole purpose to bring in Grundy. As if he is what sold Arkham City(Batman, Joker, Catwoman, Harley etc. are why people bought it). Grundy is not being put in because Arkham City fans need him to be in to buy the game. If they even remotely like Batman, and are remotely interested enough to purchase a fighting game, the other characters are already enough to make them happy and get their money.

I would even go as far as saying, after seeing the latest footage, Grundy appeals more to fighting game enthusiasts who gravitate to the likes of Zangief, to have that variety and play style available, as well as DC comics diehards or those who grew up on the cartoons, than simply just Arkham City fans. Arkham City fans will gravitate to Batman, Joker, Harley, Catwoman, Bane etc. before they would to Grundy.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Casual zombie fans =Grundy fans.
Casuals don't know him from Flashpoint or any of your points. They know him from Arkham.

The end.

Grundy was Arkham City's casual draw character. He wasn't even a Batman dude. He was a zombie plant to draw in casuals who love zombies. He is the same thing in Injustice. I dont care how much stuff he's been in that is his current most prominent role towards game buying crowds of which there are more casuals than comic fans.

Get over it. All that stuff is good points. Grundy's only point is Arkham casuals gravitating towards this game. The rest are there for various crowds but Grundy is mainly in for that. Otherwise they could have made Bane their grappler.


I am Arkham
Casual zombie fans =Grundy fans.
Casuals don't know him from Flashpoint or any of your points. They know him from Arkham.

The end.

Grundy was Arkham City's casual draw character. He wasn't even a Batman dude. He was a zombie plant to draw in casuals who love zombies. He is the same thing in Injustice. I dont care how much stuff he's been in that is his current most prominent role towards game buying crowds of which there are more casuals than comic fans.

Get over it. All that stuff is good points. Grundy's only point is Arkham casuals gravitating towards this game. The rest are there for various crowds but Grundy is mainly in for that. Otherwise they could have made Bane their grappler.
Why the hell are you on about Zombies? I am willing to bet "casuals" don't even know Grundy's backstory, and don't even see him as a zombie. He's not a traditional zombie. So all this "Grundy is a zombie, so people will buy the game" is nonsense.

But frankly i'm tired of arguing about it. There's nothing to "get over". I just don't see things the way you do. You see casuals as a bunch of mindless sheep "ooo zombie derp, here take $60" and "i liked Arkham City, man I sure wish that DC fighting game had that Solomon Grundy zombie guy from Arkham City...who cares about Batman, Joker, Catwoman, Bane, and Harley Quinn...I want that zombie guy Solomon Grundy that I fought for 10 minutes. Oh, he's in?!?! Oh hell yes, here, take $60 because I like zombies. Zombie.".

I see casuals as people who would be more along the lines of "Oh, they are making a DC fighting game? Is Batman/Superman/Joker/Harley/Green Lantern/Flash in it? Oh, you can play as Bane it? That's awesome, loved TDKR. Does it have a story mode? It's made by the people who made the last MK? Oh that's cool. Can you do fatalities? Oh, there's supers where you can punch people into space?! That's cool. I might have to check that out."

Believe it or not, I don't live in a cave. I work, go to college, have brothers, friends etc. I have told multiple people about the game, yes even casual fans who enjoyed Arkham City. And that's their reactions for the most part. Not "ooo zombies, i wuv zombies, man we need more zombies in games, I don't care about all the famous cool DC heroes I grew up with or enjoy in the movies/cartoons etc. I want zombies in my DC fighting game or i'm not buying. I don't know much about DC, there all lame. I did like Arkham City though. But I'm not getting it if it doesn't have that one Solomon Grundy guy from Arkham City, he's my favorite, eversince that 10 minute fight with him(thinking how much he loves zombies), man...I just can't get enough of that guy. Solomon Grunday born on a Monday...man I wuv zombies. Here, take $60 and my house."

Casuals just want to play a fun game, where they can take Superman and Batman and fight. Have some friends come over and grab some drinks and have a good time. Kids want to marvel at how cool it is to see their favorites from the cartoons and movies knocking each other through buildings and into space. Sheesh.
Whoah, my comment sure did start something. To Shadowweb, the phrasing of your sentence made it sound like you thought he was a Batman villain to me, and I wanted to clear it up,wasn't trying to attack your point, I even said I was being nitpicky, had nothing to do with your general point. You seem to be more knowledgeable on comics than I thought, so I was wrong to assume that you didn't know that. That said I don't think the Arkham games are why he is in personally, he just happens to be a liked character who isn't too obscure that was a perfect choice for a grappler IMO.
Why are we talking about the zombie with a poetry fetish? Get back to talking about the boy scout vs. guy with forehead and mustache and gloriously bearded archer vs. bird-girl with a mace.


too smart to play MKX
Dude, I haven't played Arkham City in a while but I'm like 110% sure that Grundy fight didn't take me ten minutes.

I never heard of Solomon Grundy before Injustice and I bought Arkham City shortly after finding out about this game just to hype my blood for DC. When I got to the Grundy fight, my exact fucking thought process was "Oh? Zombgief is in this? Wouldn't have guessed he was a Batman villain. ...Seriously, this is a Batman villain? Why have I never heard about Batman fighting zombies? This whole segment really doesn't make a lot of sense. Seriously, what the hell is happening? This is really fucking dumb and feels way out of place."

Now the high priests Nerddom have informed me he's actually a Green Lantern villain or something, and I cry my cry of vindication.

There, firsthand account of Grundy's effect in Arkham City from a casual DC fan.


I am Arkham
From what I can tell, last preliminary match, than the winners start fighting each other.

Quarter Finals start March 11th. So in 2 weeks from now. Not sure if we'll get anything during the break.

The Quarter Finals will be:

Wonder Woman

The Flash
The Joker

Green Lantern

Winner of Superman vs Sinestro
Winner of Green Arrow vs. Hawkgirl

This will take 2 weeks to do. Then we'll have the Semi-Finals starting March 25th.


I am Arkham
I thought the Quarter Finals were going to be one match per week?
QF starts Mar. 11th, SF start Mar. 25th, and Finals start April 8th, according to their site. So it looks like it's 2 matches per week for the Quarter-Finals, 1 match per week for the Semi-Finals, and obviously 1 match the final week leading into the game.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
And the craziest thing is the "Shao" part has nothing to do with Shao Kahn. I made that name years ago when I was training locally in Shaolin Do Kung Fu. You'd think being on an MK board it'd be related to Shao Kahn.

The more you know.