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Injustice Accomodations at East Coast Majors

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
to add to this, i hate when i have to wait over 20mins for a player to play 1 other game.

example from NEC: Masta CJ we waited almost 30 mins for him. @SonicFox5000 is the only player i know who plays more than 1 game (he plays like 3 or more different games) who actually only take 5-15mins tops to play his match
masta cj was in like 5 different tournaments. injustice, marvel, persona, chaos code and marvel curley mustache 5v5.

RM Jonnitti

Hot Dog
@SonicFox5000 was in just as many games or more so why can he manage it? I doubt they all called all his matches at the same time. Plus I was told that he was only in 1 other game when we called him.
because during his pool for injustice he was on my team for chaos code and we had to play in a different room.


because during his pool for injustice he was on my team for chaos code and we had to play in a different room.
It doesnt excuse him from not showing up for 30 mins and not telling anyone whats going on. Sonic fox would go play soul calibur and come right back and asked if he can go play another game or if I needed him. There were other players who did this too but im not sure who they were and I commend them for that. There is no excuse


Who hired this guy, WTF?
It doesnt excuse him from not showing up for 30 mins and not telling anyone whats going on. Sonic fox would go play soul calibur and come right back and asked if he can go play another game or if I needed him. There were other players who did this too but im not sure who they were and I commend them for that. There is no excuse
I second this. Some players are considerate and at least let us know.

However some of you players are fucking retarded and I could be calling your name and you don't even flinch a muscle til I get on the loud speaker.