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Injustice Accomodations at East Coast Majors


Mama's Little Bumgorf
There have been expressions of discontent with EC tournaments recently, so use this thread to voice concerns you have and I will relay them to Big E directly. Boycotting is not the answer. If you want things to be improved, you have to let the organizer(s) know there is an issue, or they will assume everything is fine. Just look at what happened with SCR and Valle when we reached out to him. The man came to our forum and gave us Saturday pools WITHOUT us meeting the cap. Lets do the same with East Coast Majors so we don't end up losing another tournament like UFGT.

Things already covered:

-Lack of setups
-Being put in a corner
-No stream projector
-No guaranteed internet line
-Early Top 8 times despite having 3rd highest entrants

Community Requests:

-Keep track of players in multiple games and have them play first
-Microphones to announce pools and player names
-Revamping of bracket creation
-Guaranteed game sound

This isn't a thread to senselessly bitch and start flame wars. Simply post what you want to be changed in a respectful manner.
I will continually update the OP.
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Glass Sword

You forgot to put running a tight ship. Folks who run brackets need a list all the people in their pool who are in multiple games and have them play first. They should also have a way to contact these players when they need to play. That goes for everyone.
I'm tired of standing around for two hours after my first match.
Also can we get a second recording setup that is not streamed to run losers on. If an important match comes up and the stream is not up put it on the off stream recording station. The folks at home can see the match later. It is one of the perks of being at the tournament.
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Mama's Little Bumgorf
You forgot to put running a tight ship. Folks who run brackets need a list all the people in their pool who are in multiple games and have them play first. They should also have a way to contact these players when they need to play. That goes for everyone.
I'm tired of standing around for two hours after my first match.
Also can we get a second recording setup that is not streamed to run losers on. If an important match comes up and the stream is not up put if on the off stream recording station. The folks at home can see the match later. It is one of the being its of being at the tournament.
I like this idea, and I know you weren't at NEC, but all off stream matches were recorded with Avermedia devices.


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
My biggest gripe is they push preregistration so much but they dont consider real life things happening at the last minute. I feel like if you Prereg and dont show up at least give venue fee back to the person. And put the game money into the pot. Thats my biggest issue and i think more people would prereg if they knew they would get some money back if life decided to kick them in the face and stop them from showing.


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
60$ is just too much to pay to stand around all day. Have fun if you get pool 7 or 8. AKA 10 pm start time.

There are never any casual set-ups to play on either,...... so unless you have a hotel room set up (which you pay/labor for) there will be no fun to be had for the whole day.

You get nothing for your 60$ except a minimum of 4 games and dirty bathrooms

Edit: I want cheaper fees and more set-ups just for casual play


well put DMS, lets speak up so we can get everything together.

@AVN PTH jonnitti
@GGA 16 Bit
@Tom Brady

I know from the past events we had some issues with scheduling, we got off to about an hour late start because people kept getting added to the brackets and if I remember correctly it took a while for top 16 to get going.

There is also issues about bracket creation. Some people at home have issues with not being able to see the bracket themselves, this also makes it harder to report rankings among players, saying what place standings went to who. Other people have personally exclaimed to me that they did not agree with the way they were seeded and competing was a big issue for them, knowing they aren't getting what they feel they deserve. And another fraction of complaints in regards to brackets have been about the actual people creating the brackets, and how they should not be allowed to do so, as it is a conflict of interest and could easily be rigged or set up for an easy way for that creator to get far.

A big issue that not only effect those at home trying to watch the action, but also those that are attending is the stream. At NEC we were promised a stream with hardwired internet, and the delivery came up short.

Let's keep this positive and not let this blow up into a big misunderstanding


TYM White Knight
I will never understand why T.O.'s have not used Challonge after registration closes for the games.

It's free, it allows the users at home to anticipate matchups, is hella efficient for organizing and archives every single fucking match of a tournament.

If 16 Bit calls you out, he can literally go back and say that you lost to joe blow 3 times in the last 3 tournaments during the second round of losers.

If someone can give me an honest and just reason why we haven't adopted this, please do it.
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Mama's Little Bumgorf
everythings pretty much been said already. im happy that we are going about conflict resolution this way.
I seen that list most of that is nothing to take care of. Was already working on the internet part.

But I'm sorry I can't forget how this went down and the fact that I didn't know.

No one had the balls to talk to me man to man.
This pretty much sums it up.

Ray Riazy

I think the best model to follow would be TFC. At TFC We had 8 set ups, we had schedule that was printed to tell everyone exactly what time each pool started and we were on time. Plus as TO's we had breaks in between so we can schedule our own personal time to practice or play another game to get us ready mentally to play. One of the hardest things to do as TO is to get your head ready to do well in a tournament but you have to keep track and work a pool at the same time. We had plenty of room so people could watch and a projector for the stream. I don't like filling in late entries like we do. I wanna be able to take a late entry, put them in a pool later. Rank the pools correctly and then post them on a wall and if people don't like it they can contact us or if they don't see their name we can put them in correctly. Its embarrassing to me to have someone sign up and we are half way done pool 4 and they were told they were in pool 2 and weren't called or played. I also want our top 8 to be later in the day. We are the usually the 3rd biggest game at every tournament, They put a lot of pressure to make sure we get done everything by 10 or 11 and if something were to delay us even a little bit we have to rush through everything. I don't like not having that extra time in the morning. Just cause if things get pushed back or delayed, we have no wiggle room to make sure things finish correctly and not just so we can meet a certain time. The last thing people wanna do once they make it out of pools or in top 16 is being told hey you have to play at 10pm at night and every match can't be streamed because we don't have the time and give them the spotlight they deserve for making it so far. At NEC We didn't have any time after pools for any hype exhibitions or MM, or even have time to have team tournaments. I don't wanna be yelled at or hated by players because I am told to do something and then it blows up because it wasn't done properly or because it wasn't something that I could control. I also wanna personally apologize for anything that has gone wrong with any east coast tournament and with any tournament in the future I will work harder and work more for you guys and not just to say we got done just to get done. The goal here is for you guys to have a lot of fun and to make it a good experience.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I repeat @Emperor DMS

Guaranteed sound at stations

I bring an astro mix headphone amp w me from home just to guarantee myself sound (and I bring a splitter for my opponent) but I shouldn't have to. I'm not asking for astro mix amps everywhere, there are far cheaper options .

Also I'd ask Kombat network (using them for example Phil, shock, etc) TO GET PAID DAMNT because look at the way I do


This business model sucks. I'm a 100% believer that if myself or KN or GGA or whoever is running the tournament solely (providing CPUs, mixers, laptops, projectors, screen, Internet 4g, headphone amps etc and running brackets and seeding etc etc) they shouldn't be doing it for free

Back to the sound issue

Imagine Going to a movie theatre paying $50.00 and having no sound

Also I feel just as strongly about the players and what THEY must come with

Players should be required:
Own pad or their own stick
Own converter
Own headphones

Shit happens I know, that's why I have two of each at all times.

I never went to a little league baseball game borrowing little Timmy's glove, bat or groin cup (some FGC would)

I never went to soccer practice borrowing players on the bench shin guards

I never borrowed mouth pieces at football


I could rant for hours on this but I'll leave it at that

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
I repeat @Emperor DMS

Guaranteed sound at stations

I bring an astro mix headphone amp w me from home just to guarantee myself sound (and I bring a splitter for my opponent) but I shouldn't have to. I'm not asking for astro mix amps everywhere, there are far cheaper options .

Also I'd ask Kombat network (using them for example Phil, shock, etc) TO GET PAID DAMNT because look at the way I do


This business model sucks. I'm a 100% believer that if myself or KN or GGA or whoever is running the tournament solely (providing CPUs, mixers, laptops, projectors, screen, Internet 4g, headphone amps etc and running brackets and seeding etc etc) they shouldn't be doing it for free

Back to the sound issue

Imagine Going to a movie theatre paying $50.00 and having no sound

Also I feel just as strongly about the players and what THEY must come with

Players should be required:
Own pad or their own stick
Own converter
Own headphones

Shit happens I know, that's why I have two of each at all times.

I never went to a little league baseball game borrowing little Timmy's glove, bat or groin cup (some FGC would)

I never went to soccer practice borrowing players on the bench shin guards

I never borrowed mouth pieces at football


I could rant for hours on this but I'll leave it at that
That's why I practice without sound or while listening to music..


TYM White Knight
I repeat @Emperor DMS

Guaranteed sound at stations

I bring an astro mix headphone amp w me from home just to guarantee myself sound (and I bring a splitter for my opponent) but I shouldn't have to. I'm not asking for astro mix amps everywhere, there are far cheaper options .

Also I'd ask Kombat network (using them for example Phil, shock, etc) TO GET PAID DAMNT because look at the way I do


This business model sucks. I'm a 100% believer that if myself or KN or GGA or whoever is running the tournament solely (providing CPUs, mixers, laptops, projectors, screen, Internet 4g, headphone amps etc and running brackets and seeding etc etc) they shouldn't be doing it for free

Back to the sound issue

Imagine Going to a movie theatre paying $50.00 and having no sound

Also I feel just as strongly about the players and what THEY must come with

Players should be required:
Own pad or their own stick
Own converter
Own headphones

Shit happens I know, that's why I have two of each at all times.

I never went to a little league baseball game borrowing little Timmy's glove, bat or groin cup (some FGC would)

I never went to soccer practice borrowing players on the bench shin guards

I never borrowed mouth pieces at football


I could rant for hours on this but I'll leave it at that
If you're good at something, never do it for free!

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
That doesn't fix this situation

You shouldn't have to tell people that not only do you lose sound at tourneys but now you have to lose it at home too
I know. But going to a loud ass arcade or a random tournament with a good kash pot doesn't always allow you that luxury.

Even picked up easy characters like Doomsday and Supes so that if I ever have to play on that horrible Xbox D-Pad again, I kould at least rawr my way past a few matches.

I agree with what you're saying though. We should up the standards, but if that's not happening, the players have to do what they always have to do: Adapt.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I know. But going to a loud ass arcade or a random tournament with a good kash pot doesn't always allow you that luxury.

Even picked up easy characters like Doomsday and Supes so that if I ever have to play on that horrible Xbox D-Pad again, I kould at least rawr my way past a few matches.

I agree with what you're saying though. We should up the standards, but if that's not happening, the players have to do what they always have to do: Adapt.
Yes that's kinda my point. Headphone amps

Also why would u need to ever use a Xbox d pad ? BRING YOUR OWN