What's new

Injustice 2 Watch Tower stream announced for Wednesday (Feb 8th, 2017)


I think, "the best NRS trailer" will be shown on Monday by IGN. And today we won't get any announcements. They may also add 1 new character to the beta today.


apparently we're going to see the best trailer NRS had ever made, according to boon.
Sounds like he is talking about the story trailer for Injustice 2 like the one they did for the MXK story mode.

I wouldnt bet we gonna see this trailer anytime soon.


Booster Gold is in Injustice 2
they'll give IGN any "best trailer", its just going to be lantern battles and dropped combos


MK11 Pocket Guide: Koming Soon to the App Store
Stream is over.

Nothing new at all, just beta gameplay.

Black Canary joining the beta by the end of the week. Wave 4 of codes going out after the patch is up and running smoothly.

Aaaaand cue the disappointment posts!