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injustice 2 is annoying me


Dojo Trainee
Ppl drool over words on here. I get what you're trying to say bro. Its ok you think you're the better player, I wouldn't play if I didn't. When I lose to someone that obviously doesn't take the game as serious as I do, I get frustrated. Then its about not getting frustrated lol stay calm and make sure you know your best option for every scenario. There might be things you just have to lab because of awkward hit boxes and stuff but for ppl that button mash don't be afraid to contest with unsafe moves to launch them. If they are button mashing then they probs won't recognize their turn to punish and if they do then they might be better than you thought and reevaluate the scenarios. Anymore details on your mu and ill try to help

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
I really like the way the Overwatch team does things. If it worked like that, I can see it being implemented, though not without a challenge. How would this system know how many points to award or deduct from a player?

For that matter, what would happen over the course of the game's lifetime when most players graduate to whatever triple-A title comes out? Would we be stuck facing the same declining pool of opponents as before? Lots of people play Overwatch and lots of people play fighting games, but there are more returning players, I feel, on the OW servers who play for the fun of it every day. Learning a character in a fighting game is quite a commitment.
There's a hidden number known as your "MMR", it assures that you gain and lose the correct amount of points. I'm not entirely sure how that works, honestly.

Sadly, when you're at a tier of where there are less players (where you may end up when the game is dead to most people) you will experience longer matchmaking and face players in lower or higher tiers :(

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I was thinking more along the lines that the game is basic as the fucking cigarette brand and all the elements that once made it diverse and intriguing are almost nonexistent except for background bounces and well placed MB F3/B3 psycheouts, but this works too?


Positive Poster!
Thats kinda funny because you are bitching in status updates constantly.
Yeah I suck at this game and when I can't find the answers, I bitch in status updates. And then people correct me and I get the info I wanted.

On the other hand I don't think I'm anyone's superior and call people "scrub", unless it's a top player and I'm kidding. I don't make excuses why I lose either: I know I'm not good at the game.

You're pretty laidback though, look at how easygoing you are.


Counterpoke with armoured DB2 at all times.
"I lose versus bad people, and the only way to fix it is playing versus better people whom somehow i think are on my level". Sure pal. No offense, but you bad.
Indeed. This excuse is sometimes valid in other games, particularly if you're stuck at a lower level and get trolls/smurfs/bad people, but eventually you'll get out if you commit to the game enough.

Fighting games generally don't accept this excuse because you have either yourself or MU's to blame, and MU's aren't a very good excuse for a game like IJ2 where most MU charts are pretty balanced aside from a few characters i.e. trash tier

Also there's a reason ranked got changed to FT3 sets rather than 1 match memes.
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Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
I ALWAYS press on opponent's plus frames.
I ALWAYS spam jump so nobody can full ground combo start me.
After he hits me with the 78th overhead knockdown, I STILL BLOCK LOW on the 79th because screw your conditioning and setup and your full combo from the low starter that you practiced FOR NOTHING AHAHAHHAHAA


'Scrubs' will usually hang themselves if u let them. Just be patient and try to play it safe. Get ur punishes and take every bit of damage you can at given opportunity. Playing against 'bad' players can be frustrating because they do stuff that SHOULDN'T work but does. You have to recognize their faults and play accordingly. An MU in real life is not the same as on paper, you have to outplay your opponent not his character afterall.
"Yeah I suck at this game and when I can't find the answers, I bitch in status updates. And then people correct me and I get the info I wanted."
lol, instead of just friendly ask people for advice (as a normal person does ) he come here to bitch and annoy people to get answers, how stupid is that?
but yeah, thats glortor. lol

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Like people here said already, if you just cant get out of people mashong buttons regardless of the plus frames, then it is on you. The online can be a factor as well if your connection is just not good.

What you need to do is to go to the traning mode, repeat the scenarios that you have issues with, and try to find what is your best tools in those scnearios, and then practice on them until you got them to your muscle memory. Hope that it helps :)
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Being able to win vs top players and winning vs randoms in pools are two completely different skill sets.

You need to identify the skill level of your opponent and proceed accordingly. This is an attribute of the best players in the scene. They feel you out then break you down.
Like people here said already, if you just cant get out of people mashong buttons regardless of the plus frames, then it is on you. The online can be a factor as well if your connection is just not good.

What you need to do is to go to the traning mode, repeat the scenarios that you have issues with, and try to find what is your best tools in those scnearios, and then practice on them until you got them to your muscle memory. Hope that it helps :)

It’s not on him. The people with this view point don’t get what it takes to win tournaments. You can’t play the same vs the best players and scrubs frankly.

Is fault is that he just doesn’t know there is a difference. You can’t have a cookie cutter approach to beating people which he probably has.

This understanding is extremely hard to get and is the reason the best players don’t usually get randomed out.


Is fault is that he just doesn’t know there is a difference. You can’t have a cookie cutter approach to beating people which he probably has.
Exactly. You can prepare for MUs and situations all you want, but in the end you have to base your gameplan on the player and his mindset, not the MU on paper.

Roy Arkon

I will leave my seal on you!
Being able to win vs top players and winning vs randoms in pools are two completely different skill sets.

You need to identify the skill level of your opponent and proceed accordingly. This is an attribute of the best players in the scene. They feel you out then break you down.
Of course these are two different things, I was not talking about pros at all. I was talking about the issues he CURRENTLY has, that is why I said the "scenarios he has issues with".


Being able to win vs top players and winning vs randoms in pools are two completely different skill sets.

You need to identify the skill level of your opponent and proceed accordingly. This is an attribute of the best players in the scene. They feel you out then break you down.
Agree 100%. Top players know how to adapt according to who they are playing against. You can't play online ranked and expect people to respect your plus frames all the time like in tournament or expect your opponent to not do random teleports in online ranked.

The Farmer

Gunslinger since pre ptch -Shout out 2 Youphs 2015
Do you put in the time for this game is the other question. Simply having the knowledge doesn't make up for putting it into practice. The scrub who has perfected his bad habits will have a good chance at interrupting the plan of someone with all the info/knowledge and little practice. I have a decent amount of knowledge in terms of fighting games, but I'm still a scrub who gets caught and beat with dumb stuff because I don't have time to invest in it as much as I like.


Spammer. Crouch walk hater.
Well, if you want the cold, hard, truth, in a short version, then:

It happens because you play flowchart.
You don't care about an opponent existing in the game with you and having his own thoughts.
You are playing against what you think he should do without caring that he actually thinks for himself.
You are taking for granted that he knows all frames combos and does , donts, disrespects bla bla.

If you would pay attention to the actual opponent and stop the flowchart this wouldn't happen.

Also, the alternative is just to pick captain cold, because if you didn't know, everyone DOES IT WITH COLD, OMG, THEY DID IT WITH COLD, my GOD the mixups, COLD COMMUNITY EXPOSED.


like i get soo demotivated when i loss to a scrub that mashes everytime he can press buttons like i am plus and staggers are non existent against scrubs . i know that i am better as a player than that scrub . i tend to do better against good players since they dont disrespect plus frames and mash on staggers and they actually play the character the right way and i can follow my gameplan to that MU.

the only way to fix this is to add an ELO ranking system so i can play with people of my skill level.
Sometimes, a player is used to play the game in a certain way and he can be suprised when confronted with an unexpected situation. Playing with unexperienced and newbies sometimes can be wierd because they will do crazy things that you would not expect otherwise and you might end up getting punished. I don't know if that's your case, but if it is, patience is the best answer, don't get too overzealous on the offensive side. Spacing, baiting and footsies are your best allies when in doubt.