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injustice 2 is annoying me

Lt. Boxy Angelman

I like your version better.
I'll give the game this, though.
In spite of the fact that it's shitty they're behind the DLC wall, the three members of Kombat Pack 3 are easily the most interesting things about this game. All unique, all capable, not cutting/pasting moves or specials, all vastly different than anything/anyone else in the game. Never gonna play Atom, but he is delightfully complex. Enchantress has gotta be nominee for best Oki in the same because her setup potential is nauseating. And I will eat crow and admit they did a spectacular job with the Turtles. I reeeeally wasn't crazy about that idea at first, but they're all really well built.

If the rest of the parts of the game can take lessons, that'd be great.
This game will turn out just like MKX/Destiny and eventually Destiny 2: it'll be phenomenal by the time they're done with it, but it'll still be unclear why they couldn't have made it that good in the first place.


I want Kronika to step on my face
The amount of people consoling themselves in this thread for getting mopped by Mashers thinking they'd do better against top players "because they would respect them" is too damn high lmao.

If you think the first time you play against Sonic fox he won't try to contest your plus frames to see if you deserve the respect, then you might want to sit down because I have some news for you....

Sent from my Quantum Computer using TYM Quantum App


I don't know what people you play, but everyone from time to time disrespects frames.

If you're only plus one or two, why should the person do nothing but block every time? You have to condition people so you can do your stagger pressure, throws etc. I would argue a player is bad if they never change up their behavior to your plus frames because it's a lack of adaptation and you lose when your opponent ceases to have to guess your options.

Secondly, if you're fighting a masher or someone that doesn't respect block pressure, you simply adapt your style to that and punish it. I fought a bad Supergirl that woke up every single time and did a bunch of silly, over the top things. I lost the first round then ran it back because I saw they weren't going to stop waking up an pressing buttons so I blocked more and walked in and out of wake up range more and got the win.

You cannot say you're superior if you lack the ability to adapt to even the most linear of attack styles.


It's all so very confusing.

Here's the thing man, and I know its already been said but Im going to add my .02 in here just the same. If you're losing, then you're losing. You weren't the superior player and the other guy the scrub if you couldn't handle him mashing. If he was beating your + frames then you need to tighten up, because realistically, most good players absolutely salivate at the chance of meeting players who want to hit buttons when you are plus. Sure the mashing may catch them once or twice, but they adapt. Once they adapt and realize you're gonna be on buttons they will just tear you to pieces.

Sounds like you arent as good as you think you are man. I dont mean that to be hateful or blindly insulting.. but if you're losing enough to mashing.. then that's a problem and a weakness you need to work on. +frames arent a magical guarantee. You need to work on your frame traps and tighten that pressure up. Any good player with any sense is going to occasionally check your pressure and really good players will pick up on your game being loose.

I dunno man. Ive made my share of excuses, but it just ultimately boils down to winning and losing and that's about it. If you lose to a certain player regularly, you arent better than them and they are just 'playing the game wrong'.. You are a weaker player than they are, or some part of your game is weak to what they're doing and at the end of the say, regardless of how you got there, its a Win or a Loss screen and outside of the opponent LITERALLY cheating in some way, you earned the screen you're seeing.

Everyone has bad games occasionally and loses to a player they will normally beat 10-0 or the like, but if this happens enough to cause this kind of reaction that doesn't sound like what happened.

Some of the posts I read are a little harsh, but that's just how it is. I made excuses and got called out for it.. As a result I sat down and re-evaluated what I was doing and how I thought about things and I bounced back as twice the player, and have continued to improve since. In the heat of the moment I scream and yell as much as anyone, I throw shit and I go through controllers like tic-tacs, but I know its still just me. I look at what beat me and I work on how to stop it beating me the next time, and if I lose to something, it's cause the other guy was just better vs me.


Administrator and Community Engineer
If you can’t beat scrubs that are mashing, you’re no better than the scrubs.

Getting better isn’t just about beating people who play the way you want them to play — it’s about learning to do well against people *regardless of how they play*.

Once you realize that the problem is actually you, you will learn and improve.