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Injustice 2 at GamesCom 2016


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I will miss the cutaways, but we did complain pretty loudly everything cinematic took in Injustice 1. I think the slow mo poses are a good compromise. I wonder if they will be skippable like in MKX.
I kinda hope not, they are short enough that it shouldn't matter.

Then again it doesn't really matter because once someone is at 5 % health they are just going to mash retry anyway.
Which is another thing I wish you could toggle off.
I love it when playing, but it's so obnoxious when you are watching others play.


trufenix-lol it's all good dude no need to get upset, Hey I'm just addressing when someone addresses me lol. Not like anyone is iinsulting others or anything. CV lol God that site....how's your day going?

Evil Canadian, that's why I said on fair ground Batman would beat her...obviously normally Batman loses to WW.
Wow, this did turn into a comic versus forum there for a second. lol

Ultimately, these conversations are often difficult to have because the comics themselves are full of contradictions. Most of these characters are close enough in power that they are all capable of defeating each other. Batman is the exception to this, but he is equally as capable because so many writers (and fans) want it to be so.

I wanted to respond because in I thought you were a bit disingenuous in the posting of some of those scans. In the Sacrifice fight, for example, you left out all of the scans where WW had the advantage (breaking Supe's ribs, bashing his ears, cutting his throat, getting the best of him h2h, etc) and left out that she stated that she was holding back. In other stories she has stated twice that she is faster than him in combat and Batman backed her up. She's done very well against all of the other Krypttonians she's faced, except for DD in their first encounter. Personally, I think Superman wins 6 out of 10 fights and that's without her fully gearing up.

As for MMH, Diana is (or was pre-New52) immune to mind control, illusions and other forms of telepathic assault. I don't believe he has any strength, speed or durability feats that put him over her. His intangibility and shape-shifting would be his best bet against her. However, the lasso being magical makes be wonder if she'd be able to ensnare him in any of his forms.

Flash should be unbeatable given his power set. No one writes him like that though because it would be extremely boring. He's obviously faster than her, but she has speed feats of her own, has tagged and lassoed Zoom, and has dealt with speedsters before. She also had a sparring session with Flash, MMH, and other leaguers while blindfolded and she beat all of them. They made a point of having Batman comment that she was able to adapt to Flash's speed. Sure, it's silly, but that's comics for you.

I can't have any serious conversation about Batman. He's everyone's favorite and writers will always write him to be a threat, even when he has no business on the playing field. I will say that he probably would beat her in a powerless, H2H fight, but your description of WW's skill is not accurate. Her reliance on her sword is a recent development. Batman himself has called her the greatest melee fighter on the planet. She's sparred with Black Canary and Lady Shiva without using her powers. She has also trained Superman and Supergirl as well. She too has been stated to know every known form of martial arts and to be proficient with every weapon.

The Flash and Superman are the only two I could see beating her more times than she would beat them. GL, MMH, Aquaman, Shazam (the lasso really puts this in her favor), Cyborg and Batman would lose a majority. People really don't give her enough credit. She has some crazy feats.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Can you DM me or post the scans of when The Flash used 'Trans-time velocity' to be everywhere and every when at once. I have only heard about it
You mean this? lol I actually mentioned this earlier those beings are nigh omnipotent deities who can transport/teleport anywhere instantaneously yet Flash beat them lol they even admitted it. It was a bet.

Wow, this did turn into a comic versus forum there for a second. lol

Ultimately, these conversations are often difficult to have because the comics themselves are full of contradictions. Most of these characters are close enough in power that they are all capable of defeating each other. Batman is the exception to this, but he is equally as capable because so many writers (and fans) want it to be so.

I wanted to respond because in I thought you were a bit disingenuous in the posting of some of those scans. In the Sacrifice fight, for example, you left out all of the scans where WW had the advantage (breaking Supe's ribs, bashing his ears, cutting his throat, getting the best of him h2h, etc) and left out that she stated that she was holding back. In other stories she has stated twice that she is faster than him in combat and Batman backed her up. She's done very well against all of the other Krypttonians she's faced, except for DD in their first encounter. Personally, I think Superman wins 6 out of 10 fights and that's without her fully gearing up.

As for MMH, Diana is (or was pre-New52) immune to mind control, illusions and other forms of telepathic assault. I don't believe he has any strength, speed or durability feats that put him over her. His intangibility and shape-shifting would be his best bet against her. However, the lasso being magical makes be wonder if she'd be able to ensnare him in any of his forms.

Flash should be unbeatable given his power set. No one writes him like that though because it would be extremely boring. He's obviously faster than her, but she has speed feats of her own, has tagged and lassoed Zoom, and has dealt with speedsters before. She also had a sparring session with Flash, MMH, and other leaguers while blindfolded and she beat all of them. They made a point of having Batman comment that she was able to adapt to Flash's speed. Sure, it's silly, but that's comics for you.

I can't have any serious conversation about Batman. He's everyone's favorite and writers will always write him to be a threat, even when he has no business on the playing field. I will say that he probably would beat her in a powerless, H2H fight, but your description of WW's skill is not accurate. Her reliance on her sword is a recent development. Batman himself has called her the greatest melee fighter on the planet. She's sparred with Black Canary and Lady Shiva without using her powers. She has also trained Superman and Supergirl as well. She too has been stated to know every known form of martial arts and to be proficient with every weapon.

The Flash and Superman are the only two I could see beating her more times than she would beat them. GL, MMH, Aquaman, Shazam (the lasso really puts this in her favor), Cyborg and Batman would lose a majority. People really don't give her enough credit. She has some crazy feats.
Yeah lol I mean I love comics, sometimes they go a little insane I mean look at the scan above lol others times they do things for plot or may be PIS or CIS for sake of story but usually I'd say Batman and Flash are two characters who've been consistent for the most part, Superman too though depending on the version some are MORE insane than others lol. You're right but there's also a scan limit per post rule on here as to why I didn't post EVERY scan, I'm aware of what you speak of though. She kicks his ass and punches him, but he's also kicked her ass depending on the story as well. Honestly, I think WW can take Supes but the one thing people forget is Supes holds back a lot....especially against his friends, take Injustice Superman or any other darker or evil Superman not afraid to hold back, and it's a different ballgame you know what I mean?

I also did point out that she handled Zod and Faora well, but would struggle more against Superman as he's also dealt or beat Zod etc. The DD for me is a difference maker, in every fight every era so far be it the 90's or now, WW has struggled against DD WAY more than Superman including currently. I do think she's one of the few leaguers who can take DD besides Superman for a while at least though which is impressive since it's freaking DD lol. The guy just can't be put down for long.

MMH's strength is comparable to Superman not quite that strong but then none of the other leaguers are equal to Supes including Diana. But he's a lot stronger than people give him credit for. I believe New 52 she's resistent to mind control as well during the brainiac arch, though MMH is one of the more powerful telepaths if he pushed himself he could get into her mind I'd wager, reason why I say this is he was able to get into Spectre's mind which is an insane feat when you think about it considering what The Spectre is. He's also scanned the entire Earth of billions of minds in seconds looking for his partners killer, has TP across the galaxy etc he's also gotten into the minds of other cosmic beings besides Spectre like Shadow Lords, tanked blasts from them, tanked blasts from Jenny Quantum a reality warper etc he's a lot more durable than people realize. But if that don't work the phasing would be an issue for WW, combat wise I have no doubt she'd beat him but he's like Supes in regards to being a swiss army knife he has lots of things to use.

I agree, Flash is super OP though I do think in a fight to the death or serious Flash would dust her if he wanted. In that one scan I posted she admits she can't match his top speeds and is worried for good reason taking on a blood lusted out of his mind Flash, Flash is capable of that or worse if he pushes himself but normally he holds back his top speeds so he's more taggable. Like you said they have to nerf him. I know that story you speak of blindfolded beating Zoom, some say that's PIS but it does show Diana's combat against a speedster, though I will say Flash is more imaginative and smarter than Zoom with his powers.

I remember that Batman said that, but just pointing out that my earlier point was more so if they were on equal footing Batman could potentially take her I mean he was giving Karate Kid hard time and he's from the future, has more knowledge, styles under his belt yet Bruce was giving him trouble and even admitted he could learn from Batman a thing or two. Diana being immortal is a skill but not sure automatic advantage if Bats can give someone from the future with more martial arts styles than him a hard time, all I'm saying lol. Obviously without prep he loses badly, he has taken her and the JL on though with the Justice Buster. The only one able to damage it was Superman....he obviously shouldn't win all the time but just saying he's dangerous with prep because he's smarter than all of them and one of the smartest in comics in general, knowledge is power. He needs it since he's not a metahuman or anything.

I agree for the most part though I do think Shazam could put her down if not for the lasso and MMH I'd still say can beat Diana a few different ways besides Flash and Supes. Batman may not be able to beat her, but with prep he can definitely deal with her.

TO BATTLE! Thanks for your post, here are my correct 100% factual counterpoints:

I am, of course, going by current New 52 WoWo, in which case she clearly has been shown several times to be superior to Superman in EVERY way other than brute strength.

They both took nukes to the face, later while he was a gross almost dead zombie, she was about fully healed. She was either more durable than Supes or healed super fast there, much faster than almost dead Superman.

She beats people he cant handle.

She clearly is the New 52s number one fighter.

And God of War Diana? gg no re.

Doomsday she was surprised, and nearly healed instantly from her wounds.... and Superman didnt do anything against DD, he teleported away immediately. DD killed Superman too. DD is kind of those PiS characters too, like the hulk.

Wonder Woman loses to Batman with prep? Nay. Batman in the new 52 knows he cant beat WoWo, and his only plan against WoWo is hopefully Superman can stop her.

Loses to SHAZAM!? Her godly gifts are the same as Shazam.... but her difference is she's fought for thousand years and SHAZAM! has no gear, all her gear easily defends against his abilities and she can cut his head off as if he were a normal man. Without her gear it'd be closer, although her personal battle experience probably gives her still the edge.

"especially if Superman has trouble tagging Flash"

See here, with total respect, you show your ignorance of Wonder Woman. More than once, and recently, its been shown and flat out stated by Batman that Wonder Woman is FASTER than Superman in a fight. So Superman having trouble hitting Flash doesnt mean WoWo would have the same trouble Superman would. She is faster than him in every way other than from Point A to Point B over a large distance.

Shes defeated a god faster than Flash too, obviously. I feel like Flash though should be one of those characters who should never lose. He cant beat DDay, but he should never get tagged by him. But eventually if the fight were to end itd be him getting stupid or surprised or outsmarted by someone infinitely smarter than him, like Batman or WoWo.

And uhhhh now WoWo is immune to mind stuff, and I believe so far all magic, due to divine blood.

WoWo is like Superman + Batman + SHAZAM! + a dash of Aquaman or THOR.

With respect.

She has to use her powers and thats bad somehow?

Batman in the last few years said WoWo is the best Melee fighter on earth.

TO EVERYONE posting scans of hero vs hero fights, those should never be taken seriously... because as of now every hero has defeated every other hero... and most of the time it makes absolutely zero sense.

Batman hitting Aquaman hard enough to hurt him? batman being strong enough to knock the wind out of hulk with one kick? Superman forgetting Superspeed when fighting slow hulk? THOR forgetting godblasts when fighting hulk? Flash forgetting about all his abilities when he loses to WoWo and Superman? MMH fighting like an idiot and losing. Etc.

Hero vs hero fights are illogically written things written just for fun and for the fans... without pissing off anyone.
Disagree regarding the strength factor between supes and diana and durablility, if you remember Supes was benching the earth's weight 5 days straight WITHOUT rest or sunlight exposure.....and the nuke arch, you do remember that Diana was more injured than Superman, Superman had to heal but zombie looking he still had more strength and power than Diana, he had to fly her to themyscira to heal....once he hit the sun he was already regenerating, and had the power enough to fly back to FOS to rest/fully recharge via solar exposure.

He's beaten people she can't handle too (Doomsday, Darkseid, Helspont, Brainiac)

She rarely goes GOW Diana and didn't seem to use it against Superman when she needed to.

Superman killed DD by ripping him apart though...Diana wasn't close to doing that, she had her arms broken. The surprise wasn't that big of an element, she's a warrior always ready to fight and underestimated him at first. Against the N52 version, Pre N52 she got her ass kicked flat out along with the rest of the JL GL, MMH, Flash, Booster Gold, etc, et

Superman in both stories has proved to take on DD much better than Diana.

That's why I said Pre N52 Batman has beaten WW with prep. New 52 he has no plan other than Superman even though he managed against her and the JL during the Damian arch, I'm also pretty sure the hellbat suit can take Diana since he was tanking hits from Darkseid lol...

Overall she'll beat Shazam due to smarter, more experience and the lasso but hand to hand I think Shazam can take her, read Flashpoint he was giving her trouble til she used the lasso and forced him to go kiddy mode lol

With all due respect you're showing your ignorance if you think anyone is faster than Flash, nobody is not even a God. Whoever you're talking about he or she is not faster than Flash, Flash may as well be the God of Speed, the dude is faster than Shazam and WW who are graced with Mercury and Hermes speed, you know God's of speed yet Flash is still faster....

Flash has the speed force=faster than anything in the universe, hell mutliverse short of God/Presence himself. Period. Post scans of whoever you're talking about and I will post Flash doing something far better with feats. And I posted scans of Wally beating the hell and moving way faster than WW so are you just going to ignore them? lol Cause the facts speak for themselves dude. Also, while WW may have faster combat speed than Superman, she is NOT faster than Clark flying speed as he's literally tagged and right behind Flash and has moved light speed, escaped black holes etc. When has WW ever done this? lolvNever. So no WW is not faster than Superman from A to B, combat speed yes but that's it, everything else running, flight Supes stomps her and Flash just demolishes her if he really wants. The Flash beat nigh omnipotent teleportation deities with his speed....across the universe. Let's see WW do that. WW has also never done this to Flash, actually catching a mind controlled crazy Flash...

DD adapts to everything, she can't beat him either lol nobody in the JL can except Superman....

Thor isn't even all that, the dude has been punked by Hulk and his own hammer against him lol I think Diana is smarter than Thor honestly, and GOW version easily on par if not surpassing him. Yet in other stories Hulk as been KO by Captain America and Spiderman, two people who WW would demolish lol.

I'm just saying she had to use her powers against a mere mortal, human without powers...just think about that.

I agree that hero vs hero has their gimmicks, pis elements etc but just pointing out that sometimes they're viable and canon in same universes case. Crossovers are fan voted usually but that one Batman vs. AM is canon, it's just a showing to show how good of a fighter Bats is. Yes, currently he said WW is the best fighter on Earth, I'm just saying he's also ONE of the best H2H fighters as well obviously and he's only human so that's all he can do besides being smarter.

Ryu Hayabusa: While that's true, it's also true that pre flashpoint as I've posted Wally has owned WW and she admits she can't tag him if he's going that fast, he's too fast for her. The sacrifice yes but Superman was killing her had she not used kryptonite that Batman gave her....sure Supes was mind controlled but that's my point, if he didn't hold back he'd beat WW down not a doubt in my mind. She may hold her own a while but he can just sundip for days in space, she can't.
Last edited:


I'd say Batman and Flash are two characters who've been consistent for the most part,

Supes holds back a lot....especially against his friends, take Injustice Superman or any other darker or evil Superman not afraid to hold back, and it's a different ballgame you know what I mean?

I also did point out that she handled Zod and Faora well, but would struggle more against Superman as he's also dealt or beat Zod etc.

MMH's strength is comparable to Superman not quite that strong but then none of the other leaguers are equal to Supes including Diana.

I agree for the most part though I do think Shazam could put her down if not for the lasso and MMH I'd still say can beat Diana a few different ways besides Flash and Supes. Batman may not be able to beat her, but with prep he can definitely deal with her.
Thanks for the civil response. :) I just wanted to respond to the points above.
1) About Batman being one of the more consistent characters, I disagree a bit. He's walking PIS. He took WW out with a kick to the stomach and stopped Flash by throwing a smoke bomb. I can't take him seriously as a character. lol Without prep he obviously gets curb stomped. With prep, I still think he'd lose because she doesn't really have a weakness for him to exploit, unless the writers just make something up, like the did with the "lasso of lies." Tower of Babel really went against her characters because she should have been able to see through the illusion.

2) Supes wasn't holding back in Sacrifice. He was mind controlled and obviously not fighting as smartly as he normally would, but he unleashed close to his full power on her and she took it all, while not going all out herself. It's not an indicator of how a real fight with them would go, but it's a great durability feat (among others) for her.

3) WW's strength is comparable to Superman's too. There's nothing I've seen from MMH to suggest that he's stronger than Diana. She is usually referred to as #2 behind Clark by beings like the Spectre and even Batman himself. He could obviously beat her, but doing it H2H against her would be suicide. Also, the lasso has held him before and he was unable to escape. I'm not sure if it would work while he was already phased though.

4) I think Shazam is at a disadvantage against her honestly. He's completely outclassed by her in skill (Clark is a better fighter than he is) and all of their stats, except for durability maybe are about even. She's resistant to magic and magic is one of the reasons he pulls even with Superman at times. Throw in the lasso and it's pretty much a given. That's not to say that he CAN'T win, but I'd put my money on her more times than not.

I did not mention the Flash because he is the character that is honestly the most difficult for me to talk about. He really should not every lose. His power set trumps everyone, even Superman. Diana's gear may be hax, but the Flash is the embodiment of hax. I take him at his average/most likely showings and she's capable of beating him. I'd give him the edge though.

I'm sure everyone is sick of us nerding out, so feel free to message me if you want to talk more. :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Thanks for the civil response. :) I just wanted to respond to the points above.
1) About Batman being one of the more consistent characters, I disagree a bit. He's walking PIS. He took WW out with a kick to the stomach and stopped Flash by throwing a smoke bomb. I can't take him seriously as a character. lol Without prep he obviously gets curb stomped. With prep, I still think he'd lose because she doesn't really have a weakness for him to exploit, unless the writers just make something up, like the did with the "lasso of lies." Tower of Babel really went against her characters because she should have been able to see through the illusion.

2) Supes wasn't holding back in Sacrifice. He was mind controlled and obviously not fighting as smartly as he normally would, but he unleashed close to his full power on her and she took it all, while not going all out herself. It's not an indicator of how a real fight with them would go, but it's a great durability feat (among others) for her.

3) WW's strength is comparable to Superman's too. There's nothing I've seen from MMH to suggest that he's stronger than Diana. She is usually referred to as #2 behind Clark by beings like the Spectre and even Batman himself. He could obviously beat her, but doing it H2H against her would be suicide. Also, the lasso has held him before and he was unable to escape. I'm not sure if it would work while he was already phased though.

4) I think Shazam is at a disadvantage against her honestly. He's completely outclassed by her in skill (Clark is a better fighter than he is) and all of their stats, except for durability maybe are about even. She's resistant to magic and magic is one of the reasons he pulls even with Superman at times. Throw in the lasso and it's pretty much a given. That's not to say that he CAN'T win, but I'd put my money on her more times than not.

I did not mention the Flash because he is the character that is honestly the most difficult for me to talk about. He really should not every lose. His power set trumps everyone, even Superman. Diana's gear may be hax, but the Flash is the embodiment of hax. I take him at his average/most likely showings and she's capable of beating him. I'd give him the edge though.

I'm sure everyone is sick of us nerding out, so feel free to message me if you want to talk more. :)
No problem. lol I think some people have issues with Batman because he's human and gets away with so much but he's pretty much the prep master, Marvel does the same shit with Dr. Doom and Iron Man. These guys don't have powers on their own(thought he stuff Marvel does with Doom is kind of retarded if you ask me beating Beyonders etc) but mostly Iron Man and Batman, they're just humans, smart but peak well Batman anyway. So they compensate with smarts, I think overall he's consistent as he's the man with a plan and usually wins some shape or form but isn't unbeatable. He's been beat, killed before etc I don't know if Batman can beat WW even with prep but I think he can manage at least for a while. I think without powers, say it was a contest where they had to be on fair grounds either give Batman powers or her mortal and Batman would win just cause he's a master tactician and smarter. There actually was one story where he had Superman's power and oneshotted WW lol. Forget the story.

True but in injustice and other stories Superman was holding back and even says it....but that Sacrifice story is just proof that Superman when not in control is dangerous. In older stories they show MMH power more than currently, but there was one story where Supes, WW and MMH were all pulling a planet that took all of them to do so so I'd say it's comparable honestly the problem is MMH isn't showcased often but he's very strong. But as I was saying earlier, even if she is physically stronger than him he has other tools to deal with Diana or put her down. The thing about phasing that's hard for anyone except for Flash on the team to counter is he can hurt her but she can't hurt him, he can just phase and crush her heart or brain if he wanted and she wouldn't be able to do much about it.

Oh yeah I think Billy would lose more times than not, I mean like him vs. Superman, the magic aside Superman has dealt and beaten CM. I think WW would beat Shazam more times than not, I think he could potentially beat her though but she'd win most of the time.

But yeah I hear ya lol. Hey I don't mind if the mods are cool with it, nobody is insulting or going nuts I just think Injustice since it's a canon alternate univerce in DC lore I don't mind comic discussion :) I hear ya, Flash is really OP lol it's why he's nerfed most of the time. By logical assumption he should beat everyone beneath cosmic beings lol.

Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Disagree regarding the strength factor between supes and diana and durablility, if you remember Supes was benching the earth's weight 5 days straight WITHOUT rest or sunlight exposure.....and the nuke arch, you do remember that Diana was more injured than Superman, Superman had to heal but zombie looking he still had more strength and power than Diana, he had to fly her to themyscira to heal....once he hit the sun he was already regenerating, and had the power enough to fly back to FOS to rest/fully recharge via solar exposure.

He's beaten people she can't handle too (Doomsday, Darkseid, Helspont, Brainiac)

She rarely goes GOW Diana and didn't seem to use it against Superman when she needed to.

Superman killed DD by ripping him apart though...Diana wasn't close to doing that, she had her arms broken. The surprise wasn't that big of an element, she's a warrior always ready to fight and underestimated him at first. Against the N52 version, Pre N52 she got her ass kicked flat out along with the rest of the JL GL, MMH, Flash, Booster Gold, etc, et

Superman in both stories has proved to take on DD much better than Diana.

That's why I said Pre N52 Batman has beaten WW with prep. New 52 he has no plan other than Superman even though he managed against her and the JL during the Damian arch, I'm also pretty sure the hellbat suit can take Diana since he was tanking hits from Darkseid lol...

Overall she'll beat Shazam due to smarter, more experience and the lasso but hand to hand I think Shazam can take her, read Flashpoint he was giving her trouble til she used the lasso and forced him to go kiddy mode lol

With all due respect you're showing your ignorance if you think anyone is faster than Flash, nobody is not even a God. Whoever you're talking about he or she is not faster than Flash, Flash may as well be the God of Speed, the dude is faster than Shazam and WW who are graced with Mercury and Hermes speed, you know God's of speed yet Flash is still faster....

Flash has the speed force=faster than anything in the universe, hell mutliverse short of God/Presence himself. Period. Post scans of whoever you're talking about and I will post Flash doing something far better with feats. And I posted scans of Wally beating the hell and moving way faster than WW so are you just going to ignore them? lol Cause the facts speak for themselves dude. Also, while WW may have faster combat speed than Superman, she is NOT faster than Clark flying speed as he's literally tagged and right behind Flash and has moved light speed, escaped black holes etc. When has WW ever done this? lolvNever. So no WW is not faster than Superman from A to B, combat speed yes but that's it, everything else running, flight Supes stomps her and Flash just demolishes her if he really wants. The Flash beat nigh omnipotent teleportation deities with his speed....across the universe. Let's see WW do that. WW has also never done this to Flash, actually catching a mind controlled crazy Flash...

DD adapts to everything, she can't beat him either lol nobody in the JL can except Superman....

Thor isn't even all that, the dude has been punked by Hulk and his own hammer against him lol I think Diana is smarter than Thor honestly, and GOW version easily on par if not surpassing him. Yet in other stories Hulk as been KO by Captain America and Spiderman, two people who WW would demolish lol.

I'm just saying she had to use her powers against a mere mortal, human without powers...just think about that.

I agree that hero vs hero has their gimmicks, pis elements etc but just pointing out that sometimes they're viable and canon in same universes case. Crossovers are fan voted usually but that one Batman vs. AM is canon, it's just a showing to show how good of a fighter Bats is. Yes, currently he said WW is the best fighter on Earth, I'm just saying he's also ONE of the best H2H fighters as well obviously and he's only human so that's all he can do besides being smarter.

Ryu Hayabusa: While that's true, it's also true that pre flashpoint as I've posted Wally has owned WW and she admits she can't tag him if he's going that fast, he's too fast for her. The sacrifice yes but Superman was killing her had she not used kryptonite that Batman gave her....sure Supes was mind controlled but that's my point, if he didn't hold back he'd beat WW down not a doubt in my mind. She may hold her own a while but he can just sundip for days in space, she can't.
Hi!! <3

For the Superman Flash thing, as you say Superman is faster going in a straight line over distance, but in a fight she is much faster than Superman, slower only than Flash. So being able to run into the fight really fast and then being slower in the fight is going to do nothing other than get your ass handed to you, as in WoWo vs Superman.

WoWo did MUCH better against Darkseid 1v1 than Superman ever does. Doomsday, eh, they both get messed up pretty bad. Because DD adapts to magic, which Superman and nobody else ever does, so DD really does have the only advantage in all DC. But realistically, Superman and WoWo should easily be able to punch him into the air and space with one hit and then hes fucked. Shitty writing always with superstrength fliers vs non flying superstrength. If I uppercut you with enough force to hit a mountain into space, it does NOT matter how strong you are, because gravity keeps you down, thats it, so hulk/DD would all go flying into space EVERY time someone like WoWo or THOR or Superman hit upwards.

WoWo and SHAZAM are both not as fast/powerful as the gods who power them. WoWo was only given a PART of Hermes speed, and just as that small part she can almost keep up with Flash up close. Hermes is in no way slower than Flash. Magic.

I also Wonder if Zeus' lightning bolts are faster than Flash, which would make it even easier for WoWo to win.

THOR is probably the best 1v1 warrior in Marvel, realistically. Hulk and THOR and SSurfer all can lose stupid fights in shittily written stories, but realistically THOR with all his overpowered cosmic magic and infinite strength and godly durability make him number 1, followed closely by SSurfer.

Superman beats DD because hes Superman. Same reason Batman beats everyone, including God Himself if He was in the comics, because he's Batman.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Hi!! <3

For the Superman Flash thing, as you say Superman is faster going in a straight line over distance, but in a fight she is much faster than Superman, slower only than Flash. So being able to run into the fight really fast and then being slower in the fight is going to do nothing other than get your ass handed to you, as in WoWo vs Superman.

WoWo did MUCH better against Darkseid 1v1 than Superman ever does. Doomsday, eh, they both get messed up pretty bad. Because DD adapts to magic, which Superman and nobody else ever does, so DD really does have the only advantage in all DC. But realistically, Superman and WoWo should easily be able to punch him into the air and space with one hit and then hes fucked. Shitty writing always with superstrength fliers vs non flying superstrength. If I uppercut you with enough force to hit a mountain into space, it does NOT matter how strong you are, because gravity keeps you down, thats it, so hulk/DD would all go flying into space EVERY time someone like WoWo or THOR or Superman hit upwards.

WoWo and SHAZAM are both not as fast/powerful as the gods who power them. WoWo was only given a PART of Hermes speed, and just as that small part she can almost keep up with Flash up close. Hermes is in no way slower than Flash. Magic.

I also Wonder if Zeus' lightning bolts are faster than Flash, which would make it even easier for WoWo to win.

THOR is probably the best 1v1 warrior in Marvel, realistically. Hulk and THOR and SSurfer all can lose stupid fights in shittily written stories, but realistically THOR with all his overpowered cosmic magic and infinite strength and godly durability make him number 1, followed closely by SSurfer.

Superman beats DD because hes Superman. Same reason Batman beats everyone, including God Himself if He was in the comics, because he's Batman.
New 52 version maybe, the New 52 Supes seemed weaker against DS I noticed than Pre New 52, but then it still took the whole league just to push DD in the boom tube lol as current Darkseid is FAR more powerful than Pre New 52, though Pre New 52 Superman aka current Superman from the older Earth faired much better against DS than WW ever did. I even remember one story where Supes literally flew DS to the source wall lol.....and another he tossed him into the sun. Thought both normally should be able to take Darkseid for sure.

That is why I said combat speed WW is faster, but not overall speed as in flight pretty much. I think everyone is second to Flash lol WW may have faster combat speed but Supes has faster everything else flight, running etc which can help him in a fight as he manuevers. So there's always that, I also noticed New 52 WW can't seem to stay in space very long like Pre New 52 Earth WW could, but they gave current version GOW status.

Yeah but Superman has beaten DD on his own a few times historically as oppose to the rest of the league against DD, only recently did Supes need WW as a distraction so Supes could lock DD in the phantom zone, though Supes did do most of the work, Diana helped him a little as did Lex but Lex got messed up by DD and just helped Metropolis out plus for some reason Original Superman isn't quite as strong on Prime Earth as he was on his Earth. I believe he said this during Lois & Clark series right before Rebirth started.

The Speed Force exceeds Magic even Hermes who is also just Mercury, which Flash already proved to be faster than if you read that one scan ;)...Hermes/Mercury is a God of speed, the SF is literally omnipresent/omniversal and as it exists within the DC Multiverse...it's the source of all speedsters on every or infinite Earths lol. Speed is Flash's game. The Speed Force is said to be connected to the Source which is connected to God, so yeah I'd say SF>>>>Hermes with speed. The stuff the SF allows Flash to do is just kind of stupid OP at times. Hermes also lacks the feats to be on par with Flash. Flash has dodged lightning before as well so I'd say most likely no. He can also not throw lightning of his own not just from the show, but Wally can do it(kid Flash current Wally black version) and he's just learning, lol in original continuity which DC admits is still out there and canon just other universes etc Barry actually became one with the Speed Force and became the lighting bolt that struck him in the past....crazy as he became pure energy. Flash is also way FTL speed...

God is in the comics aka The Presence but he rarely shows up, obviously God beats everyone even Batman but Batman as I've said has lost before, he just tends to win or give people trouble with prep time. True, but just saying Thor like everyone else has also lost before as well. Like he struggles against Thanos a lot and Hulk, I know some say bad writing which is true at times but if it's consistent across the board and Marvel doesn't change it multiple writers must agree on some things.
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Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
New 52 version maybe, the New 52 Supes seemed weaker against DS I noticed than Pre New 52, but then it still took the whole league just to push DD in the boom tube lol as current Darkseid is FAR more powerful than Pre New 52, though Pre New 52 Superman aka current Superman from the older Earth faired much better against DS than WW ever did. I even remember one story where Supes literally flew DS to the source wall lol.....and another he tossed him into the sun. Thought both normally should be able to take Darkseid for sure.

That is why I said combat speed WW is faster, but not overall speed as in flight pretty much. I think everyone is second to Flash lol WW may have faster combat speed but Supes has faster everything else flight, running etc which can help him in a fight as he manuevers. So there's always that, I also noticed New 52 WW can't seem to stay in space very long like Pre New 52 Earth WW could, but they gave current version GOW status.

Yeah but Superman has beaten DD on his own a few times historically as oppose to the rest of the league against DD, only recently did Supes need WW as a distraction so Supes could lock DD in the phantom zone, though Supes did do most of the work, Diana helped him a little as did Lex but Lex got messed up by DD and just helped Metropolis out plus for some reason Original Superman isn't quite as strong on Prime Earth as he was on his Earth. I believe he said this during Lois & Clark series right before Rebirth started.

The Speed Force exceeds Magic even Hermes who is also just Mercury, which Flash already proved to be faster than if you read that one scan ;)...Hermes/Mercury is a God of speed, the SF is literally omnipresent/omniversal and as it exists within the DC Multiverse...it's the source of all speedsters on every or infinite Earths lol. Speed is Flash's game. The Speed Force is said to be connected to the Source which is connected to God, so yeah I'd say SF>>>>Hermes with speed. The stuff the SF allows Flash to do is just kind of stupid OP at times. Hermes also lacks the feats to be on par with Flash. Flash has dodged lightning before as well so I'd say most likely no. He can also not throw lightning of his own not just from the show, but Wally can do it(kid Flash current Wally black version) and he's just learning, lol in original continuity which DC admits is still out there and canon just other universes etc Barry actually became one with the Speed Force and became the lighting bolt that struck him in the past....crazy as he became pure energy. Flash is also way FTL speed...

God is in the comics aka The Presence but he rarely shows up, obviously God beats everyone even Batman but Batman as I've said has lost before, he just tends to win or give people trouble with prep time. True, but just saying Thor like everyone else has also lost before as well. Like he struggles against Thanos a lot and Hulk, I know some say bad writing which is true at times but if it's consistent across the board and Marvel doesn't change it multiple writers must agree on some things.
I pretty much agree with that.

Flash gets way too OP like they do sometimes with THOR and Superman and hulk... its like uhhh okay, now what?

Writers sometimes jerk each other off while writing, like in those Flash moments, or WWHulk, or Superman punching reality. Calm down writers.

They should all have powers, but nothing ridiculous where everything becomes pointless and you have to write yourself out of the "well cant Flash just solve everything" hole. Or cant THOR just godblast or antiforce everything.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I pretty much agree with that.

Flash gets way too OP like they do sometimes with THOR and Superman and hulk... its like uhhh okay, now what?

Writers sometimes jerk each other off while writing, like in those Flash moments, or WWHulk, or Superman punching reality. Calm down writers.

They should all have powers, but nothing ridiculous where everything becomes pointless and you have to write yourself out of the "well cant Flash just solve everything" hole. Or cant THOR just godblast or antiforce everything.
Yeah like if you take the cartoon for example(the JL TAS one) he moves fast but toys around mostly then you have shows where he dodges Superman effortlessly and literally dismantles Brainiac from Lex when they were bonded lol they had to pull him out of the speed force. Like oh ok that's why they don't make hiim go all out lol cause he's just so OP...and the comics as you've said are even worse in the OP feats regard like what? They make Flash do those insane thing then in another story gets tripped by freaking Deathstroke...lol

Yeah or way back the Silver Age Superman able to literally do almost anything, like turn back time, fly through time at will, exceed lightspeed and almost flew into heaven til The Spectre stopped him lol. Thankfully they toned Down Supes a bit since then lol


The future of law enforcement.
Former Owner
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It's getting hard to find comments about I2 in this thread... Isn't there an Off Topic thread for discussing comics and super heroes?

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Keep in mind that injustice universe Batman has kryptonian nanotech pills that give him the strength and durability of a high level meta human. He bodied characters like Lantern and could have killed Superman at several points in the comic after beating them convincingly. Under normal circumstances Batman would get mopped by WW, he is my favorite character in any form of media, even I can see that though. But Batman keeping pace with WW in this Injustice universe is possible.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah the pills amping them is a rather clever idea I always felt for the human characters especially. This is an old thread now anyway. I'm sure soon we'll have a new update hopefully, maybe something once they do the NRS kombat kast? Hopefully we'll get some more insight on I2