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Incomplete (errors found)TYM MK9 Tournament players rankings

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Well it says 2012. But that's weird because NCR should at least be counted as something and SCR has to be if NEC is, since SCR was after NEC.
My mistake, then maybe it was NCR... lol

SCR was 2011, you're right.
I admire the effort but the numbers are too high and convulated considering the age of the Mk9 tourney scene. The attempt at making distinctions between majors and minors is deeply flawed.

Here is a more reasonable ranking system.

Points earned are based on:
1) Your the total number of players at a tournament below your ranking range and split among the players in the same ranking range as you.
2) A modifier based on your percentage of wins over your ranking range to get your placement
3) Bottom placement minimum point inflation
4) MLG Arena exception to rule 3

Ranking ranges are as follows.
1,2 place
3,4 place
5-8 place
9-16 place
17-32 place
33-64 place
65-128 place
129-256 place
EVO Perrenial Spectator place

Now for some illustrations assuming all the example players particpiated in a 13 man, 46 man and 128 man tournaments.
How rule #1 works
Lets say you won 3rd place at these three tournaments.
There are 9, 42 and 124 players who placed below your ranking range. You share your ranking range with the 4th place player so you split the total number of players between the two of you earning 4.5, 21 and 62 points respectively.

Now lets say you won 12th at those same events.
That means there are 0, 30 and 112 players below you.
You share your ranking range with up to eight other people. As a result you earn 0, 3.75 and 14 points.

Points earned from rules #1 are your base points.

How rule #2 works
As a 3rd place fnisher you are the same ranking range as one additional player. There needs to be a way to quantify that you placed higher than the person in the same ranking range.
To do this we need to account know the minimum amount of games you needed to win to get 3rd place and the maximum amount of games you could play to reach there.
If the tournment you went to used Best of 5 format then you had to win atleast 3 games but had the possibility of playing the maximum of 5.
If you played only 3 games to reach 3rd place you add 100% of base points of the player ranked below you. If you had to play 4 games you get 66% of the base points added to your own points.If you had play 5 games then 33%.

Why these perecentages? The spread between the minimum and maximum games that could be played is 3 so each additional game that has to be played beyond the minimum reduced your earnings by a third.

Obviously this means if you had to play a Best of 9 format the spread between minimum games you needed to win and maximum you could possibly play is 5. Each game you are forced to play after the minimum reduces the additional points you can earn by 20%

How rule #3 works

Let's say you placed 12th, 45th and 128th at the three example tournaments. You were worse than everyone at the tournment except for one player. You earned nothing from rule #1 and #2 but IMO you should earn something for atleast winning a set.
Should you earn a minimum of 1 point? I don't think your placement at a 13 man tournament should be weighted as equally as the 128 person event.

The minium points you earn for just participating is dependent on the number of ranking ranges the total number of players allow divded by 2.

The 13 man contest allows for four ranking ranges so the minimum points earned is two. The 46 person contest allows for 6 ranking ranges so 3 will be the minimum points you earn.
At the 128 man event you will earn a minimum of 4.5 points.

These minimum points could create some problems for the points people are earning at the borders of ranking ranges so everyone above these bottom place players automatically get the minimum points added to their total points.

MLG Arena Exception

MLG arenas are going to make ranking considerations very interesting. Arenas are continuations of MLG majors. Your participation is entirely based on getting top 8 or 16 of MLG. So a lot of potential competition is barred from playing. The minimum points from an MLG arena should be weighed alot more heavily than other minor events. As a result the minimum points from rule 3 should be increased by 50% instead of reduced by 50% for any other event.

P.S.-There are some details I haven't adequately covered but my basic idea should be understood for atleast rules 1,3 and 4. I'll try to elabrate more on rule 2 if anyone has questions about it.


Cock Master!!
Yo I almost forgot... HAHA, Pig what's your email?

Also DanCock, idk what tournaments you selected, but for some reason I think Dizzy should be higher.

He got 9th at Final Round, MLG, and 5th at PU, 13th at Season's beatings, 4th at Frosty Faustings, placed well at Chicago Heart and Fighter Cross Shooter.
read the w hole first post.

Pig Of The Hut I think we need to make a video teaching people how to read full posts if they are going to ask questions or question stuff. Lolol

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Media Master
read the w hole first post.

Pig Of The Hut I think we need to make a video teaching people how to read full posts if they are going to ask questions or question stuff. Lolol

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The spoiler button wasn't working, didn't realize you had to click the second one?
Either way, I don't think you the same amount of points should go to each tournament based on it being a major, major minor or minor. There needs to be bonus points for certain circumstances or something


Cock Master!!
The spoiler button wasn't working, didn't realize you had to click the second one?
Either way, I don't think you the same amount of points should go to each tournament based on it being a major, major minor or minor. There needs to be bonus points for certain circumstances or something
Ahh sorry about. I tried to fix it but can't I have no idea why it's like that.

Bonus points will still create the Same outcome I believe. Now there are circumstances where some tournaments will be down graded and some upgraded.

I want a group of 5 or 9 guys to decided on what should be changed and added. So far we have 3.

This really isn't a easy thing to do, took 3 long nights. I wanted to include every tournament goer in this so that they will get motivated to travel again to tournaments and improve their ranking.

Everyone needs to understand that this list treats everyone equally, it's not player a is better then player b list.

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EX smash solves all
I think this needs to be removed, or at the very least not be weighted so heavily. I looked at where all my own points were coming from and about two thirds of them are from just showing up. I don't think it makes sense for me to be ranked above players like CURBOLICOUS Mr. Mileena etc just because I go to more tournaments than they do.
True, however I think that players should also be rewarded for showing up and supporting the scene.


84 ~ VSM Pherleece 157
84 ~ VSM Summ0ning 157
84 ~ Lt. Box 157
88 ~ Queen of Sheba 153
91 ~ CrazyFrog88(kfrog) 151
94 ~ BA Winter_Warz 146
96 ~ M2Dave 143
97 ~ MasterD- 143
98 ~ AU_IM_DIGIMON 142
99 ~ Citizen Snips 138
100 ~ Casselman 136
101 ~ Goldfishkeeper 135 ******
103 ~ VSM Rapzilla 129
103 ~ GunsTariq 129
106 ~ GOL Eklectic 127
110 ~Sun Lioness 121
115 ~ Wound Cowboy 113
115 ~ Mosp 113
118 ~ EGP Shords 110
120 ~ delriach 108
120 ~ Sao_87 108
120 ~ XMADDOGGX 108
129 ~ VSM Klassy Sasquatch 104
129 ~ Free Nine 104
131 ~ AU_WANNA_DIE 103
131 ~ FrothyOmen
147 ~ Beat Down Mao 94
147 ~ WNBA Zaf 94
147 ~ Hellion 96 94
151 ~ MaceWind 93
151 ~ R00Ki30FTH3Y3AR 93
151 ~ Check 93
170 ~ TrePound 92
174 ~ KPB Kakarot 89
174 ~ Oblivion 89
174 ~ KPB Meanest Rage 89
174 ~ Pecka Powa 89
174 ~ Skkra 89
174 ~ New Paradigm 89
174 ~ Goldfish 89 ***********
187 ~ VSM Insuperable 85 <-- haha
188 ~ Teef 83
188 ~ VSM Dark Natas 82
194 ~ VSM Shock 79
205 ~ BlueNine 78
205 ~ RTO Toxic 78
241 ~ "FR" Ashnear 68
254 ~ Semi Evil Ryu 67
254 ~ GGA | HAN 67
269 ~ Shadow Zero Kyo 57
283 ~ jedirobb 51
283 ~ Marvaz 51
283 ~ STB Shujinkydink 51
this list is amazing!!!
look at all the ppl ranked lower than me =] haha
hopefully this list will motivate people to get off their asses and go play offline!
but still get on my level :REO

DanCock 129 ~ Free Nine 104 & 205 ~ BlueNine 78 are the same guy. there are some other doubles but not many


Cock Master!!
I think its SoCal Regionals. Not sure if NCR is up there.
DanCock I really think Apex and NorCal Regionals (assuming that's what CalRegionals means) should be counted as minors or major minors. One of the main points behind changing the NFGR formula is that MK majors aren't necessarily Capcom majors. Like Flawless Victory was definitely bigger than those two tournaments.
oh boy nice discovery Rev. seems i fucked up hardcore. i didnt check the dates. i had just assumed that when "SCR" was posted in tournament after maths they meant "NCR" so when i looked i saw NCR on the evo list but no results i had thought that 16 bit won a evo major which he didnt.

Osu 16 Bit you were right yesterday about the ranking list as well..

ill fix this mistake tomorrow night. thanks for pointing this out..

question is where the heck is NCR's results???? Krayzie do you have it or know where its at??? Private message me it when you can..

NEC was made a major because it has the top Arizona players, Atlanta players, California players and NY players.

again THANK YOU rev0lver Osu 16 Bit for pointing out my mistake.. and majors that dont attract top players will be downgraded in the future.


This guy looks kind of tuff...
cool im on this list :)
mlg anaheim will be my true test.. cant wait to play all of yall..


My only question is why would someone be ranked higher because the attended more tournaments than me but placed last and I get say 10th place twice?

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To encourage people to attend. Those that come out support the scene I think that deserves something. I don't see why the lust is estimating to get upset about.
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