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In all seriousness.


King of the Jobbers 2015
And I know skillrating is irrelevant to actual skill, It just means they beat more people. I was wondering how someone can achieve a high rank just by spamming 1 character. Lol

Trust me Dab isnt that high and he could run through 99.9% of the ranked players.
I don't mean that. I'm telling you right now, 99.999999999999999999 of your so called 'top 100' in ranked are terrible at the game. Not being an 'elitist', I'm being a 'realist' (see what I did there? of course you did), that's why I posted the leaderboards there, because I've played against those people and they're all ass. Real players play either on rooms (if they play online), in private games or offline.


I don't mean that. I'm telling you right now, 99.999999999999999999 of your so called 'top 100' in ranked are terrible at the game. Not being an 'elitist', I'm being a 'realist' (see what I did there? of course you did), that's why I posted the leaderboards there, because I've played against those people and they're all ass. Real players play either on rooms (if they play online), in private games or offline.
This is true, but all the good people I know play BOTH. It's refreshing to play a scrub every now and then because they're so random and it keeps your reactions on point.

And WoundCowboy always plays Ranked Match :D

but seriously, I play private KOTH most of the time and I agree with you

Edit : Plus ranked is fun to baby people with sheeva or noob and stack up the rage mail. (they aren't my main, I just abuse gimmicks with them in ranked)

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Online = no knowledge of how the basic mechanics of the game work.
Online Warrior = skewed vision of what actual skill is.
Ranked = 99% of population are people who just bought the game. Mostly Scorpion.
Lag = Cancer.
Yeah, great strat... Laugh at the people that just bought the game and scare them away from the community. Nearly every top tournament player plays this game online, player matches and ranked. Lag? move to a place with 21st century internet and the Lag isn't that big of a deal.

Online is what it is. You don't have to overcompensate for your own inadequacies going around putting down online player and specific modes... Grow the fuck up

EGP Wonder_Chef

Official Quan Chi Nerf Demander™
Nearly every top tournament player plays this game online, player matches and ranked.
Actually very few top players play online seriously, and the few that do don't play ranked much as far as I know, they generally just play with people they know.

Lag? move to a place with 21st century internet and the Lag isn't that big of a deal.
The lag is pretty bad no matter what connection you have. I have a 10 up 2 down which is about average for US internet, and I still can't do 90% of the stuff that I do offline, online.

If online is your only option then by all means go for it, but if you have any opportunity to play offline, that's really where it's at.


King of the Jobbers 2015
Yeah, great strat... Laugh at the people that just bought the game and scare them away from the community. Nearly every top tournament player plays this game online, player matches and ranked. Lag? move to a place with 21st century internet and the Lag isn't that big of a deal.

Online is what it is. You don't have to overcompensate for your own inadequacies going around putting down online player and specific modes... Grow the fuck up
Do you seriously think, me saying ranked is ass and only scrubs play there is going to scare new people away from the community?
I don't know a single mid to top player who can actually say "I got these l33t sk1lls from playing random scorpions in ranked". Absolutely no one. 0. Nadie. You can't level up there. That isn't even the real game.
Oh sure I can have OC192 with 1ms of ping with my ASUSVH236H. But how about little Timmy, that has AOL disc 56kbps dial-up internet. *Genius*
Overcompensate? What does that even mean?
I just checked your profile and every single post you've made seems to be written by Debbie Downer. Who's the one who should grow up?
You just joined less than a month ago, so you may not know how stuff works around the community, so I give you that.


green is good
How in god's name are 2 sheeva spammers high ranked and on the leaderboards? SanioLetuchiy-37/top 100

DJ BIG CG - 35/top 100

I mean they can be tough to play sometimes but really?
I've played that guy before, hes a troll and a asshole...well to me he was, cuz i beat him with raka.


Both are shit. DJ BIG CG does this thing where if he loses the first round, he plays music very loudly next to his Mic for the duration of the fight.

Eh SnOwY

I'm on PSN.


See that? And I can tell you, online ranked is the lowest common denominator of MK gameplay, therefore it's existence shouldn't even be acknowledged.

in all seriousness, i did not know this list existed :confused: i cant see myself anywhere tho xD

EDIT: those list's are whack, it says durpitydurp has like 120 winstreak when he actually has 55? lol


His music shut off pretty fast last time I babied him.
I blocked both of them in the end. I get nothing out of playing players like that, it's a tedious exercise playing someone that is spamming tele jump, F4 and throws.

Was a time I used to go to offline casuals and play against the likes of F0xy and the Condiments.

DJ L Toro

Daaaamn Cossner, not only are you a scrub for playing ranked, but you've dropped from 6th to 16th so you're not even a good scrub. obviously you're a spammer elitist and eddie_willers is gdlk. you should be sucking his dick right now because in his 1 month on this site he's already exposed you. obviously you're a fraud and you're free to kano. hold dat


Online Punching Bag
I blocked both of them in the end. I get nothing out of playing players like that, it's a tedious exercise playing someone that is spamming tele jump, F4 and throws.

Was a time I used to go to offline casuals and play against the likes of F0xy and the Condiments.
DJ had just gotten predictable to me so I can smell his bs coming even with horrible delay.


Point Cossner is trying to make I think is anyone can play lag friendly characters and grind it out in ranked since so many new players head there first for some odd reason. At least they're too smart for those BEGINNERSONLY rooms

And once you get used to the millions of Scorpions and Kung Laos, it's just boring. Most players in there are probably trying to get on the leader board, grinding too, so there's not much to learn.

I'm still learning to keep my patience. And ranked can be good for that sometimes. I'll usually play it just to kill time, waiting for an invite. I like the "no strings attached" one fight stand thing. No getting all clingy on me with that play again? screen. But yeah. It's not very useful.



Get staffed bro
Point Cossner is trying to make I think is anyone can play lag friendly characters and grind it out in ranked since so many new players head there first for some odd reason. At least they're too smart for those BEGINNERSONLY rooms

And once you get used to the millions of Scorpions and Kung Laos, it's just boring. Most players in there are probably trying to get on the leader board, grinding too, so there's not much to learn.

I'm still learning to keep my patience. And ranked can be good for that sometimes. I'll usually play it just to kill time, waiting for an invite. I like the "no strings attached" one fight stand thing. No getting all clingy on me with that play again? screen. But yeah. It's not very useful.

Having gone back on xbl recently, there only room with people in was the beginners room so it was ranked or nothing. At least on PSN there seems to be a regular 'normal' room. Ranked sucks but its the only way to get a game most of the time.


King of the Jobbers 2015
you're not even a good scrub. obviously you're a spammer elitist
I feel more exposed than Snooki having a breakfast.
You've babied me IRL.



in all seriousness, i did not know this list existed :confused: i cant see myself anywhere tho xD

EDIT: those list's are whack, it says durpitydurp has like 120 winstreak when he actually has 55? lol
Yeah they're totally broken lol, if they/you disconnect it doesn't count. To show up you need to be registered in the site. It has like 2k wins missing for me, and I'm actually 6th not 1st.

*whispers* but scrubs don't know that.


Online Punching Bag
As Goldfish and others have stated, the worst part about ranked is it gets boring fast when your matches consist of Cage, Cage, Cage, Lao, Smoke, Cage, Lao, Lao, Lao, Scorpion, Scorpion, Kabal, Cage, more Cage, it gets boring pretty fast. It's like there's only 10 characters in the game not 31.


As Goldfish and others have stated, the worst part about ranked is it gets boring fast when your matches consist of Cage, Cage, Cage, Lao, Smoke, Cage, Lao, Lao, Lao, Scorpion, Scorpion, Kabal, Cage, more Cage, it gets boring pretty fast. It's like there's only 10 characters in the game not 31.
Wouldn't be much different at an offline tournament ;)