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IMDB says "Scorpion finds out truth and makes alliance with Sub-Zero?"


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I don't really care what Capcom / NRS / Namco / Sega or anybody do with their games as long as its good. People want to play the allegiance game to feel good at the end of the day, that fine. All I'm about is good fighting game packaages, and I just think we've reached a point where NRS has proven a competent story helps a fighting game. Maybe its not essential, but the fact that MK9 and Injustice's story modes were actually serious selling points for a lot of people, I think its something that merits looking into. Capcom preached a lot early on about how they were learning things from MK9 about storytelling but both Ultimate Marvel (admittedly, it would've been hard to change that) and SfXt still wound up with. . well this;

Even if you ignore the fact that the writing is goofy as shit, the music, the animation, the dub, the camera work, the releavance to the gameis like, who fucking cares? Who paid good money to mocap and record that (in multiplle languages, no less) when nobody will ever watch that a second time ever? What a waste.
lol Well, true. I personally prefer decent story telling(in a game like MK or Injustice where the characters are developed prior) lol that clip you posted hahahahaha perfect example. I mean the bear, and Abel saying "the bear...it's just I just wanted to pet the bear...you know" lol like what? lol And I found it really hilarious how Guile and Abel are speaking English, and Heihachi is speaking Japanese lol. I have always felt the MK team be it when they were with Midway or WB now as NRS, were always good in the story department(even dating back to the earlier MK's, MKM's and Konquest modes etc) but now with WB with money, better tools etc you've seen what they can do. That's actually cool to hear Capcom say they want to take a page out of NRS's book with story telling.


Man seeing those MK4 endings brought back some classic memories, and MK4 had a great storyline (though underrated). I hope Quan Chi gets what he deserves..
If only Subzero and Scorpion agree on an alliance..After 22 years. oh my, i can forgive them for all the potential shit they might bring in MK X! Fuck everything! under Raiden's command, getting their revenge on everyone? omgomgomgomgomg.

Can't see this happening tbh though...