Tony at Home
I would make it so Lex's MB mine is actually useful.
Not sure exactly how, but really anything would make this crappy move better.
Not sure exactly how, but really anything would make this crappy move better.
Everyone with a parry apparently envies Killer Frost's parry. =PI think having Batman's parry should be MB-able which give him access to a full combo.
BruhChoose your MB move change!
Captain Marvel: MB Torpedo reaches full-screen, travels faster than the Flash's running man stance sprint, does 25% damage, and nullifies armor. As compensation, Shazam's MB Lightning is removed from the game.
The Joker: MB Gunshot adds a mid-hitting rocket-propelled grenade that flies as fast as the coconut cream pie. 7-frame startup after Gunshot, +20 on block.
Zatanna: MB Trait functions as a tag in/out button with Zatanna and Dr. Fate; who'll have his own set of moves and specials.
Zod: MB Parry eliminates the recharge time on KT Smith for sixteen seconds; 3-frame startup for the MB Parry -- it works like an MK9 EX Parry.
Wonder Woman: MB Bracelet deflects projectiles back at the opponent and lengthens her jump arc to reach full-screen. No more than two super-jumps can be stacked.
Superman: MB Heat Zap adds fire damage that burns the opponent with 1% damage per second for fifteen seconds. Removes chip damage from blocking MB Heat Zap and normal Heat Vision.
Solomon Grundy: (Can now be meter burned during the startup frames,) MB Walking Corpse is a three-frame full-screen teleport.
Sinestro: All three balls of MB Fear Blast hit mid, sap a bar of meter out of the opponent on hit and deletes Kenshi from MK9 when activated.
Scorpion: MB Flipkick adds a permanent 10% damage boost, increases his walk speed to GL levels, lengthens his dash distance to pre-patch Black Adam distances, and reduces Trait cooldown by three seconds.
Raven: MB Singularity cripples the opponent to a wheelchair. When performed on Batgirl, Raven's face becomes beautiful enough to be considered kawaii. The result is a bunch of anime fans flooding Injustice and posting a bunch of Raven fanart. The attention necessitates the reboot of the Teen Titans TV show, with darker themes compared to Teen Titans Go, more Deathstroke, guest appearances from J'onn J'onzz; all with an anime art style.
This also causes WB to hand the development of Injustice to a skilled dev company, and NRS is able to continue with MK and Injustice-unrelated projects. Five years pass, and everyone is happy with Injustice and MKX, TYM becomes a happy place filled with kid-friendly fun times, and the haters of Japanese stuff go lament about the downfall of humanity and the NRS community.
Fortunately, though, they find out that we are a forgiving bunch, we let them in, and they join in on the fun while initially shying away from the Japanese-related areas of the forums. Everyone was at peace here, nothing hurt, and Nicholas Cage was rumored to be doing facial motion capture for a female character in a future NRS game because their man-faces are as hideous as ever.
Nightwing: (Must now be activated like an MK9 EX special) Mr. Grayson walks faster and goes a farther distance when MB Staff Spinning; the last hit of Damien's MB Staff Spin is a wall bounce.
Martian Manhunter: MB Overhead Teleport transforms MMH into Kabal from MK9 for twenty seconds and rehauls Kano's MK9 frame data to make him viable enough to be mid-tier.
Lobo: Activating MB Shotgun Blast grants enough frame advantage to safely load nuclear shells.
Lex Luthor: MB Mine renders the opponent unable to gain meter for ten seconds.
Killer Frost: MB Black Ice (A.K.A: Slide) travels faster, reaches full-screen and KF automatically does an U3 on hit.
Hawkgirl: MB Taste The Mace Throw increases the range on Hawkgirl's normals, and changes her name to "Hawkwoman".
Harley Quinn: MB Silly Slide adds two hits of armor and makes her cartwheel a safe overhead, while also making her low option launch for a full-combo. Increased damage scaling when performed on the Joker.
Green Lantern: MB Oa Rocket reduces the startup frames on Noob Saibot's Ghost Ball and the rocket explodes in eight fragments towards eight different directions; getting hit by a fragment causes the opponent's meter to slowly evaporate for five seconds -- a whole bar is lost by then.
Green Arrow: MB Hurricane Bow becomes functionally-identical to Aquaman's MB Trident Rush. Ollie spins the bow around as normal, shifting it from side-to-side and walking forward, yelling a HUAAAAAAAAAA or HWOOOOAAAAAAAH to match. Against Aquaman, MB Hurricane Bow builds three bars of meter, deals 62% on hit, and Ollie yells "AQUAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" And auto-teabags afterwards.
The Flash: A successful MB Speed Dodge refills his Trait.
Doomsday: MB Earth Shaker functions as the normal ES, though it is +5 on block and can be canceled into another Earth Shaker after the second hit.
Deathstroke: MB Trait lasts for six seconds and has seven seconds of cooldown: while active, Deathstroke has pre-patch levels of damage on his Gunshots and Low Gunshots; in cooldown, Deathstroke does 1% of damage per bullet, and has pre-patch frame data on his Gunshots and Low Gunshots.
Cyborg: MB Trait instantly recovers 25% health and adds armor to Techno Tackle on the first use, recovers 20% health and gives greater cancel advantage to Sonic Disruptor on the second use, recovers 15% health and gives Cyborg better normals on the third use, and 10% health for subsequent uses.
Catwoman: MB Feline Evade makes the opponent become infatuated with Selina, and therefore their damage output on her is reduced for the rest of the round. Ineffective against Batman and straight women.
Black Adam: MB Low Lightning does little damage, but gives Black Adam one pre-patch backdash and one aerial dash. Only three backdashes and four air dashes can be stacked at a time.
Batman: (MB Parry is activated like an MK9 EX Special) Actually leaves the opponent's leg broken, making walk and dash speeds slower unless they float. When performed on Aquaman, the arms are broken; in which case, AM can no longer use his trident and MMH will be unable to use MB specials the next time the player fights him as Batman. BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA, BATMAN!
Batgirl: Upon a successful MB Bola, Batgirl will say "you're free" to her opponent.
Ares: Activating MB Godsmack will cause his trait to instantly recharge axes and swords for the duration of the round, while also adding unblockable properties to down sword and down axe. Freddy Krueger is made a regular part of the MK series and story upon activation.
Aquaman: MB Trident Rush reflects twice as much chip damage back on Aquaman. Performing an MB Trident Rush against the Aquaman mirror will result in the round ending in favor of the attacker.
MB Ice breath = Full screen sweep like Heat Vision. I see nothing wrong with this.
how come half of these sound like they came out of an Injustice board game?Choose your MB move change!
Captain Marvel: MB Torpedo reaches full-screen, travels faster than the Flash's running man stance sprint, does 25% damage, and nullifies armor. As compensation, Shazam's MB Lightning is removed from the game.
The Joker: MB Gunshot adds a mid-hitting rocket-propelled grenade that flies as fast as the coconut cream pie. 7-frame startup after Gunshot, +20 on block.
Zatanna: MB Trait functions as a tag in/out button between Zatanna and Dr. Fate; who'll have his own set of moves and specials.
Zod: MB Parry eliminates the recharge time on KT Smith for sixteen seconds; 3-frame startup. (it works like an MK9 EX Parry).
Wonder Woman: MB Bracelet deflects projectiles back at the opponent and lengthens her jump arc to reach full-screen. No more than two super-jumps can be stacked.
Superman: MB Heat Zap adds fire damage that burns the opponent with 1% damage per second for fifteen seconds. Removes chip damage from blocking MB Heat Zap and normal Heat Vision.
Solomon Grundy: (Can now be meter burned during the startup frames,) MB Walking Corpse is a three-frame full-screen teleport.
Sinestro: All three balls of MB Fear Blast hit mid, sap a bar of meter out of the opponent on hit and deletes Kenshi from MK9 when activated.
Scorpion: MB Flipkick permanently adds 10% damage boost, increases his walk speed to GL levels, lengthens his dash to pre-patch Black Adam dash distances, and reduces Trait cooldown by three seconds.
Raven: MB Singularity cripples the opponent to a wheelchair. When performed on Batgirl, Raven's face is transformed and is beautiful enough to be considered kawaii. The result is a bunch of anime fans flooding Injustice and NRS sites and posting a bunch of fanart. The attention necessitates the reboot of the Teen Titans TV show, with darker themes compared to Teen Titans Go, more Deathstroke, guest appearances from J'onn J'onzz; all with an anime art style.
This also causes WB to hand the development of Injustice to a skilled dev company, and NRS is able to continue with MK and Injustice-unrelated projects. Five years pass, and everyone is happy with Injustice and MKX, TYM becomes a happy place filled with kid-friendly fun times, and the haters of Japanese stuff go lament about the downfall of humanity and the NRS community.
Fortunately, though, they find out that we are a forgiving bunch, we let them in, and they join in on the fun while initially shying away from the Japanese-related areas of the forums. Everyone was at peace here, nothing hurt, and Nicholas Cage was announced to be doing facial motion capture for a female character in a future NRS game because their man-faces are as hideous as ever.
Nightwing: (Must now be activated like an MK9 EX special) Mr. Grayson walks faster and goes a farther distance when MB Staff Spinning; the last hit of Damien's MB Staff Spin is a wall bounce.
Martian Manhunter: MB Overhead Teleport transforms MMH into Kabal from MK9 for twenty seconds and rehauls Kano's MK9 frame data to make him viable enough to be mid-tier.
Lobo: Activating MB Shotgun Blast grants enough frame advantage to safely load nuclear shells.
Lex Luthor: MB Mine renders the opponent unable to gain meter for ten seconds.
Killer Frost: MB Black Ice (A.K.A: Slide) travels faster, reaches full-screen and KF automatically does an U3 on hit.
Hawkgirl: MB Taste The Mace Throw increases the range on Hawkgirl's normals, and changes her name to "Hawkwoman".
Harley Quinn: MB Silly Slide adds two hits of armor and makes her cartwheel a safe overhead, while also making her low option launch for a full-combo. Increased damage scaling when performed on the Joker.
Green Lantern: MB Oa Rocket reduces the startup frames on Noob Saibot's Ghost Ball and the rocket explodes in eight fragments towards eight different directions; getting hit by a fragment causes the opponent's meter to slowly evaporate for five seconds -- a whole bar is lost by then.
Green Arrow: MB Hurricane Bow becomes functionally-identical to Aquaman's MB Trident Rush. Ollie spins the bow around as normal, shifting it from side-to-side and walking forward, yelling a HUAAAAAAAAAA or HWOOOOAAAAAAAH to match. Against Aquaman, MB Hurricane Bow builds three bars of meter, deals 62% on hit, and Ollie yells "AQUAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" And auto-teabags afterwards.
The Flash: A successful MB Speed Dodge refills his Trait.
Doomsday: MB Earth Shaker functions as the normal ES, though it is +5 on block and can be canceled into another Earth Shaker after the second hit.
Deathstroke: MB Trait lasts for six seconds and has seven seconds of cooldown: while active, Deathstroke has pre-patch levels of damage on his Gunshots and Low Gunshots; in cooldown, Deathstroke does 1% of damage per bullet, and has pre-patch frame data on his Gunshots and Low Gunshots.
Cyborg: MB Trait instantly recovers 25% health and adds armor to Techno Tackle on the first use, recovers 20% health and gives greater cancel advantage to Sonic Disruptor on the second use, recovers 15% health and gives Cyborg better normals on the third use, and 10% health for subsequent uses.
Catwoman: MB Feline Evade makes the opponent become infatuated with Selina, and therefore their damage output on her is reduced for the rest of the round. Ineffective against Batman and straight women.
Black Adam: MB Low Lightning does little damage, but gives Black Adam one pre-patch backdash and one aerial dash. Only three backdashes and four air dashes can be stacked at a time.
Batman: (MB Parry is activated like an MK9 EX Special) Actually leaves the opponent's leg broken, making walk and dash speeds slower unless they float. When performed on Aquaman, the arms are broken; in which case, AM can no longer use his trident and MMH will be unable to use MB specials the next time the player fights him as Batman. BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA-BA, BATMAN!
Batgirl: Upon a successful MB Bola, Batgirl will say "you're free" to her opponent.
Ares: Activating MB Godsmack will cause his trait to instantly recharge axes and swords for the duration of the round, while also adding unblockable properties to down sword and down axe. Freddy Krueger is made a regular part of the MK series and story upon activation.
Aquaman: MB Trident Rush reflects twice as much chip damage back on Aquaman. Performing an MB Trident Rush against the Aquaman mirror will result in the round ending in favor of the attacker.
It was fun making that.Bruh
Because it'd be amusing to see in the game and it would take too much time to write out the technical come half of these sound like they came out of an Injustice board game?
Loooool. I'm dying here. Loooool again...![]()
Give Frost a MB slide. Minus 10 on block but Unblockable.
make it so that MB has one hit armor and instead of Knockdown, leaves you standing point blank range, but does no damage and is more like a stun/capture move like spear, ice ball or MB vacuum. that would be broke AF tho lolMake MB phase dodge actually do something useful![]()
Maybe it could be the opponent cracking their arm back in place.ZOD parry gains MB function like frost