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If you could change one move's MB function, what would it be?



I was just thinking about this and if I had the chance, I would make Doomsday's MB Earth Shake be two Earth Shakes back to back.

So, if you didn't block it, the first Earth Should would function as normal until the second hit, which would pop the character up slightly so the second Earth Shake could hit them.

Would this be broken? Yeah, it probably would.

What about the rest of you? What would you change, if anything? Remember, it can only be one move.
Reactions: Jim


Man of Tomorrow
MB rising grab has Supes dive after throwing opponent to the ground and OTGs allowing for a combo.


Emperor of the Moon
Flash MB Speed Dodge = Different hit reaction so you can combo off hitting someone with it while in trait only.

Green Arrow MB Hurricane Bow = Takes away knock down of last hit and keeps them stunned in front of you. Get a free arrow load into mix up or can fire a loaded arrow. Also allow multiple reps of it in one combo so you could have corner combos like MB Bow~electric arrow, mb bow~ electric arrow, mb bow~load ice arrow point blank.

Grundy MB Walking Corpse = You can stand up in under six months after getting hit by it.

Aquaman MB Trident Rush = Aquaman's arms fall off.


Mouth of the Illuminati
Make the last hit of MB fearblast ALWAYS hit mid no matter what (so people can't dodge it if they are close). Then Sinestro wouldn't have to have trait to zone effectively.