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I Need Some Direction

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
First of all, I'm an online warrior. My current Ranked Record on XBL is 619 and 546. I feel like I'm an above average player. However, my record suffers greatly against almost every KL, Raiden, Scorpion, Kabal, Reptile, and Smoke out there. I can tell a scrub from the real deal too. Scrubs still have a 50/50 shot against me. I wouldn't have a problem with this as much if 75% of my matches weren't against the aforementioned characters. I main Kenshi and CSZ. Any advice on what I should do?
hit me up online

send me a message or add me on skype so we can talk

skype = bambamguitar


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
This guy came for help and I see a lot of "online sucks" talk, which doesn't help one bit. Online is good for somebody trying to get better. I played this game strictly online, on XBL, for the first 10 months the game was out, and held my own at Final Round as my very first offline event/experience. And what about Shujinkydink? Seriously, this argument was dead a long time ago. Obviously offline is better than online, but to say online is pointless.....c'mon man *Monday Night Football* I live in southeastern Kentucky and the closest competitive player to me lives 3.5 hours away. "Play offline" is a lot easier said than done.

Anyhow, the best advice i could give (seeing how I don't play either character you mentioned) would be to find players that use the characters you play. Look at the forums on here and see who is posting up about those characters. Ask them which strings are best used for pressure, ask which strings are safe on block, etc. Find some contacts that are playing those characters, look them up online, and discuss the character. Once you have an idea of the things your character does well, you will be well on your way to learning how to approach those particular match ups. Best of luck to you bro

- gr8one06, STB
After reading all of the replies referring to offline/online, you hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned. Offline vs. online is moot to me. It is what it is, so to speak. I love the game, but I do not have the means to play tourneys or locals. Getting out of tourney pools at my skill level would be more unlikely than winning the lotto. That's why I started my post as, I'm an online warrior. Not saying I am against ever playing in a tourney. Simply, being above average at the game is basically bottom of the barrel at a tourney. Any final 8 player, at let's say Final Round, would beat me 50 games straight no problem. Personally I don't think that means I suck. It is testament to how dedicated and talented the pros really are. However, I am annoyed by getting bodied by the aforementioned characters. I should have left KL's and Raidens out of the discussion. I feel like I have a grip on those guys. Mainly Scorpion, Reptile, and Kabal pack my shit in deep.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
hit me up online

send me a message or add me on skype so we can talk

skype = bambamguitar
I'll take you up on that Pig. Hit me up on XBL. stUckU I particularly loved watching your version of Kenshi at Final Round. It was extremely focused on his strengths. You made it look too easy man.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
Practice against the randomness of Expert AI. It helped me a lot. I got my kombos and spacing down, and learned how to fight random shit. They also destroy any attempt to jump.
I'm going to try this for a week and see how much it helps. Thanks for the tip.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
op, i think you are stepping too far when you have the mentality of thinking you are an above average player. simply put, look at your ratio. its dead average. secondly, with the idea that you think youre better than others (you admit to that) comes the pitfall of the ego; pride.

the first step is to know you suck. then you can play to learn and to better yourself, knowing you have nothing to defend. which is the truth, youre an online warrior, like me.
Above average means more to you than me.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
Online ecpecially, there is not much you can do against certain fighters. For instince,

KL: Blinding speed makes for a tuff fight and he can quite safely end every single string with low hat.

Raiden: Tele online is tuff is ecpecially hard to deal with. Just be ready to NJP and try to beat him to the punch after tele.

Scorpion: If your fighting a noob just bait tele/punish. Against high level Scorp's you have to play by his rules. #1 rule against Scorp is play safe.

Kabal: Just be glad your not playing offline.

Reptile: Try to get in and STAY in. If your using CSZ you can punish a blocked dash wish 11 ice ball. CSZ's wake up game is great aginst Reptile, just don't get cought fullscreen.

Smoke: He is a VERY hard fight for pretty much everyone. Again, get in and stay in for as long as possible. If your using CSZ make sure he is scared to throw Smoke balls because of Dive kick. You must learn this match-up well.

Hope this helps. Also my GT is RampaginDragon, you should send me a FR. Im suspended till the 21st but when I get unsuspended I'd love to have some games some time man.

... I just had to have the word dildo in my bio. Its a very offensive word supposibly.
Thanks for the breakdown. I'll send you a FR.


That's about right.
There is a lot of these online topics going around, including from me lol. I don't have a great record either. I have a little over 200 more wins than loses, but there are times I lose because of lag. Sometimes anti airs will whiff online due to lag causing you to eat a full combo. It's frustrating, but online can make you better to a degree.

As another member posted above, playing the AI on expert really can help you get better. My record was a lot closer together until I started doing that. Whenever the bot jumped I would b3 him with Johnny Cage into a full combo punish. Offline my friends don't jump anymore because of it, but online it CAN fail due to lag. You can practice aa's, punishes, combos, and your reaction against the AI. I suggest it...it can help. Good luck!

oh and you'll learn to jump a lot less lol.


Loses to uppercuts
op, i think you are stepping too far when you have the mentality of thinking you are an above average player. simply put, look at your ratio. its dead average. secondly, with the idea that you think youre better than others (you admit to that) comes the pitfall of the ego; pride.

the first step is to know you suck. then you can play to learn and to better yourself, knowing you have nothing to defend. which is the truth, youre an online warrior, like me.

Dead even IS above avg if you look at the majority of people in chat rooms, nearly everyone in player match and quite a few in Ranked as well. Add on top of that, that he made the choice to ask for help from the games community, he sounds above average to me.