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I Need Some Direction


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
First of all, I'm an online warrior. My current Ranked Record on XBL is 619 and 546. I feel like I'm an above average player. However, my record suffers greatly against almost every KL, Raiden, Scorpion, Kabal, Reptile, and Smoke out there. I can tell a scrub from the real deal too. Scrubs still have a 50/50 shot against me. I wouldn't have a problem with this as much if 75% of my matches weren't against the aforementioned characters. I main Kenshi and CSZ. Any advice on what I should do?


Who hired this guy, WTF?
Lead Moderator
First of all, I'm an online warrior. My current Ranked Record on XBL is 619 and 546. I feel like I'm an above average player. However, my record suffers greatly against almost every KL, Raiden, Scorpion, Kabal, Reptile, and Smoke out there. I can tell a scrub from the real deal too. Scrubs still have a 50/50 shot against me. I wouldn't have a problem with this as much if 75% of my matches weren't against the aforementioned characters. I main Kenshi and CSZ. Any advice on what I should do?
Don't fret yourself too much about it, its online play....A lot of those characters get away with lag advantages...


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
Quit Trolling. CSZ is not 6-5 or better against reptile, scorpion, or raiden. Especially online. LMFAO


Go to hell.
Zer0 knows what he is talking about. Listen to him.
Kenshi should have a fair enough chance against all of them. Zone, poke, space yourself out, and EX shoulder charge all.


Mid Tier Whore. 1 combo and a dream.
I agree with the Kenshi statement except for Kabal. I feel absolutely helpless Kenshi vs. Kabal.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

My thoughts...Kenshi has a chance because he can check Kabal anywhere on screen from all directions. Kabal can't take his time from a distance like he would with others because of how well Kenshi can control the screen, even in comparison to the Krispy One. It doesn't always work, but the amount of tools Kenshi has at his disposal to disrupt Kabal's rhythm will oft-times make them respect his options enough to make room to work. If they don't and rush inside, he's got 2 armored EN moves in the Tackle & Rising Karma, but he's gotta find a hole in his pressure to do so; and if he's meterless, he has a handful of GTFO tools regardless between B2, regular RK, F22B1, but again, success, IMO, is very much dependant on your ability to read said Kabal (which is never an easy task) and using your Bars as wisely as possible. Kabal's a whole 'nother bunch of coconuts.


op, i think you are stepping too far when you have the mentality of thinking you are an above average player. simply put, look at your ratio. its dead average. secondly, with the idea that you think youre better than others (you admit to that) comes the pitfall of the ego; pride.

the first step is to know you suck. then you can play to learn and to better yourself, knowing you have nothing to defend. which is the truth, youre an online warrior, like me.


Loses to uppercuts
First of all, I'm an online warrior. My current Ranked Record on XBL is 619 and 546. I feel like I'm an above average player. However, my record suffers greatly against almost every KL, Raiden, Scorpion, Kabal, Reptile, and Smoke out there. I can tell a scrub from the real deal too. Scrubs still have a 50/50 shot against me. I wouldn't have a problem with this as much if 75% of my matches weren't against the aforementioned characters. I main Kenshi and CSZ. Any advice on what I should do?
Online ecpecially, there is not much you can do against certain fighters. For instince,

KL: Blinding speed makes for a tuff fight and he can quite safely end every single string with low hat.

Raiden: Tele online is tuff is ecpecially hard to deal with. Just be ready to NJP and try to beat him to the punch after tele.

Scorpion: If your fighting a noob just bait tele/punish. Against high level Scorp's you have to play by his rules. #1 rule against Scorp is play safe.

Kabal: Just be glad your not playing offline.

Reptile: Try to get in and STAY in. If your using CSZ you can punish a blocked dash wish 11 ice ball. CSZ's wake up game is great aginst Reptile, just don't get cought fullscreen.

Smoke: He is a VERY hard fight for pretty much everyone. Again, get in and stay in for as long as possible. If your using CSZ make sure he is scared to throw Smoke balls because of Dive kick. You must learn this match-up well.

Hope this helps. Also my GT is RampaginDragon, you should send me a FR. Im suspended till the 21st but when I get unsuspended I'd love to have some games some time man.

... I just had to have the word dildo in my bio. Its a very offensive word supposibly.



I have an online score of 1000/900 I think, and when I go play casuals with players like Krazyie, Shords, I get STOMPED ON LIKE IF I'M MADE OUT OF KETCHUP AND MUSTARD.

Trust me, you suck at this game, and it's the first thing you need to realize. Online record will never matter, REO can go 1/4000 online and he's still #1 in the world offline.

If you're looking to get better and planning to go to offline casuals/tournaments, I'd suggest just to stop playing online altogether and just training, and test yourself with other players offline in your area.

Best of luck.


Loses to uppercuts
Yes, online is a thousand times worse than offline because it has an extra few milla seconds of lag. And if you go 1/4000 online, you can still be the best offline. Just a few milla seconds makes that kind of diffrence.



Dont play online. There is no way you cay MK competivly and just play online. Offline casuals or even ladder does the job. At mlg the online warriors will be exposed by the offline killers.


My advice is to deal with Scorpion and Raiden in a patient way, most scrubby players who use both of these characters will be teleporting like their lives depend on it, don't get frustrated just let them make the mistakes, don't be afraid to rush from time to time, but do it in a calculated way, same goes for Smoke.

My advice for Reptile is to keep him out at all costs online, his elbow dash is so hard if not impossible to punish online, that's Kenshi's specialty, though if you're fighting scrubby Reptiles often, getting his parry down and his bomb set ups is a must.

I don't know much about how to deal with Kung Lao with either of those two characters, they've got to have something.

Kabal's not a super scrub friendly character and if I recall the match is unfavorable for CSZ, not sure on Kenshi though.


My advice is to deal with Scorpion and Raiden in a patient way, most scrubby players who use both of these characters will be teleporting like their lives depend on it, don't get frustrated just let them make the mistakes, don't be afraid to rush from time to time, but do it in a calculated way, same goes for Smoke.

My advice for Reptile is to keep him out at all costs online, his elbow dash is so hard if not impossible to punish online, that's Kenshi's specialty, though if you're fighting scrubby Reptiles often, getting his parry down and his bomb set ups is a must.

I don't know much about how to deal with Kung Lao with either of those two characters, they've got to have something.

Kabal's not a super scrub friendly character and if I recall the match is unfavorable for CSZ, not sure on Kenshi though.
Kabal is kenshis worst IMO, and what bomb setup?

Tapatalk, helping me procrastinate.


Kabal is kenshis worst IMO, and what bomb setup?

Tapatalk, helping me procrastinate.
That makes sense, thanks. I've never played the match up and the bomb set up for CSZ, GuamoKun does it where he forces the opponent to staggar, spit out an ice bomb and contiunes pressure, you'd have to ask him about it, I've only seen it done on me before(oh the horror:p) , I don't use the character.
Worry less about your online standing and more about actually learning how to play the game (matchups, etc.). You won't get far if you worry about trivial numbers like win/loss record or rank placement.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Practice against the randomness of Expert AI. It helped me a lot. I got my kombos and spacing down, and learned how to fight random shit. They also destroy any attempt to jump.
So true, even knowing this, if you do an instand air jump kick they still blow you up.And also fight against Expert AI Reptile, he AA's with standing 4 LMAO.


Practice against the randomness of Expert AI. It helped me a lot. I got my kombos and spacing down, and learned how to fight random shit. They also destroy any attempt to jump.
Agreed, that's actually what I do prior to playing online, the Expert A.I. is like Miss Cleo, I wish I had its godlike
reactions. I actually just learned an anti-air combo off of it yesterday thanks to them lol .

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I can't be the only one who laughed when I read the TC's username (Stuck) after reading the topic title.


STB Black Belt
This guy came for help and I see a lot of "online sucks" talk, which doesn't help one bit. Online is good for somebody trying to get better. I played this game strictly online, on XBL, for the first 10 months the game was out, and held my own at Final Round as my very first offline event/experience. And what about Shujinkydink? Seriously, this argument was dead a long time ago. Obviously offline is better than online, but to say online is pointless.....c'mon man *Monday Night Football* I live in southeastern Kentucky and the closest competitive player to me lives 3.5 hours away. "Play offline" is a lot easier said than done.

Anyhow, the best advice i could give (seeing how I don't play either character you mentioned) would be to find players that use the characters you play. Look at the forums on here and see who is posting up about those characters. Ask them which strings are best used for pressure, ask which strings are safe on block, etc. Find some contacts that are playing those characters, look them up online, and discuss the character. Once you have an idea of the things your character does well, you will be well on your way to learning how to approach those particular match ups. Best of luck to you bro

- gr8one06, STB

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
This guy came for help and I see a lot of "online sucks" talk, which doesn't help one bit. Online is good for somebody trying to get better. I played this game strictly online, on XBL, for the first 10 months the game was out, and held my own at Final Round as my very first offline event/experience. And what about Shujinkydink? Seriously, this argument was dead a long time ago. Obviously offline is better than online, but to say online is pointless.....c'mon man *Monday Night Football* I live in southeastern Kentucky and the closest competitive player to me lives 3.5 hours away. "Play offline" is a lot easier said than done.

Anyhow, the best advice i could give (seeing how I don't play either character you mentioned) would be to find players that use the characters you play. Look at the forums on here and see who is posting up about those characters. Ask them which strings are best used for pressure, ask which strings are safe on block, etc. Find some contacts that are playing those characters, look them up online, and discuss the character. Once you have an idea of the things your character does well, you will be well on your way to learning how to approach those particular match ups. Best of luck to you bro

- gr8one06, STB
I was just reading the comments, and I was about to post the same thing concerning online, using you as an example. lol.

Online does SOMETHING. Otherwise, there wouldn't be players like Dink, Mr. Mileena, Detroit, gr8one, Kevo Da Man, Citizensnips, Lionheart, and FOREVER KING doing well in tourneys.

Online and offline are very different, and you need to adjust to online, but you guys shouldn't be telling him to stop playing it. =P