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I just cant help it - Im Buying a Vita - Need Advice

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
So are there differences between any versions of the vita?

I want one i can play online w 3g and wireless

Im buying it cheaper from amazon and need to know what to get

Look forward to playing online with vita players, Im always on the go here or there so Vita will aid me in my travels

Scoot Magee

But I didn't want to dash
im actually posting this fromanew vita lol. so far its graphical differences . it seems also that damage scales differently for a lot of the characters. some as low as 1%, some more from what others have posted. reptiles normal invis looks funny and controls are small but it could just be that im used to stick. i havent played morethan 20 minutes though so i could be missing a lot.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Thinking about getting 1 myself, nightshift in work is dull at times & Mk on the Vita could well be the cure for that.

BDMao88 Why is it pointless?
Because MK can only be played on WIFI not 3g

some games apparently can but ehh idk

BTW From what service do you get 3g? I use verizon for cell phone, Do i have to pay for 3g?

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Because MK can only be played on WIFI not 3g

some games apparently can but ehh idk

BTW From what service do you get 3g? I use verizon for cell phone, Do i have to pay for 3g?
Ahrite, didn't know that, I was gonna get the 3g 1 too, i'll stick with the wifi instead.


Kneel before me
Pig .....BUY IT!!!! mk vita online is better then the console version....u get 150 bonus challenge tower Plus a lot of new costumes...I'm hoping they give the console the costumes....I've owned the vita since it came out and it hasn't left my side since mk came out ......again GET IT!!! 3g its not worth it ...its costs 15 dollars a month to use and its garbage so just get the 250 model....when u play online there's a built in Mic so u can talk to whoever your playing :eek:
It's a must have :D
Representing TMP


Filthy Casual
Because MK can only be played on WIFI not 3g

some games apparently can but ehh idk

BTW From what service do you get 3g? I use verizon for cell phone, Do i have to pay for 3g?
It's AT&T and you can choose 250mb $15, or 3gb for $30.
I don't know how fast the data would be used since I'm not even familiar with media phones or what people would just call a phone today haha. I would assume for gaming it would be used up pretty quickly.

  1. 250MB for $14.99, 30-day recurring, which starts at the date and time of purchase, with the ability to opt out at any given month.
  2. 3GB for $30.00, 30-day recurring opt out, which starts at the date and time of purchase."

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Pig .....BUY IT!!!! mk vita online is better then the console version....u get 150 bonus challenge tower Plus a lot of new costumes...I'm hoping they give the console the costumes....I've owned the vita since it came out and it hasn't left my side since mk came out ......again GET IT!!! 3g its not worth it ...its costs 15 dollars a month to use and its garbage so just get the 250 model....when u play online there's a built in Mic so u can't talk shit to whoever your playing :eek:
It's a must have :D
Representing TMP
Wow great info about 3g

wifi here i come plus its cheaper

F*** AT&T
You can hook your vita up to your computer and the connection is fantastic. Obviously it nullifies the portable properties, but if you want an online experience like never before, then it's the way to go.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
I pray someone releases a way for me to use ps3 or ps2 w inpin controller hooked into the mini usb port



Let's go green!!!!
Because MK can only be played on WIFI not 3g

some games apparently can but ehh idk

BTW From what service do you get 3g? I use verizon for cell phone, Do i have to pay for 3g?
Just take the hit on your bank account and buy it new at best buy so you can put the $80 accidental damage insurance (for 2 years). It will be worth it in the long run. That way you can just walking in and get a new one if your pad is messed up or have a scratch. The 3G version right now is pointless for mk but it's a nice to have just in case. SFxTK will support 3g multiplayer so some other games might follow the same route if it is successful. Plus it comes with a free 8Gb memory card. The down side is that the 3g network is provided by AT&T. A lot of ppl complain about it being shitty (I'm on verizon so I don't know for sure). The other thing that makes 3g pointless Imo are the 3g prices --$15 for 250mb and $30 for 3GB (again why not 1.5GB for $ 15). It's month to month tho so you don't have to worry about being lock down on a contract.

I REFUSE to pay either price just to look at leaderboards, Near feature (picking up gifts players dropped in the area for certain games), see who is on PSN and/or message then, or use the awful browser and Google map. Skype just came out (voice chat only no text) but I'm not sure if it uses the 3g network. Other apps like Facebook, twitter, foursquare are on there and might support 3g but bottom line I can use my phone for all that. Another thing is if you can hack your phone and thether, then the whole pricing is no longer an issue. I tried to thether with my old Droid phone and the vita didn't pick up the signal but my ipod could :-(

Now the important reason why you should get a vita with mk IMO. You can train on the go :) (well given that you get used to the tiny control). If you work late and not too busy then you are good to go lol. I follow this forum on my phone using Tapatalk, so if I see something new I don't have to wait until I get home to try it. It may not be the case for you, but it also encouraged me to pick up new characters. I'm training with smoke while I commute from work back and forth (1h20mns both way). I never have time to do that at home.

From experience, the netcode is far superior given that you have good connection. I'm so used to playing on ps3 laggy connection that the vita version seem to be on hyper fighter all the time lol. Obviously there are some changing i.e. Jax corner reset scaled down and smoke's gone. I'm pretty sure NRS will fix the unintentional ones (sindel and jade).

Being an mk fan and all I think it's worth it and fun. The built in mic when turned on if a nice addition. I guess the downside is that there is no filter for the trash talk and salt lol. Speaking of filter, since there are no chat room, you have have to read some of the ignorant comments or spam lol.

Rabid Justice

Your Soul Is Mine
You could always try a 3g wifi hot spot device from Verizon. I know you can get on psn with it just don’t know if you can play mk.